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TCM0134620 - Miscellaneous: C to D: resolve DWP alerts (Introduction)

Part of the tax credits functionality is to send details of tax credits awards to the Customer Information System (CIS) run by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and Department for Communities (DfC).

Where there is a discrepancy between the personal details on tax credits and the details held on CIS, an alert will be produced. For these records, tax credits interest won’t be recorded on CIS and the discrepancy will require investigation by Tax Credit Office (TCO) staff.

There are three types of DWP alert that TCO staff will need to investigate and resolve. These are

  • type 3000 - non-match on NINO (NINO used is superseded or deleted)
  • type 3002 - non-match on current NINO (dormant NINO used)
  • type 3064 - registration of interest but date of death recorded.

A small number of TCO staff who have direct access to CIS will be able to manage the alerts.

The Alert Management screens within CIS have two sections

  • the first section displays the search criteria that you can be used to search for an alert or a list of alerts
  • the second section displays the results of the search.

Alerts are received daily. Earlier alerts can be viewed by entering an earlier date in the search criteria.

CIS can also be used to view DWP or DfC information and conduct person tracing in the same way that the Access to DWP Data (ADD) system is used.

There are two separate searches that can be undertaken to list the alerts. These are

  • Date Search View - this will allow you to view all alerts for a particular day
  • NINO Search View - this will allow you to view alerts for a particular customer account.

You will need to select the appropriate tab to conduct a search.

You will need to scroll down the page to view the search results.