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TCM0134260 - Miscellaneous: C to D: incorrect personal information held on computer (Info)

Discrepancies can appear in a number of places. The three most likely are

  • name of customer is clearly different to that expected
  • name or NINO of a partner is clearly different to that expected
  • a clear discrepancy between the name of the customer and account name on the banking details.

If there is a clear discrepancy between the personal details recorded on the computer and the information you are expecting to find, you

  • mustn’t inform the customer of any discrepancies (if they don’t already know)
  • mustn’t attempt to explain why the discrepancies have occurred
  • mustn’t attempt to correct personal details held on the computer.

A clear discrepancy doesn’t include obvious errors that can be corrected - for example,

  • differences in all names and post codes generated by apostrophes, hyphens and spaces - for example, O’Higgins or O Higgins
  • obvious differences where a single letter has been mistyped or two letters have been transposed - for example,
  • Armstrng = Armstrong
  • Smdth = Smith
  • Willasman = Williamson
  • Androw = Andrew
  • Nark = Mark.

In these cases, you must correct the information.

There are two Action Guides for this subject, select TCM0134280 and TCM0134300 to access them