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TCM0126280 - Eligibility - remunerative work (general): Work likely to continue (Info)

Consider whether the work that the person does, or will do, is likely to continue for at least four weeks (beginning with the week of claim).

The work can be considered as likely to continue unless, at the date of claim, a decision has been made to

  • end the work, with no offer of further employment


  • cut the hours below 16, 24 or 30 hours weekly (whichever is appropriate).

Note: It is the employment that the customer holds at the date of claim that must continue, rather than the type of work.

Temporary cut in working hours

The customer should state their normal working hours if, at the date of claim, there is a temporary cut in working hours that falls below 16, 24 or 30 hours weekly (whichever is appropriate) - for example, the hours are temporarily reduced for training purposes.

Example: Mrs Jones has recently changed her job. Her new employer has told her that she will normally work 18 hours weekly. However, she will be training for the first four weeks and will complete only 10 hours during this period. The remunerative work condition is satisfied as her normal working pattern is 18 hours weekly.