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TCM0158060 - Notes - Standardised Messages (E to G): Standardised Messages - G - Mismatches

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S17 mismatch notices (codes start with GS)

Standardised reference

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. For more information see TCM0152090

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’

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S17 mismatch notices

Taking previously mismatched claims manually through the renewal and finalisation processes to ensure customers receive correct award notices.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
GS01 - TC (XXX) for customers are on Mismatch bad case. Sent to storage A computer-generated Award Notice has been sent to storage because it contains mismatched information.
GS02 - TC (XXX) issued direct to (insert details). Clean full year award. MCM removed A computer-generated Award Notice is correct, has been checked by the S17 Mismatch Team and then sent to the customer.
This Note no longer used from 27 February 2009 - GS03 - TC (XXX) sent for clerical alteration for customer The Award Notice has been re-calculated and sent for re-typing. Awaiting its return.
GS04 - TC (XXX) manually issued to (insert details) MCM removed The manual Award Notice has been issued to the customer.
GS05 - TC (XXX) sent to ‘Area’. See household notes (DD/MM/YY) The Award Notice has been sent to another work area. Check the Household Notes from the date given.
GS06 - TC (XXX) sent to archives. DoD on system. See household notes (DD/MM/YY) The Award Notice has been sent to archives, as there is a date of death for the customer on the computer. Check the Household Notes from the date given.
GS07 - TC (XXX) issued direct to (insert details). Clean full year award A computer-generated Current Year Award Notice is correct, has been checked by the S17 Mismatch Team, and then sent to the customer.
This Note no longer used from 27 February 2009 - GS08 - TC603R sent for clerical alteration for customer The Annual Review form has been amended or re-calculated and sent for re-typing. Awaiting its return.
GS09 - TC603R / D or D2 manually issued to (insert details) WP3104 The amended Annual Review form has been returned to the S17 Mismatch Team after being re-typed. It has now been sent to the customer.
GS10 - (Recorded/Registered) letter (number) redirected to (insert details) (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
GS11 - Manual payment required (enter award period and payment details). TC (XXX) issued to customer. Do not post Mismatch underpayment template passed to the Manual Payments team for issue. (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
GS12 - TC602e issued for (enter Tax Year details) recalculated award. Manual payment request sent for underpayment to be issued. Payment to (enter customer(s) details, type of payment(s) and amount(s) due). Payment not system posted Underpayment identified from a Mismatch case renewal. A manual payment request has been issued to pay customer the underpayment. Details of payments are notified on TC602e (award notice) for that period which has been issued to the customers. These payments aren’t recorded on the system.
GS13 - A manual TC606 form issued to (insert details) Annual declaration not received. A reminder form (TC606) issued to the customers for the outstanding annual declaration.
GS14 - A manual TC607 form issued to (insert details) annual declaration details not received The TC607 Statement of Account is sent to customer whose entitlement to tax credits has ceased. It tells the customer of the decision to stop paying their award and summarises the total payments or overpayment for the tax credit year. The decision to stop paying means that the award is terminated.
GS15 - 20XX/20XX Award terminated due to failure to provide an Annual Declaration The award has been finalised after termination as the customer has failed to give an Annual Declaration. This will stop any further payments being made on this claim. The decision to stop paying means that the award is terminated.
GS16 - TC603URR/UD manually issued to (insert details) Grp/Tm/Initials The amended Award Review form has been returned to the IYS17 Mismatch Team after being re-typed. It has been sent to the customer.
GS17 - A manual TC606 form issued to (insert details) Grp/Tm/Initials Award declaration not received. A reminder form (TC606) issued to the customers for the outstanding award declaration.