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TCM0132020 - Miscellaneous (A to B): Access to DWP Data (Info)

The Access to DWP Data (ADD) system has been brought in to replace the systems used by Tax Credit Office (TCO) to access Department for Works and Pensions (DWP) and Department for Communities (DfC) information.

The systems replaced are

  • Departmental Central Index (DCI)
  • Common Enquiry Service (CES)
  • Search by Address (SBA).

ADD will replace the tracing facility provided by DCI and SBA. ADD also contains the required level of benefit entitlement information to mean that CES will become redundant.

The aim of the ADD system is to trace customers’ records using

  • NINO only
  • other information.

ADD holds

  • personal details
  • relationship details
  • contact details
  • state benefit assessments and awards
  • payment details.

You may not have access to all the data held on ADD. If you follow the correct path for your role, you will find out exactly what information you can view.

Depending on your role, ADD allows you to

  • access a record using the NINO
  • trace a record or NINO using name and address
  • obtain personal details
  • obtain details of state benefit payments
  • obtain relationship details.

HMRC has defined six user roles for the ADD system. The role assigned to a person defines the screens and navigation options that are available to that person. The ADD user roles are as follows.

Basic Trace User

This is the basic user role. If you are assigned this role, you will be provided access to perform a basic person trace on ADD, this includes being able to trace on limited address details. You will be able to view the main account details for a traced individual. You will also be able to view the Award Details screen, but not the Award History screen or the detailed components of the awards.

You will be prevented from performing an address trace, checking any details for individuals marked as Nationally Sensitive and accessing the Management Checks screens.

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Benefit Entitlement Reviewer

If you are assigned this role, you will have the same access rights and search options as with the Basic Trace User role, but you will also be able to view the Award History and Award Details screens.

You will be prevented from performing an address trace, checking any details for individuals marked as Nationally Sensitive and accessing the Management Checks screens.

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Enhanced Trace User

This role expands on the Benefit Entitlement Reviewer user role. If you are assigned this role, you will be able to perform a person trace, an address trace or a corporate organisation trace. You can also view the Award History and Award Details screens.

You will be prevented from viewing any details for individuals marked as Nationally Sensitive and accessing the Management Checks screens.

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Specialist User

The Specialist User role is the only ADD user role that allows you to access details of Nationally Sensitive accounts. If you are assigned this role, you will have the same trace options as the Enhanced Trace User role. This role will be assigned to Special Section D (SSD) users only.

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Secure Print Officer

This role provides access to the ADD Management Checks reports only. If you are assigned this role, you will not have access to Management Checks raised against Nationally Sensitive accounts.

There is an Action Guide for this subject, select TCM0132060 to access it