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TCM0158020 - Notes - Standardised Messages (E to G): Standardised Messages - E - Enquiry Centres and Contact Centres

The following are the notes that Contact Centres use

Entitlement (codes start with EA)
Banking (codes start with EB)
Children and childcare (codes start with EC)
Referrals (codes start with ED)
Employment change of circumstances (codes start with EE)
Verification failures (codes start with EF)
Household (codes start with EH)
M1 referrals (codes start with EM)
Payments (codes start with EP)
Backdating (codes start with ET)
Incompletes (codes start with EW)
ASOP (codes start with EX)

Standardised reference

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. For more information see TCM0152090

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’


Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. 

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’



This Note no longer used from 23 December 2008 - EA01 - ^^^^^2003-2004 Recalculation is required

A change of circumstances has been entered on the tax credits computer that will impact on the 2003-2004 entitlement. It’s essential that this Household Note is exactly what’s entered, as the computer recognises the first characters in the message and prevents recovery.

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Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. 

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’



EB01 - Customer phoned (DD/MM/YY) Change of bank details - NTC updated.

New bank details have been entered on the tax credits computer.

EB02 - Customer phoned (DD/MM/YY) bank details change. Customer warned unlikely to take further changeover the phone.

New bank details have been entered on the tax credits computer. First change of details but unlikely to take any more over the phone.

EB03 - Customer phoned (DD/MM/YY) to change bank account, change not taken due to previous changes. Customer asked to write in.

New bank details not taken as multiple previous changes - customer asked to write in.

EB04 - Customer phoned (DD/MM/YY) to change bank account, warning given and customer decided not to make the change.

Customer warned about previous multiple changes to bank details - customer decided not to make changes.

EB05 - Customer phoned (DD/MM/YY]Change of bank details, foreign bank account referral sent

New bank details are not held in the UK.

EB06 - Customer phoned (DD/MM/YY) bank details change on foreign acct (pre award), call ended as cust not happy to continue

New bank details are not held in the UK, the customer is not happy to continue.

EB07 - Customer phoned (DD/MM/YY) change of bank details reported, cust unable to confirm current bank details, told to check with their bank and call us back

The customer did not give correct information, they are advised to go to their bank and confirm details.

EB08 - Customer phoned (DD/MM/YY) change of bank details, pre award, details updated and workaround applied for bank address

New bank details updated using the workaround to clear the error message.

EB09 - Customer phoned (DD/MM/YY) Cust does not want to make the change

Customer advised the changes may cause issues with payment, they decide not to make the changes.

This Note no longer used from March 2021 - EB10 - Customer phoned (DD/MM/YY) cust does not have a bank account and does not want to open a POca. Told to phone back if they want to open a POca or provide details of a new bank account

The customer cannot receive system payments past 4 weeks without a POca or a bank account.Customer does not wish to open a POca or a bank account.

EB11 - Customer phoned (DD/MM/YY) cust told we will continue to pay them by cashcheque for a limited time, usually 4 weeks

We cannot pay tax credits into their bank account, we will pay cashcheques until we can.

EB12 - Customer phoned (DD/MM/YY) bank account details recorded incorrectly. NTC updated with new details. No CBO referral sent

Bank account details were recorded incorrectly, new details updated, no CBO referral issued.

EB13 - Customer phoned (DD/MM/YY) cust unable to provide previous bank details, we will continue to pay them by cashcheque until they phone back with correct details

Customer unable to provide previous bank details, we will continue to pay them by cashcheque until they can phone back with correct details.

EB14 - Customer phoned (DD/MM/YY) cust does not have a bank account and does not want to open a POca. Told to phone back when they can provide details of a bank account or POca The customer cannot receive system payments past 4 weeks without a bank account or POca. Customer does wish to open a bank or POca
EB15 - Customer phoned (DD/MM/YY) cust does not have a bank account and does not want to open a POca. Told to phone back when they can provide details of a bank account or POca. Payments suspended and referral made to the Informed Choice team The customer does not want to open a bank account or POCA. Payments suspended and referred to Informed Choice team.
EB16 - Customer phoned (DD/MM/YY) cust told we will continue to pay them off system for a limited time, usually 4 weeks The customer called to change their method of payment unable to provide bank details.
EB17 - Customer phoned (DD/MM/YY) cust unable to provide previous bank details, we will continue to pay them off system until they phone back with correct details The customer called to change their bank details unable to provide previous bank details, we will continue to pay off system until they phone back

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Children and childcare

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. 

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’



EC01 - CCC now claimed from DfES

The customer is no longer claiming childcare costs from TCO, they’ll be claiming their costs from the Department for Children, Schools and Families.

EC02 - DOB corrected from (DD/MM/YY) to (DD/MM/YY) for (insert child’s name)

The date of birth of the child has been corrected.

EC03 - Child signal (corrected/deleted) for (childcare/ connexions, local authority support services or similar/ disabled/ DLA(HCC)/ PIP(ER))

Child signal history has been amended. The claim is awaiting award.

EC04 - Duplicated child entry for (insert name of child) deleted

Duplicate child details for the child have been deleted from the tax credits computer.

EC05 - Duplicate child entry for (insert name of child), DOB changed to (DD/MM/YY)

Duplicate child details for the child have been deleted, the date of birth on the remaining entry has been corrected.

EC06 - Duplicate child over 21, (name of child) added with the correct DOB, details sent to mailbox

A duplicate child aged over 21 was recorded on the claim, this has been corrected and a referral sent.

EC07 - (Name of Young Person) returned to FTE on (DD/MM/YY) notified on (DD/MM/YY)

The young person has returned to full-time non-advanced education (FTNAE) on the date shown. The date this was notified is also shown.

EC08 - Restriction removed for FTE, notified (DD/MM/YY)

FTNAE include from date has been amended and the change of circumstances effective date corrected.

EC09 - Child / Qualifying Young Person (name and date of birth) FTE end date 31/08/CY confirmed as correct

Child / Qualifying Young Persons FTE intentions confirmed with the customer.

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Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. 

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’



This Note is no longer used from 01 May 2011 - ED01 - A8 referral sent plus details of the change reported

A8 national referrals are sent when a customer from an A8 country reports a change of circumstance regarding their employment or children.

ED02 - Additional payments WAM sent to TCO (DD/MM/YY) (insert date sent)

The customer’s payments have been reduced or ceased due to an overpayment.

ED03 - Appeals progress referral sent

The customer is progress-chasing an appeal submitted to TCO.

ED04 - Withdraw appeals referral sent

The customer wants to withdraw the appeal submitted to TCO.

ED05 - Appeals information referral sent

The customer has provided further information regarding an appeal submitted to TCO.

ED06 - APNTEE WAM sent to TCO (DD/MM/YY) (insert date sent)

Referral sent to TCO regarding an appointee on a customer’s claim (that is, if appointee should be removed).

ED07 - Missing Bacs payment referral sent to TCO

The customer has reported that they haven’t received a payment they were expecting.

ED08 - Backdating referral sent

The customer has requested backdating to a specific date. The adviser can’t action this request.

ED09 - Compliance WAM sent

The customer or third party has raised a Compliance issue. This has been referred to the relevant department for action.

ED10 - DWP Incorrect Details referral sent

The claim from a DWP member of staff holds incorrect personal details because their NINO has been hijacked by a third party.

ED11 - Potential hijacked ID referral sent

The adviser suspects that the claim has been hijacked and a third party is making changes to a claim and receiving payments incorrectly.

ED12 - Complex case COC WAM sent

If Complex Case is recorded on CMA or Household Notes, changes haven’t be updated on the tax credits computer, but have been referred to TCO.

ED13 - Custodial sentence WAM sent

The customer is serving a custodial sentence and there are no children or young people in the household.

ED14 - S17 disregarded due to family break up DD/MMYY

The Annual Declaration has been disregarded due to a family break-up on the date shown.

ED15 - Recovery reason WAM sent

The customer has requested a written explanation of why they’ve been overpaid.

ED16 - Large payment referral sent to TCO

The customer hasn’t received a large payment (over £2,000).

ED17 - NINO allocation WAM sent

The customer is waiting for a DWP interview so that they can obtain a NINO.

ED18 - Out of Payment referral sent to TCO

The customer hasn’t received a payment due to a technical error. Referred to TCO to arrange a manual cashcheque payment.

This Note no longer used from March 2021 - ED19 - POCA referral sent

The customer has requested an invitation to open a Post Office card account.

ED20 - Potential match referral sent

The tax credits computer has a potential match for a customer on the new claim. However, it can’t be confirmed due to a small error - for example, a spelling mistake.

ED21 - Priority 1 Death of a customer stencil sent

The death of a tax credits customer has been reported which the adviser can’t action.

ED22 - Priority 1 Stencil sent (in case of Death of a child)

The death of a child included in a tax credits claim has been reported which the adviser can’t action.

ED23 - Good Cause established WAM sent to TCO

A request has been sent to TCO to restore an award that has been terminated due to error or non-completion of the Annual Declaration.

ED24 - STU information WAM sent

The customer has received a request from the Specialist Trace Unit for further information.

ED25 - Suspended payments referral sent

A payment suspension is present on the claim. This has been referred to TCO for further investigation.

ED26 - Priority 1. Stencil sent in Missing Child case

Priority 1. Stencil sent in Missing Child case

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Employment change of circumstances

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. 

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’



EE01 - Unable to deal with CoC. Unable to contact (insert customer’s name). Notified (DD/MM/YY) change occurred (DD/MM/YY)

Change of circumstances reported, employment details have been changed, unable to contact the customer. The notified and effective dates are shown.

EE02 - Contacted (insert customer’s name) but have not obtained all the required info. Notified (DD/MM/YY) change occurred (DD/MM/YY)

Employment details have changed, the customer has been contacted, but unable to obtain all the required information. The notified and effective dates are shown.

EE03 - Increased the max award. Change can only be backdated for a maximum of 3 months. Additional hours history was created up to (DD/MM/YY( (enter date 3 months prior to today’s date). Notified (DD/MM/YY) change occurred (DD/MM/YY)

The employment details or hours worked have changed. The notified and effective dates are shown.

EE04 - Increased working hours from (insert old number of hours) to (insert new number of hours). (Insert customer’s name) informed us within 3 months, left include from date as automatically displayed. No action required in history. Notified (DD/MM/YY) change occurred (DD/MM/YY)

The employment details or hours worked have changed. The notified and effective dates are shown.

EE05 - Increased working hours from (insert old number of hours) to (insert new number of hours). (Insert customer’s name) informed us of the change within 3 months and as the change has not yet been applied. Changed include from date and backdated for more than 3 months. Notified (DD/MM/YY) change occurred (DD/MM/YY)

The employment details or hours worked have changed. The notified and effective dates are shown.

EE06 - Increased working hours from (insert old number of hours) to (insert new number of hours). (Insert customer’s name) failed to inform us of the change within 3 months, not increased max award. Changed include from date and backdated for more than 3 months. Notified (DD/MM/YY), change occurred (DD/MM/YY)

The employment details or hours worked have changed. The notified and effective dates are shown.

EE07 - (Insert customer’s name) ended main job (enter employed/self employed) now included other job on computer as main job (state employed/self employed). Informed us within 3 months, left include from date as displayed, no actions required in history. Notified (DD/MM/YY), change occurred (DD/MM/YY)

The employment details or hours worked have changed. The notified and effective dates are shown.

EE08 - (Insert customer’s name) ended main job (enter employed/self employed) now included other job on computer as main job (state employed/self employed). Failed to inform us within 3 months, increase the max award. Change can only be backdated for a max 3 months prior to today’s date. Notified (DD/MM/YY), change occurred (DD/MM/YY)

The employment details or hours worked have changed. The notified and effective dates are shown.

EE09 - (Insert customer’s name) ended main job (enter employed/self employed) now included other job on computer as main job (state employed/self employed). Informed us within 3 months but change not yet applied. Include from date changed and claim backdated for more than 3 months. Notified (DD/MM/YY), change occurred (DD/MM/YY)

The employment details or hours worked have changed. The notified and effective dates are shown.

EE10 - (Insert customer’s name) ended main job (enter employed/self employed) now included other job on computer as main job (state employed/self employed). Failed to inform us within 3 months, not increased the max award. Include from date changed and claim backdated for a more than 3 months. Notified (DD/MM/YY), change occurred (DD/MM/YY)

The employment details or hours worked have changed. The notified and effective dates are shown.

EE11 - Ended (state employed or self employed) has one or more other job(s) already recorded on the system (state employed or self employed) and started new job (state employed or self employed) within 7 days. Notified (DD/MM/YY) change occurred (DD/MM/YY)

The employment details or hours worked have changed. The notified and effective dates are shown.

EE12 - (Insert customer’s name) informed us within 3 months, hours qualified them for WTC, left include from date, filled gap from the day after the ‘old’ main job ended to the date before new main job started with the ‘old’ main job and other job(s) hours

The employment details or hours worked have changed.

EE13 - (Insert customer’s name) informed us within 3 months, hours did not qualify them for WTC, left include from date, filled gap from the day after the ‘old’ main job ended to the day before new main job started with the other job(s) hours

The employment details or hours worked have changed.

EE14 - Change now more than 3 months, hours qualified them for WTC, not increased the max award. Include from date changed to job start date, filled gab from the day after the ‘old’ job to the day before new job started with the new hours and filled gap from the day after the ‘old’ main job ended to the day before new main job started with the ‘old’ main job and other job(s) hours

The employment details or hours worked have changed.

EE15 - Change now more than 3 months, hours did not qualify them for WTC, not increased the max award. Include from date changed to job start date’, filled gap from the day after the ‘old’ main job ended to the day before new main job started with the other job(s) hours

The employment details or hours worked have changed.

EE16 - (Insert customer’s name) failed to notify us within 3 months, hours qualified them for WTC, increased the max award, left include from date, filled gap from ‘old’ main job, including other job hours to 3 month limit

The employment details or hours worked have changed.

EE17 - (Insert customer’s name) failed to notify us within 3 months, hours did not qualify them for WTC, increased the max award, filled gap from the day after the ‘old’ main job ended to the day before new main job started with the other job(s) hours

The employment details or hours worked have changed.

EE18 - Ended (state employed or self-employed) has one or more other job(s) already recorded on the system (state employed or self-employed) and started new job (state employed or self-employed) outside 7 days. Notified (DD/MM/YY) change occurred (DD/MM/YY)

The employment details or hours worked have changed. The notified and effective dates are shown.

EE19 - (Insert customer’s name) notified us within 3 months, left include from date, filled gap from the day after the ‘old’ job to the day before new job started with the other job(s) hours

The employment details or hours worked have changed.

EE20 - (Insert customer’s name) notified us within 3 months, change now more than 3 months. Include from date changed to job start date, filled gap from day after the ‘old’ job to the day before new job started with the other job(s) hours

The employment details or hours worked have changed.

EE21 - More than 3 months before today’s processing date because the customer failed to notify us that they left their main job (has other jobs) and has started another main job outside 7 days. Because of the complexity, case NINO provided to R and D for further analysis

The employment details or hours worked have changed.

EE22 - Ended (state employed or self-employed) and started new job (state employed or self-employed) outside 7 day’s. (Insert customer’s name) failed to notify us within 3 months, increased the max award. Change can only be backdated for a maximum of 3 months prior to today’s date, left include from date as automatically displayed, no action in history. Notified (DD/MM/YY) change occurred (DD/MM/YY)

The employment details or hours worked have changed. The notified and effective dates are shown.

EE23 - Ended (state employed or self-employed) and started new job (state employed or self-employed) outside 7 day’s. (Insert customer’s name) informed us within 3 months, left include from date as displayed, no action required in history. Notified (DD/MM/YY), change occurred (DD/MM/YY)

The employment details or hours worked have changed. The notified and effective dates are shown.

EE24 - Ended (state employed or self-employ) and started new job (state employed or self-employed) outside 7 day’s. (Insert customer’s name) informed us of the change within 3 months and the change has not yet been applied, include from date changed and claim backdated for more than 3 months. Notified (DD/MM/YY) change occurred (DD/MM/YY)

The employment details or hours worked have changed. The notified and effective dates are shown.

EE25 - Ended (state employed or self-employed) and started new job (state employed or self-employed) outside 7 day’s. (Insert customer’s name) failed to notify us within 3 months, not increased the max award. Changed include from date and backdated for more than 3 months. Notified (DD/MM/YY) change occurred (DD/MM/YY)

The employment details or hours worked have changed. The notified and effective dates are shown.

EE26 - Hours worked signal corrected/deleted (delete as appropriate) for (insert claimant’s name)

The History signal has been changed for the customer’s employment.

EE27 - Restriction removed for Hrs Worked for customer (1/2) notified (DD/MM/YY)

A correction has been made to the effective date in signals.

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Verification failures

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. 

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’



EF01 - VF - customer not matched WAM sent

A verification failure is present on the claim relating to a customer’s personal details. The advisor cannot action and a referral has been sent to TCO.

EF02 - VF - customer in current NTC award WAM

A verification failure is present on the claim relating to a customer in a current active tax credits claim. A referral has been sent to TCO.

EF03 - VF -residency criteria not met WAM sent

A verification failure is present on the claim relating to a customer’s residency, but the information does not match the relevant criteria (UK national, work and live in UK). A referral has been sent to TCO.

EF04 - VF - employer name/reference not matched WAM sent

A verification failure is present on the claim because the employer’s name or PAYE reference number cannot be traced. A referral has been sent to TCO.

EF05 - VF - customer in current award as a child WAM sent

A verification failure is present on the claim because the customer in the current award is shown as a child. A referral has been sent to TCO.

EF06 - VF - child In current NTC award WAM

A verification failure is present on the claim because the child is in a current tax credits award. A referral has been sent to TCO.

EF07 - VF-deceased record for living child referral sent

A verification failure is present on the claim because our records show the child is deceased. A referral has been sent to TCO.

EF08 - VF - deceased record for living customer WAM sent

A verification failure is present on the claim because our records show the customer is deceased. A referral has been sent to TCO.

EF09 - VF - invalid bank details WAM sent

A verification failure is present on the claim because the bank details are invalid. A referral has been sent to TCO.

EF10 - WAM sent to CBO regarding customers new bank details on (DD/MM/YY)

A priority one referral has been sent when the customer has reported a change in their bank details.

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

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Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’



EH01 - DD/MM/YY single claim manually captured over the phone after family break up

A new single claim has been captured over the phone after the joint household claim has broken down.

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M1 referrals

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’



EM01 - M1 - OTHER REFERRAL form sent to TCO

A referral has been sent to TCO because there is no trace of the claim or the claim has been terminated in error.

EM02 - M1 - MISMATCH REFERRAL form sent to TCO

A referral has been sent to TCO because the personal details on the claim are incorrect.

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Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’



EP01 - COC changed (CTC / WTC / CTC + WTC) payment freq from (1wk / 4wk) to (1wk / 4wk). Cust warned we are unlikely to do so again

Payment frequency has been changed from weekly to 4 weekly or 4 weekly to weekly, the customer has been advised that this may not be changed again.

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Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’



ET01 - Backdating - request for further information stencil completed and sent to TCO

A backdating request for further information stencil has been completed and sent to TCO.

ET02 - Backdating - customer called requesting update on backdating request

Customer has called to request an update on their backdating request.

ET03 - Backdating - duplicate backdating referral sent

Backdating referral previously sent, BF date expired but customer has not had an update. Duplicate referral sent.

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Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’



EW01 - Clm proc wo CCC as dtls nt prov by cust. Cust advd to phone bck with dtls.

Customer has not provided childcare details. The claim has been processed without and the customer has been advised to phone back with the details.

EW02 - Clm proc wo bnk dtls. Cust has been advd to phone bck with dtls.

Customer has not provided any bank account details. The claim has been processed without and the customer has been advised to phone back with the details.

EW03 - Clm proc using £99,999 as cust has nt prov any erng dtls. Cust advd to phone bck with correct dtls.

Customer has not provided any earnings details. The claim has been processed using £99,999 and the customer has been advised to phone back with their correct earnings figure.

EW04 - Clm proc using income of £99,999 as cust has nt prov any income. Cust advd to phone bck with correct dtls.

Customer has not provided details of any income. The claim has been processed using £99,999 and the customer has been advised to phone back with the correct income figure.


Message Explanation
EX01 - Unfinalised Award 20XX-20XX. Award finalised by ASOP Automation Project 2017 Award finalised by ASOP Automation Project 2017
EX02 - Annual Declaration for 20XX-20XX has been man issued, reply required by (XX/XX/20XX). 1SD (XX/XX/20XX) & 2SD (XX/XX/20XX). (Insert your team name)   
EX03 - Unfinalised Award 20XX – 20XX. Award finalised using information held using Care and Management powers under the Commissioners for Revenue and Customs Act 2005 (CRCA). Finalised by ASOP Automation Project 2018 Finalised by ASOP Automation Project 2018


Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
EZ01 - HHBD DD-MM-YYYY. Customer advised to call back to make a new claim. Customer advised to call back to make a new claim.
EZ02 - CY est total HH inc £ (amount from calc). CY est total HH inc £ (amount from calc).