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TCM0154060 - Notes - Standardised Messages (background): Standardised Messages - index

Reference Letter Title
TCM0156020 A Appeals
TCM0156040 B Backdating
TCM0156060 C Complaints
TCM0156080 D DWP benefits / Checkbrick
TCM0158020 E Enquiry Centres and Contact Centres
TCM0158040 F Incorrectly-ended cases and No Trace cases
TCM0158060 G Mismatches
TCM0160020 H Verification failures
TCM0160040 I International / Isle of Man and Channel Islands
TCM0162020 J Third party enquiries / Foreign documents
TCM0162040 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0162060 L Incompletes
TCM0162080 M Miscellaneous general correspondence
TCM0164020 N Change of circumstances (Physical)
TCM0164040 N Change of circumstances (other)
TCM0166020 O Overpayments (OA to OM)
TCM0166040 O Overpayments (ON to OZ)
TCM0168020 P Payments (PA to PM)
TCM0168040 P Payments (PN to PZ)
TCM0170020 Q Manual capture
TCM0170040 R Resolution
TCM0172020 S Renewals (SA to SD)
TCM0172040 S Renewals (SE to SI)
TCM0172060 S Renewals (SJ to SS)
TCM0172080 S Renewals (ST to SZ)
TCM0174020 T Stopping Tax Credits
TCM0174040 U Compliance
TCM0174060 V Valuables
TCM0174080 W Debt Management
TCM0176020 X Miscellaneous
TCM0176040 Y Employer Liaison Team / Payment via Employer
TCM0176060 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)