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TCM0138320 - Miscellaneous (P to V): Tell Us Once - capturing and amending a claim


Note: From 27th January 2021, there are no new claims to tax credits

Before you follow this guidance make sure

  • you have the correct user roles to follow this guidance
  • you are in the correct MU. See TCM0322460 for the correct MU number
  • you have access to Access To DWP (ADD) System
  • you have read and understood the guidance in TCM0122080
  • you have read and understood the guidance in TCM0022100
  • you have read and understood the guidance in TCM0284140
  • you have read and understood the guidance in TCM0322175
  • you have read and understood the guidance in TCM0320420

Reasons not to follow this guidance

You do not need to follow this guidance if

  • the customer has adopted a child
  • the customer is working


The Tell Us Once Birth Service is a service offered to customers when registering the birth of a new child. The Registrar verifies the child’s details and the information is saved onto a database. This allows the customer to make a claim for tax credits without having to send us a birth certificate to verify the child.

Note: To support the expansion of Universal Credit (UC), The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and The Department for Communities (DfC) in Northern Ireland, are undertaking a phased rollout approach using postcodes. By 31 December 2018, this rollout will be complete and any new claims for Tax Credits will no longer be accepted after this date and HMRC will signpost the customer(s) towards DWP or DfC to claim Universal Credit instead.

The only exception to this is if the customer (or in the case of a joint claim, one of the customers) is recognised as being of Pension Credit Qualifying Age (PCQA) or they have more than 2 children. Business rules will allow these exceptions to be identified and Tax Credit claims can be accepted on this basis. Full Gateway Closure will take place on 31 January 2019 and, after this date, these exceptions will no longer be accepted.

Note: From 16th January 2019, an additional exception will be accepted where the customer is in receipt of the Severe Disability Premium (SDP) as part of their legacy benefit.

Severe Disability Premium (SDP) is an extra amount of money that is included in Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, income-related Employment and Support Allowance and housing benefit where a customer meets the entitlement conditions.

To be eligible for SDP, a customer must be in receipt of one of the following qualifying benefits:

  • PIP daily living component
  • Armed forces independence payment (AFIP)
  • DLA care component at the middle or highest rate
  • Attendance Allowance, or Constant Attendance Allowance paid with Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit

SDP is only payable where a customer lives alone or is treated as living alone. A customer cannot get the severe disability premium if someone is in receipt of Carer’s Allowance or the carer element of Universal Credit for looking after them.


Note: When sending customer, staff or process data to another individual or team, make sure you follow the latest data security guidelines or contact the Data Guardian or Data Security Team for advice.

Note: From 6 April 2017, customers will only get the Family Element of Child Tax Credit where they are responsible for a child or children born before that date.

Note: The individual child element of Child Tax Credit will no longer be awarded for third and subsequent children or qualifying young persons in a household, born on or after 6 April 2017, unless it meets the exception criteria.

Note: If you are dealing with a claim where the exception marker has been applied to any of the children/young persons included in the claim contact the Exception Team (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) . (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) For how to check if the exception marker has been applied, use TCM1000314.

Note: If you are dealing with a claim where the customer states they are claiming for a child/young person who is an exception contact the Exception Team (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) . (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

Step 1

Ask the customer if they have been given the phone number by either the Registrars Office or the local office as part of Tell Us Once (TUO).

If the customer is phoning in respect of TUO, go to Step 2.

If the customer is not phoning in respect of TUO

  • tell the caller they will need to phone the Tax Credit Helpline 0345 300 3900
  • take no further action.

Step 2

Ask the customer for the Tell Us Once reference number and the date they visited the Registrars Office or the local office and check if the customer’s details are on the TUO database.

If the customer’s details are on the TUO database, go to Step 3.

If the customer’s details are not on the TUO database

  • tell the caller they will need to phone the Tax Credit Helpline 0345 300 3900
  • take no further action.

Step 3

Follow the guidance in TCM0094140 to confirm the callers identity.

If the caller has passed security, go to Step 4.

If the caller has failed security

  • tell the caller they will need to phone the Tax Credit Helpline on 0345 300 3900
  • take no further action.

Step 4

Check why the customer is phoning.

Note: If you are dealing with a claim where an exception marker has been applied to any of the children/young persons included in the claim or the customer is reporting a change relating to an exception contact the Exception Team (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) . (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) For how to check if the exception marker has been applied, use TCM1000314.

If the customer is phoning to add a new child to an existing claim, go to Step 40.

If the customer is phoning to make a new claim for tax credits, go to Step 5.

Step 5

Explain to the caller that it will take approximately 15 minutes to capture the claim over the phone.

If the caller wants to continue, go to Step 6.

If the caller does not want to continue

  • tell the caller they will need to phone the Tax Credit Helpline 0345 300 3900
  • take no further action.

Step 6

Check whether the household contains an individual who is of Pension Credit Qualifying Age (PCQA). For how to do this, use TCM1000655.

If the household contains an individual who is of PCQA, go to Step 9.

If the household does not contain an individual who is of PCQA, go to Step 7.

Step 7

Check whether the customer is claiming for more than two children. For how to do this, use TCM1000655.

If the customer is claiming for more than two children, go to Step 9.

If the customer is not claiming for more than two children, go to Step 8.

Step 8

The customer is no longer entitled to claim tax credits.

You will need to tell the customer:

  • Universal Credit is a new benefit that is replacing a range of existing benefits including tax credits
  • as they are of working age and living in a Universal Credit area, the law states they are not eligible to tax credits but can claim Universal Credit. To do this they will need to claim online at
  • we cannot send them a tax credits claim pack
  • take no further action

Note: Customers cannot claim tax credits and Universal Credit at the same time

Step 9

Use function ‘Capture Application’ choosing the ‘Capture New’ option. You will be taken to the log screen

  • enter today’s date in the ‘date application received’ box
  • select ‘phone’ in the application source drop down menu
  • select the year which corresponds to the date in the ‘date application received’ field in the tax credit year drop down menu
  • ask the customer for their
    • name
    • date of birth
    • national insurance number
    • sex

Note: you will already have established if the customer has a partner who normally lives with them when checking eligibility.

If the customer has a partner

  • ask for the partner’s personal details
  • enter into the appropriate fields
  • select ‘Continue’
  • go to Step 10.

If the customer does not have a partner

  • select ‘Continue’
  • go to Step 10.

Step 10

Check to see if the ‘Accept Personal Details’ box appears.

If the ‘Accept Personal Details’ box does appear, go to Step 13.

If the ‘Accept Personal Details‘ box does not appear, go to Step 11.

Step 11

Check to see if the ‘details found’ box appears.

If the ‘details found’ box does appear, go to Step 12.

If the ‘details found’ box does not appear, go to Step 15.

Step 12

Check to see if the address in the ‘details found’ box matches what the customer has confirmed as their address from the security questions.

If the address matches

  • place a tick in the accept address field
  • go to Step 15.

If the address does not match

  • manually input the address provided by the customer
  • go to Step 15.

Step 13

Confirm with the customer the information showing in the ‘Accept Personal Details’ box.

If you are happy with the information provided

  • place a tick in the appropriate fields
  • go to Step 15.

If you are not happy with the information provided, go to Step 14.

Step 14

Discuss with your line manager the claim you are dealing with.

If your line manager is happy for you to accept the details

  • place a tick in the appropriate fields
  • go to Step 15.

If your line manager is not happy for you to accept the details, go to Step 15.

Note: Make a note on a TC648 that a CA8288 may need completing later.

Step 15

Ask the customer if they or their partner, if applicable have been subject to immigration control in the last three months.

If the customer or their partner, if applicable have been subject to immigration control in the last three months

  • select ‘No’ in the ‘UK national’ checkbox
  • go to Step 16.

If the customer or their partner, if applicable have not been subject to immigration control in the last three months

  • select ‘Yes’ in the ‘UK national’ checkbox
  • go to Step 16.

Step 16

Ask the customer if they or their partner, if applicable normally live in the UK.

If the customer or their partner, if applicable normally live in the UK

  • select the ‘UK’ checkbox
  • go to Step 17.

If the customer or their partner, if applicable do not normally live in the UK

  • select the ‘Other’ checkbox
  • enter the country the customer normally lives in
  • go to Step 17.

Step 17

Ask the customer if they or their partner, if applicable are disabled or have a disability that puts them at a disadvantage of getting a job.

If the customer or their partner, if applicable do not have a disability or are not disabled

  • leave the disabled and DLA (HCC) /PIP (ER) checkbox blank
  • go to Step 18.

If the customer or their partner, if applicable do have a disability or are disabled

  • select the disabled and/or DLA (HCC) /PIP (ER) checkbox
  • go to Step 18.

If the customer or their partner, if applicable are not sure if they are disabled or have a disability that puts them at a disadvantage of getting a job

  • tell the customer we cannot give them the disability part of tax credits at the moment. Advise them that they need to check if they are due it by going to our website and phone us back if they are entitled to it
  • go to Step 18.

Step 18

Ask the customer for details of the new child they or their partner, if applicable are responsible for

  • select ‘ADD’ and enter the child details
  • go to Step 19.

Step 19

Ask the customer if they or their partner, if applicable receive Disability Living Allowance (DLA) / Personal Independence Payments (PIP) for the child or if the child is certified as severely sight impaired or blind by a consultant Ophthalmologist or has ceased to be certified as severely sight impaired or blind by a consultant Ophthalmologist in the last 28 weeks.

Note: From 08/04/13 Personal Independence Payment (PIP) will be introduced as a replacement for DLA for customers of working age (16-64 years of age). PIP will be made of 2 elements consisting of daily living and mobility and 2 levels of rates which are standard or enhanced. Customers under 16 and over 65 years old will remain on DLA.

Note: For tax credits purposes, the Highest Rate Care Component of DLA is the same as the Enhanced daily living component of PIP, and will allow the customer to qualify for the Severe Disability element. There is also an Enhanced mobility component of PIP, but this does not allow the customer to qualify for the extra element, so long as the other qualifying conditions are met.

Note: For tax credits purposes, the current low and middle rates of DLA (whether care or mobility) will be either standard daily living or standard mobility component of PIP, and will allow the customer to qualify for the Disability element so long as the other qualifying g conditions are met.

If they do not receive DLA / PIP for the child, or the child is not certified as severely sight impaired or blind by a consultant Ophthalmologist or has ceased to be certified as severely sight impaired or blind by a consultant Ophthalmologist in the last 28 weeks

  • leave the ‘disabled’ and ‘DLA (HCC) /PIP (ER)’ checkbox blank
  • go to Step 21.

If they receive DLA / PIP for the child, or the child is certified as severely sight impaired or blind by a consultant Ophthalmologist

  • select the ‘disabled’ checkbox
  • go to Step 20.

Step 20

Ask the customer if they or their partner, if applicable receive the higher care component of DLA for the child.

If they do not receive higher care DLA or the enhanced daily living component of PIP for the child

  • leave the ‘DLA (HCC) / PIP (ER)’ checkbox blank
  • go to Step 21.

If they receive higher care DLA for the child

  • select the ‘DLA (HCC) / PIP (ER)’ checkbox
  • go to Step 21.

Step 21

Ask the customer if they or their partner, if applicable are in receipt of any of the following benefits

  • income support
  • income based jobseekers allowance
  • pension credit
  • income related employment and support allowance

If the customer or their partner, if applicable are receiving any of the above benefits

  • select the relevant ‘in receipt of’ field
  • go to Step 22.

If the customer or their partner, if applicable are not receiving any of the above benefits

  • leave the ‘in receipt of’ field blank
  • go to Step 22.

Step 22

Ask the customer for their or their partner’s, if applicable actual previous year (PY) income for 06 April to 05 April.

Note: This includes income from self-employment, pay as you earn and taxable social security benefits.

If the customer or their partner, if applicable know their actual income

  • enter the income into the appropriate fields
  • select the ‘Actual’ checkbox
  • go to Step 24.

If the customer or their partner, if applicable do not know their actual income, go to Step 23.

If the customer or their partner, if applicable did not receive any income in PY

  • tell the customer they will need to ring the Tax Credit Helpline, if they have any income for the current year (CY)
  • enter 0.00 into the appropriate fields
  • go to Step 24.

Step 23

Ask the customer if they know their and their partner’s, if applicable estimated income for the previous year 06 April to 05 April.

Note: This includes income from self-employment, pay as you earn and taxable social security benefits.

If the customer or their partner, if applicable know their estimated income

  • enter the income into the appropriate fields
  • select the ‘Estimated’ checkbox
  • go to Step 24.

If the customer or their partner, if applicable do not know their estimated income

  • tell the customer they will need to ring us back with their actual income
  • leave the income fields blank
  • go to Step 24.

Step 24

Ask the customer if they or their partner, if applicable receive any other household income.

If the customer or their partner, if applicable receive any other household income

  • enter the income into the ‘Other income’ field
  • select ‘Continue’
  • go to Step 25.

If the customer or their partner, if applicable do not receive any other household income, go to Step 25.

Step 25

Ask the customer how often they want us to pay the Child Tax Credit

  • select the relevant ‘Frequency’ box
  • go to Step 26.

Step 26

Ask the customer for their or their partner’s, if applicable bank, building society or post office card account details.

If the customer does have a bank, building society or post office card account

  • enter the account holders name
  • enter the account number
  • enter the sort code
  • go to Step 28.

If the customer does not have a bank, building society or post office card account

  • leave the boxes blank
  • go to Step 27.

Step 27

Explain to the customer that payments need to be paid into a bank, building society or post office card account. If they do not have an account, they can still make their claim, but they will need to open an account and give us the details as soon as possible. If the customer requires advice about bank accounts the Tax Credit helpline can refer them to a team who will be able to give them advice on the different options of accounts available to them

Step 28

Check if there are any errors on the repair summary screen.

If there are errors on the repair summary screen, go to Step 29.

If there are no errors on the repair summary screen, go to Step 30.

Step 29

Check the error and attempt to correct by asking the customer for the information needed

  • select ‘sm’ from the toolbar when you have corrected the error
    Note: Repeat if there is more than one error.
  • go to Step 30.

Step 30

Check if the customer or their partner, if applicable require their award notice in a different format.

  • Braille
  • Welsh
  • large print

If the customer does not require the award notice in a different format, go to Step 31.

If the customer does require the award notice in a different format

  • select the relevant format from the special needs drop down menu
  • go to Step 31.

Step 31

Have you identified the claim as an International case?

If you have not identified the claim as an International case, go to Step 33.

If you have identified the claim as an International case, go to Step 32.

Step 32

Explain to the customer

  • we have taken the claim based on the information they have provided. If we require any further information to process the claim we will contact them again. When they get their award notice, they should check it carefully and phone the Tax Credit Helpline straight away if anything is wrong, missing or incomplete. If the award notice is correct, they must sign it and return it to us otherwise their payments may stop
  • if at anytime during their award their circumstances change, they must phone the Tax Credit Helpline straight away to notify us of the change
  • at the end of the tax year, we will ask them to renew their claim; we will send them a renewal pack which will tell them how to renew their tax credits. If they do not renew their claim, their payments will stop and they will have to repay any money made to them after the end of the tax year
  • thank the customer and end the call
  • go to Step 35.

Step 33

Check if the customer needs to phone back with any missing information.

If the customer needs to phone back with any missing information, go to Step 38.

If the customer does not need to phone back with any missing information, go to Step 34.

Step 34

Explain to the customer

  • we have taken the claim based on the information they have provided. When they get their award notice, they should check it carefully and phone the Tax Credit Helpline straight away if anything is wrong, missing or incomplete. If the award notice is correct, they must sign it and return it to us otherwise their payments may stop
  • if at anytime during their award their circumstances change, they must phone the Tax Credit Helpline straight away to notify us of the change
  • at the end of the tax year, we will ask them to renew their claim; we will send them a renewal pack which will tell them how to renew their tax credits. If they do not renew their claim, their payments will stop and they will have to repay any money made to them after the end of the tax year
  • thank the customer and end the call
  • go to Step 37.

Step 35

Update Application Notes with the message QT03 from TCM0170020. For how to do this, use TCM1000028

  • select ‘Store’
  • go to Step 36.

Step 36

  • refer to the ‘International Claims IN’ MU. For how to do this, use TCM1000023. Use TCM0322460 for the correct MU number
  • take no further action.

Step 37

Update Application Notes with the message QT01 from TCM0170020. For how to do this, use TCM1000028

  • select ‘Process’
  • take no further action.

Step 38

Explain to the customer

  • what information we require in order to process their claim, they must contact us within 30 days with the information
  • we have taken the claim based on the information they have provided. If we require any further information to process the claim we will contact them again. When they get their award notice, they should check it carefully and phone the Tax Credit Helpline straight away if anything is wrong, missing or incomplete. If the award notice is correct, they must sign it and return it to us otherwise their payments may stop
  • if at anytime during their award their circumstances change, they must phone the Tax Credit Helpline straight away to notify us of the change
  • at the end of the tax year, we will ask them to renew their claim; we will send them a renewal pack which will tell them how to renew their tax credits. If they do not renew their claim, their payments will stop and they will have to repay any money made to them after the end of the tax year
  • thank the customer and end the call
  • go to Step 39.

Step 39

Update Application Notes with the message QT02 from TCM0170020. For how to do this, use TCM1000028

  • select ‘Store’
  • take no further action.

Step 40

Explain to caller that it will take approximately 10 minutes to capture the change over the phone.

If the caller wants to continue, go to Step 41.

If the caller does not want to continue

  • tell the caller they will need to phone the Tax Credit Helpline 0345 300 3900 to report the change
  • take no further action.

Step 41

Check the status of the claim. For how to do this, use TCM1000025.

If the claim is pre-award, go to Step 42.

If the claim is post award, go to Step 45.

Step 42

Check if the child was born after the date the claim was received. For how to do this, use TCM1000246.

If the child was born after the date the claim was received, go to Step 43.

If the child was born before the date the claim was received, go to Step 44.

Step 43

Add the child to the pre award claim. For how to do this, use TCM1000062.

Note: If the child is disabled, confirm the disability before adding them. Follow the guidance in TCM0042200.

Step 44

Adding a child to a claim should only be done post award

  • keep checking the status of the claim until it becomes post award. For how to do this, use TCM1000025
    then, when the claim becomes post award
  • go back to Step 41.

Step 45

Add the child to the post award claim. For how to do this, use TCM1000239.

Note: if the child is disabled, confirm the disability before adding them. Follow the guidance in TCM0042200.

Note: Do not complete the ‘Amend Finish’ screen until you are told to do so at Step 46.

Step 46

Complete the ‘Amend Finish’ screen. For how to do this, use TCM1000032.

Note: The changes will not be made until you have completed the ‘Amend Finish’ screen.

If a warning message displayed and you had to pass the case to a Level 2 user or your manager, take no further action.

If a warning message displayed and you were able to make the change, go to Step 47 if you do not have to wait 48 hours for the tax credits computer to update the change.

If a warning message did not display, go to Step 47 if you do not have to wait 48 hours for the tax credits computer to update the change.

Step 47

If the child was added and they have been verified by the information provided by the Registrars Office or the local authority

  • clear any Rule 2 verification failures created for the relevant child. For how to do this, use TCM1000299
  • send any correspondence to storage. Follow the guidance in TCM0074140
  • update Application or Household Notes with the message NT01 or NT02 from TCM0164040. For how to do this, use TCM1000001 or TCM1000028
  • take no further action.