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TCM0140020 - Miscellaneous (W to Z): Work lists handling (Introduction)

When you use Function MAINTAIN WORKLIST, the following general information will be displayed regardless of which work list you’ve selected

  • number of entries on the list
  • number of filtered cases.

The following information will always be displayed for each work item on all work lists

  • creation date
  • reference
  • name
  • action date.

In addition, two items of further information are displayed that are specific to the work list you’ve selected.

You can check further details about a specific work item by selecting [Details] in Function MAINTAIN WORKLIST.

Work lists have various features to help you control the list and work the entries on it. These include

  • amending an action date
  • filtering and sorting the entries on the list
  • providing a quick access to the most likely functions you may want to use to work the work item
  • deleting an entry
  • transferring an entry from one Management Unit to another
  • retaining ownership of a particular work item and prevent it being transferred
  • taking a screen print of a list.

There are also functions to help you to monitor and manage your work more efficiently. These include

  • viewing a summary of all the work lists on which a particular customer or employer appears
  • viewing a summary of all outstanding work items on all work lists for a particular Management Unit.

All users and managers can benefit from work lists. To get the best out of the tax credits computer, you need to know which lists to use, when to use them, and how to use them most effectively.

All users need to be familiar with the way work lists work and what they can do. Some work lists should become a routine tool in your day-to-day work. Other work lists will alert you to unusual events and entries on these work lists will be rare.

Guidance on how to work the entries on a particular work list can be found in the following business areas of this manual.

Work list name Business area
Applicant Failed Payment Payments
Award Notice Overflow Notices
Compliance Failures Compliance. There isn’t any specific ‘Compliance Failures’ work list instruction to follow. The guidance in the Compliance business area refers to the ‘Compliance Failures’ work list.
Employer Account Modified Employer Funding
Employer Funding Unissued Output Employer Funding
Failed Logged Returned Award Notices Notices
Household RLS Notices
Incomplete Applications Applications
Manual Correspondence Notices
Potential Match Applications
Suspended Funding Payments Employer Funding
Suspended Payments Payments
Unmatched Change Of Circumstances Changes
Unprocessed Change Of Circumstances Changes
Verification Failures Applications