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TCM0136240 - Miscellaneous (E to O): List A - adding cases

If, when you’re dealing with any work list entry, you notice that a customer hasn’t provided bank account details, you must

  • check that no joint bank account details exist that can be used to pay the customer’s entitlement to tax credits into.

A joint bank account is one where account details are provided for one customer and you’re certain that it’s a joint account for both customers based on the named account holders for that account number and sort code. For example

  • Names of account holders are Mr J Brown and Mrs L Brown
  • Account Number is 00000000
  • Sort code is 00-00-00
  • Customer 1 name is Mrs L Brown and customer 2 name is Mr J Brown.

You must enter the details of the customer on to List A and pay the customer’s entitlement to tax credits by giro if

  • there aren’t any details of a joint bank account available
  • a customer has expressly asked us not to pay into their joint bank account, even on a temporary basis.

Step 1

Select the link to List A Part 1 on your desktop (the link is called ‘NTC Bank Details’). A ‘box’ will display on the screen allowing you to record the customer’s details

  • If the claim has been made by two customers, go to Step 2.
  • If the claim has been made by only one customer, go to Step 3.

Step 2

Use Function VIEW APPLICATION to check if details of a joint bank account have been provided. To do this

  • select ‘Application’ from the toolbar menu
  • select ‘View’ from the options available. You will be taken to Function VIEW APPLICATION
  • in Function VIEW APPLICATION enter the customer’s NINO in the Key Entry Data screen
  • select ‘Navigation’ on the toolbar menu
  • select ‘Applicant Additional Information’ from the options available
    • If neither customer has provided bank account details, select the second customer box on List A and an identical ‘box’ will be displayed for the partner. Go to Step 3.
    • If one of the customer has provided bank account details, but it isn’t a joint account with the other customer, go to Step 3.
    • If one of the customers has provided bank account details and it’s a joint account with the other customer, return to the instructions you were working from and use the joint bank account details for both customers.

Step 3

In Function VIEW APPLICATION obtain the details that you need to enter into each field on the boxes on the link to List A Part 1. After entering the details, select [Submit] in the ‘box’. The database will search for duplicates.

  • If duplicate records aren’t found, the record will be saved, take no further action.
  • If duplicate records are found
    • the following message will display ‘Details you have entered’. There will be a summary of the information you have entered for customer 1 (and customer 2, if relevant)
    • and
    • the following message will display ‘Duplicate records already held’. You will have available to you all the records that the system has returned as being possible duplications of the record you have submitted. Go to Step 4.

Step 4

If this message appears

  • take a screen print
  • select [Cancel] in the ‘box’
  • complete form TC648 with an explanation of why the case needs to be added to List A
  • attach the screen print to form TC648
  • send the screen print and form TC648 to the Universal Banking Team (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) .

Note: A nominated officer dealing with List A duplicate records will take the necessary action on the referral.