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TCM0078460 - Claims - work lists (VFs - 1 to 12): Verification Failures work list - Rule 6 - Bank account / Sort code invalid (Info)

An entry will be made on the Verification Failures work list where a customer’s bank account details are provided in an invalid format. For example, where the account number is seven numbers long but should be eight numbers long to be a valid type of account number for the sort code provided.

This incorrect format can be due to either the account number or sort code being wrong.

An entry can also be made on the Verification Failures work list where a customer provides details of a foreign bank account. If you become aware of the fact that the customer has provided foreign bank account details, follow the guidance in TCM0080040.

You must try to resolve this verification failure by contacting the customer to obtain the correct bank details.

If you’re

  • able to obtain the correct information, enter the revised details on the computer.
  • unable to obtain the information, you must change the verification status.
  • given the same bank account details that have been confirmed by the customer’s bank or building society, refer the verification failure to the Bank Liaison Team for them to make enquiries to obtain the correct bank account details.

The Bank Liaison Team will tell you that the customer’s

  • bank account details are incorrect. They will provide you with amended details. You must enter these amended details on to the computer.
  • bank account details are correct. You must capture the details and then change the verification status.
  • bank account details are incorrect but they are unable to provide you with any amended details. You must change the verification status.
  • bank or building society will not confirm whether the customer’s bank account details are correct because of the Data Protection Act and General Data Protection Regulation. You must change the verification status.

Note: A claim may fail verification for more than one reason. You must consider all of the failures at the same time and, as far as possible, only contact the customer once. You must also take the appropriate action to resolve each verification failure as soon as sufficient information has been obtained to do so.

There is an Action Guide for this subject, select TCM0078480 to access it