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TCM0156040 - Notes: Standardised Messages (A to D): Standardised Messages - B - Backdating

Standardised reference

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. For more information see TCM0152090

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’


The Backdating Team receives letters and referrals from customers and other areas of Tax Credit Office (TCO) requesting the backdating of claims (codes start with BZ).

Message Explanation
BZ01 - (Letter or Referral) rec’d from (insert details) for backdating consideration. DD/MM/YY A request has been received for a claim to be backdated.
BZ02 - Backdating request rec’d. BFd until (DD/MM/YY). Letter issued re (reason for backdating) A letter has been sent to the customer because we need more information before we can deal with their request to backdate their claim.
BZ03 - TC609 reminder letter issued. BF’d for 2 weeks The customer has been contacted for further information and hasn’t replied. A reminder letter has been sent to the customer.
BZ04 - Reply to reminder not rec’d. Case PA The customer has been contacted requesting further information but has failed to reply. The case has been closed.
This Note no longer used from 13 April 2011 - BZ05 - Backdating referral recd on section. Sent for calculation check A backdating request has been sent for a calculation check of the backdated award amount.
This Note no longer used from 13 April 2011 - BZ06 - Manual Giro for backdating. R92TC (serial no.) to (insert details) for CTC £(XXXX) And WTC £(XXXX) to cover period (DD/MM/YY to DD/MM/YY) A manual cashcheque has been issued for the backdated award amount covered by the period referred to. Note: Cash cheques may have been used as a payment method prior to April 2017, however since April 2017 customers will need to be paid directly into a bank or building society account. Customers will be required to supply us with account details to enable payments to be made.
BZ07 - Duplicated backdated claim rec’d. Claim already backdated. NFA. PA A request for backdating has been received but the claim has previously been backdated. No further action.
This Note no longer used from 13 April 2011 - BZ08 - Claim already backdated by system for 93 days. NFA Self-explanatory. No further action.
BZ09 - POST/WAM received DD/MM/YY. Redirected to (insert details/reason). Post or Wam received redirected to another area.
BZ10 - Manual Payment Referral for Backdating sent to Man Pyts Team for (insert details) for CTC £(XXXX) And WTC £(XXXX) to cover period (DD/MM/YY to DD/MM/YY) inclusive. TC835/TC835A issued A manual payment referral has been issued to the Manual Payment Team for the backdated award amount covered by the period referred to. Letter issued.
BZ11 - Claim already backdated by system for the maximum 93 days. TC845 issued to App. NFA Self-explanatory. No further action.
BZ12 - Claim already backdated for the maximum 93 days. Unable to backdate further - Customer does not satisfy the criteria for backdating more than three months. TC845 issued. NFA Self-explanatory. No further action.
BZ13 - Claim already backdated for the maximum 93 days. No trace of earlier claim. For consideration of further backdating customer needs to provide proof*/evidence* (*delete as appropriate) of earlier claim submitted. TC845A issued. NFA Self-explanatory. No further action.
BZ14 - Backdating - Effective date changed from DD/MM/YY to DD/MM/YY (insert reason) Self-explanatory.
BZ15 - Backdating - Effective date changed in error, forward date from DD/MM/YY to DD/MM/YY (insert reason) Self-explanatory.
BZ16 - Backdating request received - Unable to backdate prior to DD/MM/YY as Dependant Addition for child*/children* (*delete as appropriate) paid with Income Support. Customer will need to contact DWP. TC845C issued. Self-explanatory.
BZ17 - Backdating referral received. OE not established. Backdating not now available as PY EOY Finalised & no record of backdating request prior to 1SD. TC845D issued. NFA Self-explanatory. No further action.
BZ18 - Backdating referral received - OE established. Claim PY EOY Finalised (YY/YY) but earliest backdating request was received prior to EOY finalisation date and was not actioned Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 13 June 2011 - BZ19 - Backdating - Customer has provided satisfactory evidence that they claimed NTC at an earlier date Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 13 June 2011 - BZ20 - Backdating - Customer has not provided satisfactory evidence that they claimed NTC at an earlier date. No grounds to backdate. Letter sent to customer. Self-explanatory.
BZ21 - Customer requested that their claim be backdated to an earlier date. Claim has been checked on system and user is satisfied that this has backdated correctly and award notice would have been issued to the customer previously, take no further action. Self-explanatory.
BZ22 - No backdating arrears paid as amount due is below the de minimus amount. Letter TC835DM sent to customer. Self-explanatory.
BZ23 - Backdating - Customer has provided satisfactory evidence that they claimed NTC at an earlier date. Effective date changed from DD/MM/YY to DD/MM/YY. Self-explanatory.
BZ24 - Claim already backdated by system to DD/MM/YY (insert reason). NFA Self-explanatory.
BZ25 - Backdating - Customer has not provided satisfactory evidence that they claimed NTC at an earlier date. No grounds to backdate. TC845A issued. NFA Self-explanatory.
BZ26 - TC664 issued to customer for further information (insert information required) Self-explanatory.
BZ27 - Customer did not reply to letter asking for further information. Unable to backdate. NFA. The customer has been contacted requesting further information but has failed to reply. The case has been closed.
BZ28 - Customer did not provide enough information to backdate their claim. Unable to backdate. NFA The customer has been contacted requesting further information but hasn’t provided enough. The case has been closed.
BZ29 - Letter rec’d from (insert details) for retrospective backdating consideration. DD/MM/YY A request has been received for a claim to be backdated retrospectively.
BZ30 - DO NOT SUSPEND OR RECALL PAYMENTS. Manual Payment Referral for retrospective backdating sent to Man Pyts Team for (insert details) for WTC £(XXXX) to cover period (DD/MM/YY to DD/MM/YY) inclusive. Period not shown on NTC. TC835/TC835A issued A manual payment referral has been issued to the Manual Payment Team for the retrospective backdated award amount covered by the period referred to. This award period can not be shown on NTC. Letter issued.
BZ31 - Claim already backdated to (DD/MM/YY). Unable to backdate further - Customer does not satisfy the criteria for backdating more than three months. TC1206 issued. NFA Self-explanatory. No further action.
BZ32 - Customer does not meet retrospective backdating criteria, no grounds to backdate. TC1206 issued. NFA Self-explanatory. No further action.
BZ33 - Claim already backdated by system for the maximum 31 days. TC845 issued to App. NFA Self-explanatory. No further action.
BZ34 - Claim already backdated for the maximum 31 days. Unable to backdate further - Customer does not satisfy the criteria for backdating more than one month. TC845 issued. NFA Self-explanatory. No further action.
BZ35 - Claim already backdated for the maximum 31 days. No trace of earlier claim. For consideration of further backdating customer needs to provide proof*/evidence* (*delete as appropriate) of earlier claim submitted. TC845A issued. NFA Self-explanatory. No further action.
BZ36 - Claim already backdated to (DD/MM/YY). Unable to backdate further - Customer does not satisfy the criteria for backdating more than one month. TC1206 issued. NFA Self-explanatory. No further action.
BZ37 - Clm will be bkdted 31 days*/to job start date*/to child’s DOB*/resp date* when awarded. NFA. (*Delete as appropriate) The pre award claim has been looked at by the backdating team and the system will automatically backdate it the maximum 31 days or to the job start date or the only child’s DOB or start date of responsibility when awarded. No further action.
BZ38 - Pre awd clm will be bkdted 31 days. Cust eligible to further bkdate. BF till awarded. The pre award claim has been looked at by the backdating team and will be backdated the maximum 31 days. The customer has requested further backdating and is eligible. Case BF until claim awarded and further backdating can be applied.
BZ39 - Pre awd clm will be bkdted 31 days. Criteria not satisfied for further bkdte. TC845 issd NFA. The pre award claim has been looked at by the backdating team and will be backdated the maximum 31 days. The customer does not satisfy the criteria for backdating more than 31 days. TC845 issued. No further action.
BZ40 - Customer requested that their claim be backdated to DD/MM/YY due to one customer being in prison*/an in-patient in hospital*/incapacitated*/entitled to Carer’s Allowance*. Applied change Self explanatory.
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
BZ42 - Backdating request received - Unable to backdate prior to DD/MM/YY as UC in payment for AP1*/AP2*/both apps* (*delete as appropriate). Customer will need to contact DWP. TC845 issued. Backdating request received - Unable to backdate prior to DD/MM/YY as UC in payment for AP1/AP2/both apps. Customer will need to contact DWP. TC845 issued.
BZ43 - Backdating request received - Unable to backdate prior to DD/MM/YY as TFC in payment for AP1*/AP2*/both apps* (*delete as appropriate). TC845 issued. Backdating request received – Unable to backdate prior to DD/MM/YY as childcare services confirmed TFC in payment.