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TCM0162080 - Notes - Standardised Messages (J to M): Standardised Messages - M - Miscellaneous general correspondence

    Miscellaneous general correspondence (codes start with MG)
    Passported benefits - Healthy Start (codes start with MH)
    Manual correspondence (codes start with MM)
    Miscellaneous payment correspondence (codes start with MP)
    Subject Access Requests (codes start with MT)
    Document Verification Teams (codes start with MV)
    National Minimum Wage (codes start with MW)

    Standardised reference

    Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. For more information see TCM0152090

    • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
    • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’

    Miscellaneous general correspondence

    Receives all correspondence that isn’t addressed to a specific area or team and actions or forwards on as required.


    • ‘Acctnt’ stands for ‘accountant’
    • ‘CoC’ stands for ‘change of circumstances’
    • ‘Disbld’ stands for ‘Disabled Element’
    • ‘Disp’ stands for ‘disputed’ or ‘dispute’
    • ‘DoH’ stands for ‘Department of Health’
    • ‘Med Card’ stands for ‘medical card’
    • ‘Misc Gen Corre’ stands for ‘miscellaneous general correspondence’
    • ‘MT’ stands for ‘milk tokens’
    • ‘NHS Cert’ stands for ‘NHS certificate’
    • ‘PPA’ stands for ‘Prescription Pricing Authority’
    • ‘S Disbld Elmnt’ stands for ‘Severe Disabled Element’

    Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. 

    • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
    • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’



    MG01 - Letter rec (DD/MM/YY) from (insert details) or (insert organisation) re (XXXXXXXX). (Action taken) Letter actioned/forwarded to XXXXX or reply sent / tel call made (DD/MM/YY and time)


    MG02 - (Recorded/Registered) letter (number) redirected to (insert details) (DD/MM/YY)


    MG03 - Letter (dated DD/MM/YY) received from (third party) one off consent for this letter only. (TC1240) dated (DD/MM/YY) received, referred to CIT for action. No authority to act. IAA/


    MG04 - Letter (dated DD/MM/YY) received from (third party) no consent. TC1240 issued. BF until (15 working days). IAA/


    MG05 - TC1240 dated (DD/MM/YY) not received. No further action taken. Letter sent to storage. IAA/


    MG06 - TC1240 received for letter dated (DD/MM/YY), received after BF period specified. Letter already sent to storage, no further action. IAA/


    MG07 - TC1240 received incomplete (specify), letter sent to storage, no further action. IAA/


    MG08 - FTNAE/Approved training for young person. System generated 12 month extension date applied

    System generated FTNAE exclusion date applied.

    MG09award notice dated 02/01/2024 not issued due to print error. Copy notice re-issued dd/mm/yy award notice dated 02/01/2024 not issued due to print error. Copy notice re-issued dd/mm/yy

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    Passported benefits - Healthy Start

    A family or person is entitled to apply for ‘Healthy Start’ vouchers where they satisfy certain criteria. HMRC provides the ‘Healthy Start Issuing Unit’ (HSIU) with details of all tax credits families who may be eligible for ‘Healthy Start’ vouchers. Customers who are entitled to apply must complete application form ‘HS01’.

    Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. 

    • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
    • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’



    MH01 - Request for backdated payments of Healthy Start vouchers sent to the Healthy Start Issuing Unit


    MH02 - Healthy Start Manual Entitlement spreadsheet sent to Healthy Start Issuing Unit


    Top of page

    Manual correspondence

    Printed output, usually Award Notices that require manual intervention to determine what action, if any needs to be taken. For example, send out to the customer or redirect internally to another department.

    Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. 

    • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
    • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’



    MM01 - TC6XX (YY/YY, issue date) (optional - IYSD changed to DD/MM/YY) copy issued to claimant 1/2. Manual correspondence marker removed / removed then re-added. (delete as appropriate) XXGRPX/X

    TC6XX (YY/YY, issue date) (optional - IYSD changed to DD/MM/YY) copy issued to claimant 1/2. Manual correspondence marker removed / removed then re-added. (delete as appropriate)

    MM02 - Mismatch. TC6XX (YY/YY, issue date) (optional - IYSD changed to DD/MM/YY) for claimant 1/2. Redirected to Mismatch team. XXGRPX/X

    Mismatch. TC6XX (YY/YY, issue date) (optional - IYSD changed to DD/MM/YY) for claimant 1/2. Redirected to Mismatch team.

    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM03 - Reminder for (TCXXX) issued to (customer’s name)


    MM04 - VIMU TC6XX (YY/YY, issue date)(optional - IYSD changed to DD/MM/YY) for claimant 1/2 copy issued to VIMU. Man Corres marker removed. XXGRPX/X.

    The form to be sent to the customer has been sent to the Visually Impaired Media Unit (VIMU).

    MM05 - Welsh TC6XX (YY/YY, issue date)(optional - IYSD changed to DD/MM/YY) for claimant 1/2 copy issued to Welsh cases team. Man Corres marker removed. XXGRPX/X.

    A Welsh special needs form has been sent to the Welsh Cases Team.

    MM06 - TC6XX (YY/YY, issue date) (optional - IYSD changed to DD/MM/YY) copy issued to claimant 1/2. Claimant 1/2 deceased. XXGRPX/X.

    TC6XX (YY/YY, issue date)(optional - IYSD changed to DD/MM/YY) copy issued to claimant 1/2. Claimant 1/2 deceased.

    MM07 - TC6XX (YY/YY, issue date) received for claimant 1/2 not issued (reason why). XXGRPX/X.


    MM08 - TC6XX (YY/YY, issue date) issued to claimant 1/2 on (DD/MM/YYYY). Man Corres marker removed. This is a deceased child case. XXGRPX/X.


    MM09 - COMPLEX CASE. TC6XX (YY/YY, issue date) for claimants 1/2. Re-directed Complex Case Team/ not issued / TC610 destroyed as per retained note. (delete as appropriate). XXGRPX/X.

    A complex case is any of the following:18 or more children/a polygamous marriage - the customer has more than one wife/a polyandrous marriage - the customer has more than one husband/couples with no children where one customer is serving a custodial sentence of more than 12 months/EU nationals (including A2 nationals) without a right to reside for CTC purposes/tax credits customers receiving income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and working 16 or more hours weekly. 

    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM10 - CLAIM INHIBITED. (TCXXX) received from (insert details). Sent to CCC

    The claim has been inhibited. This means the customer isn’t receiving any payments. This is done by Compliance. A form sent to the customer has been forwarded to Compliance.

    MM11 - TC6XX (YY/YY, issue date) for claimant 1/2 not issued due to compliance termination. XXGRPX/X.


    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM12 - (TCXXX) & TC826 & COP26 issued to (customer’s name) for overpayments of £(XXXX). Man Corres marker removed


    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM13 - (TCXXX) issued to (insert details) on (DD/MM/YY) as following action guide re postings corrections

    A posting correction case, that is a payment made to the customer in error. The form sent doesn’t require a form TC826 or COP26.

    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011  MM14 - (TCXXX issued to (insert details) with TC890 on (DD/MM/YY)

    A disputed overpayment case.

    his Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM15 - (TCXXX issued to (insert details) with TC890 on (DD/MM/YY). (insert details) deceased

    A disputed overpayment case.

    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM16 - (TCXXX issued to (insert details) with TC890 on (DD/MM/YY). (insert details) deceased. (TCXXX) received for (insert details). Sent to storage

    A disputed overpayment case.

    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM17 - (TCXXX/TCXXX/TCXXX) issued to (insert details). Deceased child case

    A disputed overpayment case. The forms shown in this Household Note have been sent to the customer but this is a deceased child case.

    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM18 - DOP COMPLEX CASE. (TCXXX) redirected with TC890 to International Team

    This is a disputed overpayment case but also a complex case. A complex case is any of the following:18 or more children/a polygamous marriage - the customer has more than one wife/a polyandrous marriage - the customer has more than one husband/couples with no children where one customer is serving a custodial sentence of more than 12 months/EEA nationals (including A2 nationals) without a right to reside for CTC purposes/tax credit customers receiving income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) and working 16 or more hours weekly.The form has been forwarded to the International Team.

    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM19 - DOP & MISMATCH CASE. (TCXXX) and TC890 for (insert details) have been sent to (insert details)

    This is a disputed overpayment case and also a mismatch case. The forms have been sent to the group shown in the Household Note.

    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM20 - DOP & INTERNATIONAL CASE. (TCXXX) & TC890 for (insert details) have been sent to European Economic Area Team

    This is a disputed overpayments case and a International Team case. The forms we have received have been forwarded to the European Economic Area (EEA) Team.

    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM21 - DOP & CLAIM INHIBITED CASE. (TCXXX) sent to CCC

    This is a disputed overpayment case and an inhibited case. This means that the payments have been stopped. The forms received have been forwarded to Compliance.

    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM22 - (Recorded/Registered) letter (number) redirected to (insert details) (DD/MM/YY)


    MM23 - Form TC6XX (YY/YY, issue date) (optional - IYSD changed to DD/MM/YY) for claimants 1/ 2. Re-directed to (Domestic Violence, DOM / Priority 1 / Compliance team on DD/MM/YY (delete as appropriate). XXGRPX/X.

    Form TC6XX (YY/YY, issue date) (optional - IYSD changed to DD/MM/YY) for claimants 1/ 2. Re-directed to (Domestic Violence, DOM / Priority 1 / Compliance team on DD/MM/YY (delete as appropriate).

    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM24 - SAR completed and sent to customer direct. Initials/Team/Group (enter details/date)

    The Subject Access Request (SAR) made by the customer has been completed and sent directly to them using the Royal Mail special delivery service.

    This Note no longer used from 14 February 2017 - MM25 - Form (TCXXX) placed in confidential waste

    The form must not be issued to the customer and must be destroyed in confidential waste.

    MM26 - Form (TCXXX) issued to customer


    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM27 - Form (TCXXX) placed in confidential waste due to compliance action


    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM28 - Form (TCXXX) issued to customer on Compliance Officer advice


    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM29 - Immigration Easement case. Form (TCXXX) placed in confidential waste

    These cases are being dealt with by the Immigration Easement Team and the notices cannot be issued to the customer.

    (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

    (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM31 - Form TC648, award notice and all original contents sent to International Team


    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM32 - Manual award notice issued to customer


    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM33 - Award notice(s) sent to Priority 1 Team via internal post


    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM34 - Replacement manual renewals notice issued to customer

    Where the computer has misprinted the name and/or address on a customer’s renewal notice, a manual replacement must be drafted and sent to the customer.

    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM35 - Renewals notice issued to the customer

    If the notice is a renewals notice and there are no misprinted details, the notice can be issued to the customer.

    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM36 - Award notice issued to customer/partner/appointee

    If either the customer or their partner is deceased, the notice and form will be issued to the remaining customer, in joint cases or the appointee, in single claim cases.

    This Note no longer used from 28 October 2011 - MM37 - (Manual TCXXXX) issued (DD/MM/YY) to (customer’s name)


    MM38 - TC6XX (YY/YY, issue date) issued to claimant 1/2 on DD/MM/YY (IYSD changed to DD/MM/YY) for claimant 1/2. XXGPRX/X TC6XX (YY/YY), issue date) issued to claimant 1/2 on DD/MM/YY (IYSD changed to DD/MM/YY) for claimant 1/2.
    MM39 - TC6XX (YY/YY, issue date) marked as not served to prompt issue of new notice direct to claimant. Manual correspondence marker removed TC6XX (YY/YY, issue date) marked as not served to prompt issue of new notice direct to claimant. Manual correspondence marker removed

    MM40 - TC603XXX destroyed DD/MM/YY, TC602 issued on DD/MM/YYYY /XXGPRX/X

    TC603XXX destroyed DD/MM/YY. TC602 issued on DD/MM/YYYY

    MM41 - TC6XX dated DD/MM/YY not issued to customer due to delays and MCM being set TC6XX dated DD/MM/YY not issued to customer due to delays and manual correspondence marker being set
    MM42 - Original TCXX dated DD/MM/YY reissued to customer under covering letter dated DD/MM/YY. Customer has until DD/MM/YY to notify us of any changes. Original TCXX dated DD/MM/YY reissued to customer under a covering letter dated DD/MM/YY. Customer has until DD/MM/YY to notify us of any changes.
    MM43 - Award period 06/04/19 - DD/MM/YY was actually finalised on DD/MM/YY. The timeframe to MR or dispute this decision starts on DD/MM/YY Award period 06/04/19 - DD/MM/YY was actually finalised on DD/MM/YY. The timeframe to MR or dispute this decision starts on DD/MM/YY

    Top of page

    Miscellaneous payment correspondence

    Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. 

    • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
    • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’



    MP01 - Miscellaneous payment correspondence received regarding missing payment. TC241 sent to customer

    A letter has been received from a customer about a payment they haven’t received. A TC241 - Declaration of missing payment form has been sent to the customer for them to complete.

    MP02 - Miscellaneous payment correspondence received regarding missing BACS payment. Referred to Bank liaison for investigation. Awaiting reply

    A letter has been received from a customer about a BACS payment they haven’t received. The Bank Liaison Team has been contacted about this query and we are awaiting their reply.

    MP03 - Miscellaneous correspondence received. Redirected to (insert details)

    A letter has been received from a customer. The letter refers to another area of tax credits and can’t be dealt with by missing payments so the letter has been forwarded to the correct area.

    MP04 - (Recorded/Registered) letter (number) redirected to (insert details) (DD/MM/YY)


    (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

    (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

    (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

    (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

     (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
    (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
    (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
    (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
    (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
    MP11 - CY amended following DWP PIP LEAP to add DE/SDE/DE&SDE (delete as necessary) for (insert name) from DD/MM/YY As part of the PIP LEAP we have corrected CY on their current live claim
    MP12 - Off-system payments made for years (insert each tax year) YY/YY, YY/YY totalling £xxxx following DWP PIP LEAP This is the total PIP LEAP payment HMRC need to consider sending to the customer
    MP13 - Off-system payment has been used to clear £xxxx of (insert name) debt - system remission under Remission 13 actioned following DWP PIP LEAP This is to be used when all the PIP LEAP payment has been offset against the debt
    MP14 - Off-system payment has been used to clear £xxxx of (insert name) debt - system remission under Remission 13 actioned. We are sending a revised payment of £xxxx following DWP PIP LEAP This is to be used when we have used the PIP LEAP payment to clear the debt & we still owe the customer some money
    MP15 - Checked tax credits entitlement and no payments due following DWP PIP LEAP Checked tax credits entitlement and no payments due following DWP PIP LEAP
    MP16 - CY amended following DWP ESA LEAP to correct IB ESA for (insert name) from DD/MM/YY As part of the ESA LEAP we have corrected CY on their current live claim
    MP17 - Off-system payments made for years (insert each tax year) YY/YY, YY/YY totalling £xxxx following DWP ESA LEAP This is the total ESA LEAP payment HMRC need to consider sending the customer
    MP18 - Off-system payment has been used to clear £xxxx of (insert name) debt - system remission under Remission 13 actioned following DWP ESA LEAP This is to be used when all the ESA LEAP payment has been offset against the debt
    MP19 - Off-system payment has been used to clear £xxxx of (insert name) debt - system remission under Remission 13 actioned. We are sending a revised payment of £xxxx following DWP ESA LEAP This is to be used when we have used the ESA LEAP payment to clear the debt & we still owe the customer some money
    MP20 - Checked tax credits entitlement and no payments due following DWP ESA LEAP Checked tax credits entitlement and no payments due following DWP ESA LEAP
    MP21 - ESA/PIP (delete as necessary) Letter sent, BF for 30 days before remission/payment (delete as necessary) to be released, any payments to customer will be received in 6 weeks ESA/PIP Letter sent, BF for 30 days before remission/payment to be released, any payments to customer will be received in 6 weeks
    MP23 - ESA/PIP LEAP exercise -  Letter issued to request for bank details, If contacted, do not action, refer to (insert staff contact details). ESA/PIP LEAP exercise -  Letter issued to request for bank details, If contacted, do not action, refer to (insert staff contact details).
    MP25 - SSS notification recvd (dd/mm/yy) Standard ADP awarded from dd/mm/yy. (Tel Clmt *1/2) confirmed disadvantaged during period of employment. NTC updated with start and end date of disability SSS notification recvd (dd/mm/yy) Standard ADP awarded from dd/mm/yy. (Tel Clmt *1/2) confirmed disadvantaged during period of employment. NTC updated with start and end date of disability
    MP26 - SSS notification recvd (dd/mm/yy) Standard ADP awarded from dd/mm/yy. (Tel Clmt *1/2) confirmed not disadvantaged during period of employment. NTC not updated SSS notification recvd (dd/mm/yy) Standard ADP awarded from dd/mm/yy. (Tel Clmt *1/2) confirmed not disadvantaged during period of employment. NTC not updated
    MP27 - SSS notification recvd (dd/mm/yy) shows (CLMT *1/2) in receipt of Standard DIS from (dd/mm/yy). TC2250 issued as clmt was previously emp 16+ hrs. BF'd until {​​BF}​​ SSS notification recvd (dd/mm/yy) shows (CLMT *1/2) in receipt of Standard DIS from (dd/mm/yy). TC2250 issued as clmt was previously emp 16+ hrs. BF'd until {​​BF}​​

    MP30 AS16 exercise – letter 1 issued dd/mm/yy to request bank details of (*personal rep/legal guardian). BF for 30 days
    AS16 exercise – letter 1 issued dd/mm/yy to request bank details of (*personal rep/legal guardian). BF for 30 days

    MP31 AS16 exercise – letter 4 issued (*CHB customer / legal guardian) to request evidence of legal guardianship. BF for 30 days

    AS16 exercise – letter 4 issued (*CHB customer / legal guardian) to request evidence of legal guardianship. BF for 30 days

    MP32 AS16 exercise. £ issued to (*PR/CHB name) dd/mm/yy. Letter (*2 / 2.1) issued to advise payment made. If contacted, do not action, refer to the Operational Readiness Team, HMRC (B&C)

    AS16 exercise. £ issued to (*PR/CHB name) dd/mm/yy. Letter (*2 / 2.1) issued to advise payment made. If contacted, do not action, refer to the Operational Readiness Team, HMRC (B&C)
    MP33 AS16 exercise – letter 5 issued to (*CHB/DLA) customer name to request details of Childs legal guardian. BF for 30 days AS16 exercise – letter 5 issued to (*CHB/DLA) customer name to request details of Childs legal guardian. BF for 30 days

    MP34 AS16 exercise - reminder letter 4.1 issued to (*CHB customer / legal guardian) to request evidence of legal guardianship. BF for 30 days

    AS16 exercise - reminder letter 4.1 issued to (*CHB customer / legal guardian) to request evidence of legal guardianship. BF for 30 days

    MP35 AS16 exercise – (*No trace of Personal Representative / No reply from Personal Representative / No reply from Legal Guardian / ChB customer/Appointee). £XXX .XXX Underpayment due. If contacted, do not action. Refer to Operational Readiness Team HMRC (B&C)

    AS16 exercise – (*No trace of Personal Representative / No reply from Personal Representative / No reply from Legal Guardian / ChB customer/Appointee). £XXX .XXX Underpayment due. If contacted, do not action. Refer to Operational Readiness Team HMRC (B&C)

    MP36 AS16 exercise – reminder letter 1.1 issued dd/mm/yy to request bank details of (*personal rep / legal guardian). BF for 30 days

    AS16 exercise – reminder letter 1.1 issued dd/mm/yy to request bank details of (*personal rep / legal guardian). BF for 30 days

    MP37 AS16 exercise –reminder letter 5.1 issued to (*CHB/DLA customer name) to request details of legal guardian. BF for 30 days

    AS16 exercise –reminder letter 5.1 issued to (*CHB/DLA customer name) to request details of legal guardian. BF for 30 days

    MP38 AS16 exercise - Letter 1 issued dd/mm/yy to PR found on probate checker, certificate number XXXXXXXX for bank details. BF for 30 days

    AS16 exercise - Letter 1 issued dd/mm/yy to PR found on probate checker, certificate number XXXXXXXX for bank details. BF for 30 days

    MP39 AS16 exercise – letter 10 issued dd/mm/yy to (*name) to request bank details. BF for 30 days

    AS16 exercise – letter 10 issued dd/mm/yy to (*name) to request bank details. BF for 30 days

    MP40 AS16 exercise – reminder letter 1.1 issued dd/mm/yy to (*name) to request bank details. BF for 30 days

    AS16 exercise – reminder letter 1.1 issued dd/mm/yy to (*name) to request bank details. BF for 30 days

    MP41 AS16 exercise – No reply from (*name). £XXX .XXX Underpayment due on deceased parents claim. If contacted, do not action. Refer to Operational Readiness Team HMRC (B&C)

    AS16 exercise – No reply from (*name). £XXX .XXX Underpayment due on deceased parents claim. If contacted, do not action. Refer to Operational Readiness Team HMRC (B&C)

    MP42 AS16 exercise – letter 7 issued to young person (*name) to request details of legal guardian. BF for 30 days

    AS16 exercise – letter 7 issued to young person (*name) to request details of legal guardian. BF for 30 days

    MP43 AS16 exercise – reminder letter 7.1 issued to young person (*name) to request details of legal guardian. BF for 30 days

    AS16 exercise – reminder letter 7.1 issued to young person (*name) to request details of legal guardian. BF for 30 days

    MP44 AS16 exercise – reminder letter 9.1 issued to (*name) to request evidence of child’s Appointee. BF for 30 days
    AS16 exercise – reminder letter 9.1 issued to (*name) to request evidence of child’s Appointee. BF for 30 days

    MP45 AS16 exercise – reminder letter 3.1 issued dd/mm/yy to advise we will pay into CHB account unless told otherwise. BF for 21 days

    AS16 exercise – reminder letter 3.1 issued dd/mm/yy to advise we will pay into CHB account unless told otherwise. BF for 21 days

    MP46 AS16 exercise – letter 6 issued dd/mm/yy to (*name) to request bank details. BF for 30 days

    AS16 exercise – letter 6 issued dd/mm/yy to (*name) to request bank details. BF for 30 days

    MP47 - WL34 - Unexpected Payments Received: X1 TELO to CLMT1/CLMT2. Claimant advised to stop all payment arrangements to HMRC for TC debts as these have been transferred to DWP for recovery. JET (PID) 

    WL34 - Unexpected Payments Received: X1 TELO to CLMT1/CLMT2. Claimant advised to stop all payment arrangements to HMRC for TC debts as these have been transferred to DWP for recovery. JET (PID)

    MP48 - WL34 - Unexpected Payments Received: X1 UTC to CLMT1/CLMT2. Claimant to be advised to stop payments to HMRC for TC debts as these have been transferred to DWP for recovery. Clmt to be called back. Case b/fd. JET (PID)
    WL34 - Unexpected Payments Received: X1 UTC to CLMT1/CLMT2. Claimant to be advised to stop payments to HMRC for TC debts as these have been transferred to DWP for recovery. Clmt to be called back. Case b/fd. JET (PID)
    MP49 - WL34 - Unexpected Payments Received:  X1 TELO to CLMT1/CLMT2. Claimant advised to contact Step Change to cancel all payment arrangements to HMRC for TC debts as these have been transferred to DWP for recovery. Informed clmt that Step Change must now contact DWP to discuss recovery. JET (PID)
    WL34 - Unexpected Payments Received:  X1 TELO to CLMT1/CLMT2. Claimant advised to contact Step Change to cancel all payment arrangements to HMRC for TC debts as these have been transferred to DWP for recovery. Informed clmt that Step Change must now contact DWP to discuss recovery. JET (PID)
    MP50 - WL34 - Unexpected Payments Received:  X1 UTC to CLMT1/CLM2. Claimant to be advised to contact Step Change to cancel all payment arrangements to HMRC for TC debts as these have been transferred to DWP for recovery. Clmt to be called back. Case b/fd JET (PID)
    WL34 - Unexpected Payments Received:  X1 UTC to CLMT1/CLM2. Claimant to be advised to contact Step Change to cancel all payment arrangements to HMRC for TC debts as these have been transferred to DWP for recovery. Clmt to be called back. Case b/fd JET (PID)
    MP51 - WL34 - Unexpected Payments Received: Further pymts from clmt received for debts that have transferred to DWP. x1 TELO to CLMT1/CLMT2 reminding clmt to stop pymts to HMRC. JET (PID)
    WL34 - Unexpected Payments Received: Further pymts from clmt received for debts that have transferred to DWP. x1 TELO to CLMT1/CLMT2 reminding clmt to stop pymts to HMRC. JET (PID)
    MP52 - WL34 - Unexpected Payments Received: Further pymts from clmt received for debts that have transferred to DWP. x1 UTC to CLMT1/CLMT2 - clmt to be advised to stop pymts to HMRC. JET (PID)
    WL34 - Unexpected Payments Received: Further pymts from clmt received for debts that have transferred to DWP. x1 UTC to CLMT1/CLMT2 - clmt to be advised to stop pymts to HMRC. JET (PID)

    MP53 - WL34 - Unexpected Payments Received: X1 Letter issd to CLMT1/CLMT2 stating that all payment arrangements to HMRC for Tax Credit debts must be cancelled as her debts have transferred to DWP for recovery. ALL payments to HMRC for TC debts must stop. JET (PID)

    WL34 - Unexpected Payments Received: X1 Letter issd to CLMT1/CLMT2 stating that all payment arrangements to HMRC for Tax Credit debts must be cancelled as her debts have transferred to DWP for recovery. ALL payments to HMRC for TC debts must stop. JET (PID)


    MP54 - WL34 Unexpected Payments Received: A further payment received for tax credit debts. CLMT1/CLMT2 issd a reminder letter requesting pymts to be stopped to HMRC as debts transferred to DWP for recovery. JET (PID)
    WL34 Unexpected Payments Received: A further payment received for tax credit debts. CLMT1/CLMT2 issd a reminder letter requesting pymts to be stopped to HMRC as debts transferred to DWP for recovery. JET (PID)

    MP55 - WL34 - Unexpected Payments Received: Clmt1 and Clmt2 both now UC clmts. CLMT1/CLMT2 direct debit cancelled via NDDS as clmt now with UC and debts transferred to DWP. Case b/fd to ensure no further pymts are rec'd before further action. JET (PID)

    WL34 - Unexpected Payments Received: Clmt1 and Clmt2 both now UC clmts. CLMT1/CLMT2 direct debit cancelled via NDDS as clmt now with UC and debts transferred to DWP. Case b/fd to ensure no further pymts are rec'd before further action. JET (PID)


    MP56 - WL34 - Unexpected Payments Received: Email sent to DM requesting how much each clmt has paid to HMRC for periods ending the XX/XX/XXX and the XX/XX/XXX. Await reply. Case b/fd. JET (PID)
    WL34 - Unexpected Payments Received: Email sent to DM requesting how much each clmt has paid to HMRC for periods ending the XX/XX/XXX and the XX/XX/XXX. Await reply. Case b/fd. JET (PID)
    MP57 - WL34 - Unexpected Payments. Case added to CR1380 list for offset from payment due XX/XX to reduce debt transferred to DWP ORRT/JET
    WL34 - Unexpected Payments. Case added to CR1380 list for offset from payment due XX/XX to reduce debt transferred to DWP ORRT/JET
    MP58 - WL34 - TTP cancellation letter issd to CLMT/CLMT2 If the claimant phones ask them to call the number on the letter – 0300 200 3800 
    WL34 - TTP cancellation letter issd to CLMT/CLMT2 If the claimant phones ask them to call the number on the letter – 0300 200 3800 

    MP59 - WL34 - Unexpected Payments Received: Payments from CLMT1/CLMT2 (UC customer) have not stopped. Maximum reminders to CLMT1/CLMT2 have been sent. Account left unbalanced. If customer calls, please advise to stop making payments to HMRC JET (PID) 

    WL34 – Unexpected Payments Received: Payments from CLMT1/CLMT2 (UC customer) have not stopped. Maximum reminders to CLMT1/CLMT2 have been sent. Account left unbalanced. If customer calls, please advise to stop making payments to HMRC JET (PID) 

    Top of page

    Subject Access Requests

    Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. 

    • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
    • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’



    MT01 - Letter recd (DD/MM/YY) Not a SAR Enq Letter fwd to (XXXXXXX)

    A letter has been received by the Subject Access Request (SAR) Team but the enquiry isn’t a SAR.

    MT02 - Letter recd from 3rd party but no authority to act. Intermediaries Team/CAAT team (delete as appropriate) notified. SAR sent to Clmnt 1/2 (delete as appropriate)

    A letter has been received from a third party, but they have no authority to act. The Intermediaries or Central Agent Authorisation Team have been notified. The SAR has been sent direct to the customer.

    (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

    (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

    MT04 - Letter recd (DD/MM/YY) SAR being dealt with. Letter fwd to (XXXXXX) to deal with other enquiries

    The SAR has other enquiries included. The SAR Team will deal with the SAR and then forward the letter to the appropriate team for them to deal with the other enquiries.

    MT05 - Letter recd (DD/MM/YY) SAR is for phone calls only. Letter sent to Calls team on (DD/MM/YY) for action

    The SAR is for phone calls only. The SAR Team has sent it in the daily polylope to the Calls Retrieval Team for them to take the appropriate action.

    MT06 - Letter recd (DD/MM/YY) for SAR

    The date the SAR was received, which acts as the start date of the SAR.

    MT07 - Letter recd (DD/MM/YY). Duplicate letter of previous SAR. Dup SAR filed with original

    The SAR that has been received is a duplicate of a previous SAR. This SAR has been filed with the original.

    MT08 - SAR completed and sent to customer, initials (DD/MM/YY)


    MT09 - No signature chase letter sent to customer, initials (DD/MM/YY)


    MT10 - No signature letter sent to customer, initials (DD/MM/YY)


    MT11 - SAR request received. S29 letter sent. Unable to send SAR due to xxxxxx, Initials (DD/MM/YY)


    MT12 - SAR request received from intermediary. No authorisation letter received. TC1203 sent to customer. Initials (DD/MM/YY)


    MT13 - SAR request received from intermediary. No authorisation letter received. TC2008 and TC2008(FS) sent to customer for authority and to establish type of SAR required. Initials (DD/MM/YY)


    MT14 - UTCx3 Call me letter issued. If customer calls to confirm SARS letter issued on DD/MM/YY advise to call number on letter so we can clarify info required NW04/SARS


    MT15 - Call me letter sent to customer to establish type of SAR required. Initials (DD/MM/YY)


    MT16 - No response received from customer regarding SAR. NFA taken. Letter to storage. Initials (DD/MM/YY)


    MT17 - SAR received in HMRC on [insert date]. Sent to SAR Team on [insert date]. [Insert PI number and location] A Subject Access Request (SAR) has been received as a physical or DMS item and sent to the SARS team.
    MT18 - Customer request for call recordings / transcripts received in HMRC on [insert date]. Sent to Call Retrieval Team on [insert date]. [insert PI number and location] A Subject Access Request (SAR) has been received as a physical or DMS item that is asking for telephone transcripts or copies of call recordings only.

    Top of page

    Document Verification Teams

    Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. 

    • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
    • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’

    (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

    Top of page

    National Minimum Wage

    Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

    • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
    • Compliance - ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
    Message Explanation
    MW01 – NMW – Case Open, Cust identified as NMW sleep in shifts (£XXXX.XX) Case Open, Cust identified as NMW sleep in shifts (£XXXX.XX)

    MW02 –NMW – Case Closed, NMW sleep in shifts action complete

    Case Closed, NMW sleep in shifts action complete

    MW03 –NMW – Tele from customer CY income updated to £XXXX.XX (Tele contact made to inform customer of likelihood of an O/P) Tele from customer CY income updated to £XXXX.XX (Tele contact made to inform customer of likelihood of an overpayment)
    MW04 –NMW – UTC X2 TC26NMW issued to customer as (CY/PY) income not declared, if no response claim will be updated with £XXXX.XX UTC X2 TC26NMW issued to customer as (CY/PY) income not declared, if no response claim will be updated with £XXXX.XX
    MW05 –NMW – No response from TC26NMW claim updated with £XXXX.XX (TCXXXX issued to inform customer of the likelihood of an O/P) No response from TC26NMW claim updated with £XXXX.XX (TCXXXX issued to inform customer of the likelihood of an overpayment)
    MW06 –NMW – TC25NMW issued to inform customer of the likelihood of an O/P TC25NMW issued to inform customer of the likelihood of an overpayment.
    MW07 –NMW – Renewal Inhibited (Robotics) Renewal Inhibited (Robotics)
    MW08 –NMW -  Customer declared £XXXX.XX, inhibit marker lifted, renewal processed Customer declared £XXXX.XX, inhibit marker lifted, renewal processed
    MW09 –NMW – No response from TC1221NMW claim updated with £XXXX.XX, inhibited marker lifted, renewal processed. No response from TC1221NMW claim updated with £XXXX.XX, inhibited marker lifted, renewal processed.

    MW10 –NMW – tele contact made to inform customer of the likelihood of an O/P

    telephone contact made to inform customer of the likelihood of an overpayment

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