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TCM0094060 - Contact - customers and employers: contact from customers (Info)

If the customer or personal acting body contacts you about Working Tax Credit (WTC) or Child Tax Credit (CTC) by phone, in writing or face-to-face, you must establish the issue they wish to discuss.

If it is a

  • general enquiry you should provide them with the information requested or direct them to the area of the office or other HMRC office that can deal with their enquiry
  • complaint, you should apologise and give them an explanation. You should try to resolve their complaint but, if not, refer them to the supervisor
  • specific enquiry or they want to provide information about a customer or claim, you must confirm the identity of the caller before accepting or giving any details. Follow the guidance in TCM0094120.
    Note: If you can not confirm the identity of the customer or personal acting body, you should explain to them that you can not disclose any information, but if they contact you with the correct details you will deal with their enquiry.

If the customer is severely sight impaired or a blind person seeking advice on completing a claim form, tell them to contact the Tax Credit Helpline on 0345 300 3900.

If the caller has an enquiry that relates to DWP or Department for Communities (DfC) in Northern Ireland, you should refer the caller to

  • the relevant Jobcentre Plus office
  • the Pension Service
  • the Child Support Agency.