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TCM0152120 - Notes - recording and viewing: Household Notes - deletion (AG)

To delete Household Notes, consider steps 1 to 6.

Note: Notes in the following categories must only be deleted by staff who work in those areas

  • Appeals, Complaints, Complex Case, Compliance, Debt Recovery and Payments.

Step 1

Use Function MAINTAIN HOUSEHOLD NOTES to determine which notes are no longer relevant

  • go to the Maintain Household Notes screen for the claim you require
    • If you need to make space to add another tax year-based note, go to Step 2.
    • If you need to make space to add another retained note, go to Step 3.

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Step 2

To create space within the tax year-based notes, select the oldest note that’s no longer relevant for the required tax year. For further information on when notes can be deleted, use TCM0152100

  • select the note you want to delete
  • select [Details]. You will be taken to the View Note Details screen
  • select ‘Alt’ and ‘Print Screen/SysRq’ together on your keyboard to copy the screen
  • open a blank Word document
  • right click the mouse, select ‘Paste’, then select ‘Print’
  • minimise the Word document
  • in the View Note Details screen, select [Cancel]. You’ll be taken back to the Maintain Household Notes screen
  • select [Delete]. The message ‘Are you sure you wish to delete this entry?’ will display
  • select [Yes] in the message box
  • repeat all of the above for the ten oldest notes that are no longer relevant
    Note: If you’re unable to delete ten notes because they’re still relevant, you should delete as many as you can.
  • select [Add Note]. You will be taken to the Add Note screen
  • select ‘General’ from the Category drop down menu
  • select [OK]. You’ll be taken to the Maintain Household Notes screen
  • select [OK]
  • go to Step 6.

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Step 3

To create space within the retained notes, you can either remove the retained marker (so the note becomes tax year-based) or delete the note.
Note: For further information on when notes can be deleted, use TCM0152100.

  • If you want to remove the retained marker, go to Step 4.
  • If you want to delete a retained note, go to Step 5.

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Step 4

If you want to remove the retained marker

  • select the oldest note that no longer needs to be retained
  • select [Amend]. You’ll be taken to the Amend Note screen
  • select the Retained Note checkbox to remove the tick
  • select [OK]. You will be taken back to the Maintain Household Notes screen
    Note: Removing the retained marker will place the note within the appropriate tax year. This is determined by the event date.
    Note: You must only remove the retained marker from a note that you, or someone from your work area, has entered. Don’t remove the signal from a note entered by another work area without first checking with the originator.
    Note: Ask your manager if you’re unsure if the retained marker should be removed or if the entire note should be deleted.
  • select [OK]
  • take no further action.

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Step 5

If you want to delete a retained note

  • select the note you want to delete
  • select [Details]. You will be taken to the View Note Details screen
  • select ‘Alt’ and ‘Print Screen/SysRq’ together on your keyboard to copy the screen
  • open a blank Word document
  • right click the mouse, select ‘Paste’
  • minimise the Word document
  • in the View Note Details screen, select [Cancel]. You’ll be taken back to the Maintain Household Notes screen
  • select [Delete]. The message ‘Are you sure you wish to delete this entry?’ will display
  • select [Yes] in the message box
  • repeat all of the above for the ten oldest notes that are no longer relevant
    Note: If you’re unable to delete ten notes because they’re still relevant, you should delete as many as you can.
    Note: You must only remove the retained marker from a note that you, or someone from your work area has entered. Don’t remove the signal from a note entered by another work area without first checking with the originator.
    Note: Ask your manager if you’re unsure if the retained marker should be removed or if the entire note should be deleted.
  • once you’ve copied and pasted all of the notes you are deleting into the word documents, select ‘Print’
  • select [Add Note]. You will be taken to the Add Note screen
  • select ‘General’ from the Category drop down menu
  • select [OK]. You’ll be taken to the Maintain Household Notes screen
  • select [OK]
  • go to Step 6.

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Step 6

Send the printouts to remote storage. Follow the guidance in TCM0074140.