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TCM0168020 - Notes: Standardised Messages (P): Standardised Messages - P - Payments (codes from PA to PM)

Note: This guidance provides Standardised Messages for the payments issues listed below. Standardised Messages for other types of payments are listed in TCM0168040.

Applicant Failed Payment work list (codes start with PA)
Bank Liaison Team (codes start with PB)
Calculating and scheduling manual payments (codes start with PC)
Central POca Team (codes start with PF)
Validate Large Payments (codes start with PJ)
Ceased (or Reduced) Payments After a Change (CPAC) (codes start with PK)
Manually Adjusted Payments To Avoid Hardship Team (codes start with PM)

Standardised reference

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message. For more information see TCM0152090

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’

Applicant Failed Payment work list

An entry will appear on the Applicant Failed Payment work list either automatically or as a result of a member of staff recording a failed payment. The failure could be the result of a direct payment not being made or a BACS payment that has not been made.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
This Note no longer used from 14 September 2011 - PA01 - AFP worklist entry: Cancelled payment due date (DD/MM/YY). (1 x UTC) The entry is on the Applicant Failed Payment work list because a payment has been cancelled. An unanswered phone call has been made to the customer.
This Note no longer used from 14 September 2011 - PA02 - AFP worklist entry: Cancelled payment due date (DD/MM/YY). 2 x UTC. (Ex-directory/no telephone number listed). TC652 to (Name). Payments suspended. BF (DD/MM/YY). Transferred to (MU number) The entry is on the Applicant Failed Payment work list because a payment has been cancelled. Two unanswered phone calls have been made to the customer. The reason for the unanswered calls is listed. A form TC652 has been sent to the customer. The payments have been suspended and the work list entry has been transferred to another work area.
This Note no longer used from 14 September 2011 - PA03 - AFP worklist entry: Cancelled payment due date (DD/MM/YY). TC652 reply received. Bank details amended in accordance with Bank Details Guide. Sort code (XX-XX-XX) a/c (XXXXXX), Bldg.Soc.Ref (XXXXXX) Payments reprofiled The entry is on the Applicant Failed Payment work list because the payment has been cancelled. The reply to form TC652 has been received and the bank details have been amended on the tax credits computer. The payments have been re-profiled, which will generate a new payment schedule and cause the payments to restart providing there is remaining entitlement for the award period.
This Note no longer used from 14 September 2011 - PA04 - AFP worklist entry: Cancelled payment due date (DD/MM/YY). No reply to TC652. Pyt suspended. Deleted from worklist The entry is on the Applicant Failed Payment work list because the payment has been cancelled. The reply to form TC652 has not been received, so the payments have been suspended and the work list entry has been deleted.
This Note no longer used from 14 September 2011 - PA05 - AFP worklist entry: Cancelled payment due date (DD/MM/YY). No action required, as pyt reprofiled The entry is on the Applicant Failed Payment work list because the payment has been cancelled. No further action is required as the payments have been re-profiled, which will generate a new payment schedule and cause the payments to restart providing there is remaining entitlement for the award period.
This Note no longer used from 14 September 2011 - PA06 - AFP worklist entry: Recall pyt over £2000. Transferred to (MU) The entry is on the Applicant Failed Payment work list because the payment has been recalled. This is because the amount is over £2,000. The work list entry has been transferred to another work area.
This Note no longer used from 14 September 2011 - PA07 - AFP worklist entry: Case referred to CCRT. Pyt suspended. BF (DD/MM/YY). Transferred to (MU) The case has been referred to the Customer Compliance RIAT Team. The payments have been suspended and BF’d. The work list entry has been transferred to another work area.
This Note no longer used from 14 September 2011 - PA08 - AFP worklist entry: Beneficiary deceased. BF (DD/MM/YY). Transferred to (MU) The entitled customer has died. The work list entry has been BF’d and transferred to another work area.
This Note no longer used from 14 September 2011 - PA09 - AFP worklist entry: Cancelled pyt due date (DD/MM/YY). (TY) BF (DD/MM/YY). Transferred to MU The entry is on the Applicant Failed Payment work list because a payment from another tax year has been cancelled. The work list entry has been BFd and transferred to another work area.
This Note no longer used from 14 September 2011 - PA10 - AFP worklist entry: Award Compliance terminated. Deleted from worklist This award has been terminated by Compliance. The work list entry has been deleted.
This Note no longer used from 14 September 2011 - PA11 - AFP worklist entry: (insert name) RLS. UTC signal set. Deleted from worklist The customer’s cashcheque payment has been returned and we are unable to contact the customer by phone. The RLS marker has been set and the entry has been deleted from the work list.
This Note no longer used from 14 September 2011 - PA12 - AFP worklist entry: Cancelled payment due date (DD/MM/YY). Household breakdown. BF (DD/MM/YY). Transferred to (MU) The household has broken down. The work list entry has been BF’d and transferred to another work area.
This Note no longer used from 14 September 2011 - PA13 - (Recorded/Registered) letter (number) redirected to (insert details) (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 14 September 2011 - PA14 - AFP Worklist entry: Cancelled pyt due date (DD/MM/YY). Worklist item deleted in accordance with guidance from BS Fylde The entry is on the Applicant Failed Payment work list with the action date shown. Unable to work. Awaiting further guidance.
This Note no longer used from 14 September 2011 - PA15 - AFP Worklist entry: Cancelled pyt due date (DD/MM/YY). Shows as cancelled in posting and schedule but not available to re-profile. BF (DD/MM/YY) TF Applicant Failed Payments Team Vantive Stockpile MU The entry is on the Applicant Failed Payment work list. Although the returned payment is shown as cancelled in ‘Schedule’ and in ‘Postings’ it is not yet shown in ‘Record Failed Payments’ and therefore it is unable to be re-profiled. The work list entry has had a BF date set as shown and the case has been transferred to another work area.
This Note no longer used from 14 September 2011 - PA16 - AFP Worklist entry: Cancelled pyt due date (DD/MM/YY) (2003-04/2004-05 award). No further action required. Pyts reprofiled in accordance with Newsboard Message 323/06 The entry is on the Applicant Failed Payment work list. The cancelled payment is in the 2003-2004 or 2004-2005 award and requires a special message, indicating that a recalculation is required to be entered in Household Notes in order to re-profile the payments.
This Note no longer used from 14 September 2011 - PA17 - AFP worklist entry: Cancelled pyt due date (DD/MM/YY).International Case, clmnt has moved abroad. BF (DD/MM/YY) TF Applicant Failed Payments Team BF MU The entry is on the Applicant Failed Payment work list. The customer has moved abroad. Unable to work. Awaiting further guidance. A BF date has been set and the case transferred to another work area.
This Note no longer used from 14 September 2011 - PA18 - AFP Worklist entry: Cancelled pyt due date (DD/MM/YY). Nationwide acc, prev problems. Payments re-profiled The entry is on the Applicant Failed Payment work list. The payment was made to a Nationwide Building Society account where there have been previous problems when the account holders name differs or payment is a one-off irregular amount. The payments have now been re-profiled and no further action is necessary.
This Note no longer used from 5 March 2010 - PA19 - AFP Worklist entry: Referred to Manual Payments Team/Complex Case Team [delete as appropriate] to re-issue URP Returned user requested payment referred to the relevant team for them to re-issue.
This Note no longer used from 14 September 2011 - PA20 - Replacement URP authorised/rejected [delete as appropriate] Replacement payment request authorised or rejected.
This Note no longer used from 14 September 2011 - PA21 - AFP Worklist entry Replacement URP requested Replacement payment for returned user requested payment requested.
PA22 - AFP work list entry re HVP YY/YY. Income updated by previous user. Suspension removed, HVP YY/YY re-profiled any monies due will be reissued. Do not recall HVP Income has already been updated. Suspension removed and payment reissued.
PA23 - AFP work list entry re HVP YY/YY. Cannot release HVP until reply received to TC861 sent. Reminder sent, if ap calls please confirm [enter details of query]. Action date set No response to TC861. TC609 issued.
PA24 - No reply to TC861 issued to confirm income. Income entered as £99,999 to amend award until correct income figure supplied. Suspension removed, HVP re-profiled but no monies due to be paid No response to TC861 or reminder TC609. A high income figure has been entered to give a nil award and the payment suspension lifted.
PA25 - No reply to TC861 issued to confirm [enter details of query]. Case referred to TALLO for further advice No response to TC861 and TC609. Case has been referred to TALLO for further advice.
PA26 - AFP DO NOT MAKE INCOME CHANGE YY/YY. X ref’d PAYE/SA income not matched, PAYE/SA income used £xxx.[amend wording if not income change] Suspension removed, any monies due will be reissued. Do not recall HVP Suspension has been lifted and payment re-issued.
PA27 - AFP work list entry: Cancelled payment due date (DD/MM/YY). TC652 issued to (Name). Payments suspended. Please confirm existing account details and/or obtain new details then lift payment suspension TC652 issued to confirm or provide new account details.
PA28 - AFP work list entry: Cancelled payment due date (DD/MM/YY). No action required account details already updated. Payment suspension lifted & payment re-profiled. Deleted from work list Payment suspension lifted and payment re-issued.
PA29 - AFP work list entry: Beneficiary deceased. Transferred to Priority 1 team (MU) Self-explanatory.
PA30 - AFP work list entry: Cancelled pyt due date DD/MM/YY. App1/App 2 address is RLS. When customer calls confirm correct address & update NTC. Pls also confirm existing a/c details and/or obtain new details and lift pyt suspension. Deleted from work list Address is RLS.
PA31 - AFP work list entry: Cancelled pyt due date DD/MM/YY. Referred to Manual Payments Team/Complex Team [delete as appropriate] to re-issue URP Referred to the relevant team for them to re-issue URP.
PA32 - AFP work list entry: Cancelled pyt due date DD/MM/YY. Payment suspension lifted & penny workaround used to re-profile payment. Deleted from work list. Payment suspension lifted & penny workaround used to re profile payment.
PA33 - AFP work list entry: Cancelled pyt due date DD/MM/YY. Referred to TALLO as PY-2 or earlier Referred to TALLO as PY-2 or earlier.
This Note no longer used from April 2015 - PA34 - AFP work list entry: Cancelled payment due date (DD/MM/YY). TC652 issued to (Name). Payments suspended as customer has moved abroad. When customer confirms existing account details or provides new details issue outstanding payment Customer has moved abroad. Payments suspended.
This Note no longer used from April 2015 - PA35 - AFP Re HVP £xxxx YY/YY. Entry deleted from AFP work list re recalled payment as COMPLEX/COMPLIANCE (delete as appropriate) still dealing with case Case is being dealt with by Complex or Compliance.
This Note no longer used from April 2015 - PA36 - AFP Re payment £xxxx YY/YY. Payment was not recalled, work list item transferred to MU 249916 for normal AFP action Self-explanatory.
PA37 - AFP work list entry: Cancelled pyt due date (DD/MM/YY). TC652 issued to (Name). Pyts suspended. Nationwide BS/Yorkshire BS (delete as appropriate) will not allow third party pyts. Obtain new a/c details and lift pyt suspension. Initials, Team, Group. The entry is on the Applicant Failed Payment work list because a payment has been cancelled. TC652 has been issued to the customer asking them to confirm or provide new account details. When account details are provided update on tax credits computer and lift suspension.
PA38 - AFP work list entry: Cancelled pyt due date (DD/MM/YY) due PY. Account details updated on PY award. Pyt suspension lifted and pyts re-profiled. Deleted from work list. Initials, Team, Group. The entry on the Applicant Failed Payment work list has been deleted because no action is required as account details have already been updated. AFP have lifted the payment suspension and payments re-profiled.
PA39 - AFP work list entry: Cancelled pyt due date (DD/MM/YY). Customer has moved abroad. If customer contacts TCO re this pyt and provides new details issue outstanding pyt. Initials, Team, Group. The entry is on the Applicant Failed Payment work list because a payment has been cancelled as the customer has moved abroad. Payments suspended when customer confirms existing account details or provides new details issue outstanding payment.
This note no longer used from April 2017 - PA40 - AFP work list entry: Cancelled pyt due date (DD/MM/YY). Account details deleted. Pyt suspension lifted and pyt re-issued by cashcheque. Deleted from work list. Initials, Team, Group. The entry on the Applicant Failed Payment work list has been deleted because no action is required as account details have been deleted. AFP have lifted the payment suspension and payments re-issued by cashcheque. This case will be picked up by ICT team.
PA41 - AFP work list entry: Cancelled pyt due date 09/08/13 recalled by HVP see retained note. No action reqd. Deleted from work list. Payment Grp T5. Do not trace on gal. Payment has been cancelled, due to being recalled by the High Value Payment Team. There is no further action for the Bank Liaison Team to take.
PA42 - AFP work list entry: Payment of WTC/CTC for £(XX.XX) to Ap1/Ap2. Referral sent to manual payments team to arrange pymt. Initials, Team, Group. Payment has been cancelled as no bank details held. Referral sent to manual payments.
PA43 - AFP work list entry. Pymt suspension lifted . Deleted from work list. Initials, Team, Group. Payment issued and suspension lifted. Deleted from work list
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
PA45 – AFP work list entry. Bank account details obtained from another departmental system and updated on NTC. TC1070 issued to advise customer. Pymt suspension lifted and pymts re-profiled. Deleted from worklist. Payment has been cancelled as no bank details provided. Customer CHB/IS/JSA/ESA paid into bank account. Letter sent advising tax credits to be paid onto this account.
PA46 – AFP work list entry. Telephone call to Ap1/Ap2 confirmed bank details and updated on NTC. Pymt suspension lifted and pymts re-profiled. Deleted from worklist Payment has been cancelled as no bank details provided. Telephone call to customer obtained bank details. Payment to be reissued.
PA47 – AFP work list entry. No bank details provided TC1070 issued DD/MM/YYYY requesting bank details. Payments will stop unless bank details provided TC1070 issued to customer requesting bank details.
PA48 – AFP work list entry. Pymts suspended do not remove unless bank details supplied. If app calls with bank details, update system and remove suspension. Deleted from worklist Customer has received initial payment via non-bank method. Payments suspended until bank details provided.
PA49 – AFP work list entry. Pymt suspension lifted. No payment due to overpayment. Deleted from worklist Payment relates to ‘PY’ but overpayment means no payments due.
PA50 – AFP work list entry. Joint claim, 1 set of account details provided. TC1070 issued on DD/MM/YYYY requesting bank/building society details. If a reply is not received by DD/MM/YYYY (4 week BF), all tax credits paid into this account Initials, Team, Group. Joint account, 1 set of account details held. Letter issued requesting account details. If none supplied account details on TC will be used to make payment.

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Bank Liaison Team

Deal with returned BACS payments that have not been received by the customer. This may be due to incorrect bank account details.

Note: ‘POca’ stands for ‘Post Office card account’. POca was discontinued from March 2021.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
PB01 - (Fax/Letter) sent to (insert name of bank) re (number) missing pyts due (DD/MM/YY to DD/MM/YY). Requesting whereabouts, awaiting reply A letter or fax has been sent to the customer’s bank about the payments they have not received.
PB02 - Recall requested by (IMS/CCRT). Pyt of £(XX.XX) due (DD/MM/YY) recalled by bank liaison A BACS payment has been recalled from the customer’s bank. This means that the amount shown will be returned from the bank to the TCO. The customer may or may not be entitled to this money.
PB03 - Bank details amended by Bank Liaison as per AWAC from (name of bank). Account details amended for (customer’s name) from (incorrect details to correct details) The Bank Liaison Team has received notification by paper of an AWAC (Advice of Wrong Account Credited). They have amended the customer’s bank account details on the tax credits computer.
PB04 - Payments due (DD/MM/YY to DD/MM/YY) were returned. Confirmed by (name of bank) Payments for the due dates shown have been returned. They have not been credited to the customer’s account.
PB05 - Payments due (DD/MM/YY to DD/MM/YY) were sent to the wrong bank account. Confirmed by (Sponsor Bank or name of other bank). Letter sent by (name of operator) to the incorrect customer requesting return of the payments Payments for the due dates shown have been sent to the wrong bank account or wrong POca. The bank has confirmed this. A letter has been sent to the customer whose account the payments have been incorrectly credited to, to request that they return these payments.
PB06 - (insert name of bank) have confirmed that BACS pyts due (DD/MM/YY & DD/MM/YY) have been received on the customer’s account Self-explanatory.
PB07 - (Recorded/Registered) letter (number) redirected to (insert details) (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
PB08 - MT UNDELIVERED. UTC PREV UPDATED The milk token has not been delivered. The address has been previously updated.
PB09 - MT UNDELIVERED. UTC RLS MARKER SET The milk token has not been delivered. An unsuccessful phone call has been made. The RLS marker has been set.
PB10 - MT UNDELIVERED. ADD UPDATED AS PER DCI FROM (OLD ADDRESS) TO (NEW ADDRESS) The milk token has not been delivered. The address has been updated to show the same address as on DCI.
PB11 - MT UNDELIVERED. ADD CONFIRMED AS CORRECT BY TELEPHONE CALL TO (CLMT 1/CLMT 2) The milk token has not been delivered. A phone call has been made to the customer and they have confirmed that the address held on the computer is correct.
PB12 - MT UNDELIVERED. ADD UPDATED AS PER TELEPHONE CALL TO (CLMT 1/CLMT 2) FROM (OLD ADDRESS) TO (NEW ADDRESS) The milk token has not been delivered. The address has been updated due to the phone call made to the customer.
PB13 - MT UNDELIVERED. UTC RLS MARKER ALREADY SET The milk token has not been delivered. An unsuccessful phone call has been made but the RLS marker has already been set.
PB14 - Payment of £(XX.XX) received from 3rd party for incorrect payment of tax credits. Details forwarded to DMB A partial or full repayment of incorrectly paid tax credits has now been returned by the third party recipient. Details of the debt or payment have been passed to Debt Management and Banking (DMB) to record the receipt.
PB15 - ICT - TC1070 issued on DD/MM/YYYY requesting bank/building society details. If a reply is not received by DD/MM/YYYY (2 week BF), issue TC1071 reminder (Letter sent to WLU / VIMU for translation) (Delete if appropriate). Initials, Team, Group. Self explanatory
PB16 - ICT - TC1071 issued on DD/MM/YYYY. Payments will stop on DD/MM/YYYY unless bank details are supplied/can be used from Child Benefit Service. Initials, Team, Group. Self explanatory
PB17 - ICT - Joint claim, 1 set of account details provided. All Tax Credits paid into this account. Initials, Team, Group. Self explanatory
PB18 - ICT - Now in payment by BACS. Account details obtained from App/Child Benefit Service and entered on system. No further action. Initials, Team, Group. Self-explanatory - Note: If details are provided by Contact Centre on the database or received by correspondence, please add this to your note.
PB20 - ICT - nil response to TC1058 and TC1071 claim ceased from DD/MM/YYYY. TC607 issued to claimant. Initials, Team, Group. Self explanatory
PB21 - ICT - 3 x UTC made to app. If app still requires a call back a new referral needs to be sent via SEES to the ICT team. Initials, Team, Group. Self explanatory
PB22 - ICT - BF extended due to DD/MM/YYYY. Initials, Team, Group. Self explanatory
PB23 - ICT - Address RLS, payments suspended. When app rings please obtain new bank details or confirm correct address to enable ICT process to begin. Initials, Team, Group Self explanatory
PB24 - ICT work list entry: Beneficiary deceased. Transferred to priority 1 team MU. Initials, Team, Group The entitled customer has died. The work list entry has been transferred to the Priority 1 team for their action.
PB25 - Foreign Bank Account request received. Mandate issued to customer (4 weeks) A TC682 mandate form has been issued to the customer following a request made for their tax credit payments to be made into a foreign bank account.
PB26 - Foreign Bank Account request refused (Give reason e.g. no response to Mandates/no ongoing payments) The customer’s request for their payments to be made into a foreign bank account has been refused.
PB27 - Foreign Bank Account Mandate received from customer. Fax sent to Sponsor Bank (BF 8 days) A fax has been sent to the Sponsor Bank following the receipt of a completed TC682 mandate form.
PB28 - Reply received from Sponsor Bank. Bank details updated. The tax credit database has been updated with the Sponsor Bank details following confirmation that payments can be made into the customer’s foreign account.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PB29 - POCA CCC ChB has updated the bank details as part of the POCA conversion exercise.
PB30 - ICT - Joint claim, 1 set of account details provided. TC1070 issued on DD/MM/YYYY requesting bank/building society details. If a reply is not received by DD/MM/YYYY (4 week BF), all Tax Credits paid into this account Initials, Team, Group. Joint account, 1 set of account details held. Letter issued requesting account details. If none supplied account details on TC will be used to make payment.
PB31 – ICT – Customer allowed non-bank payments. Payment of WTC/CTC for £(XX.XX) to Ap1/Ap2. Referral sent to manual payments team to arrange pymt. Initials, Team, Group. Referral sent to manual payments to arrange payment.
PB32 - ICT - TC1070 issued on DD/MM/YYYY requesting bank/building society details. If a reply is not received by DD/MM/YYYY (4 week BF), Payments will stop on DD/MM/YYYY. Initials, Team, Group. TC1070 issued requesting bank details
PB33 - ICT - nil response to TC1058/TC1070 claim ceased from DD/MM/YYYY. TC607 issued to claimant. Initials, Team, Group. No response to request for bank details. Claim ceased and TC607 issued.

Top of page

Calculating and scheduling manual payments

The Calculating and Scheduling Team calculate and schedule payments for cases that are out of payment due to system problems. They then send the new schedule to the Manual Payment Database Team.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
This Note is no longer used from 1 June 2014 - PC01 - EC/LO: Do not make any (further) manual payments as CRCC referral is now being handled by Calculating & Scheduling group A referral has been received from a Contact Centre that tells Enquiry Centres not to make manual payments.
PC02 - Manual Payment Schedule set up and sent to Group 13 for cashcheque to be issued A payment schedule has been emailed to the Manual Payment Database Team for them to set up cashcheque payments.
PC03 - CC manual payment referral refused as claim now in payment via the system A Contact Centre referral has been refused as the computer is now making payments to the customer.
PC04 - CC manual payment referral refused as no entitlement The customer is not due any more payments as they have received their full entitlement for the year and/or they are no longer entitled.
PC05 - When customer calls, please confirm details of income for (PY /CY) as we cannot action a CC referral without this Requests Helpline to obtain income details so that the Contact Centre referral can be processed.
PC06 - Telephone call to customer to confirm (CY /PY) income. Income = £ The customer has been contacted for Current Year or Previous Year income details.
PC07 - Award has been (ceased/Terminated/Finalised) because (insert reason). Manual Payments cannot be made Self-explanatory.
PC08 - CC manual payment refused. Duplicate referral Self-explanatory.
PC09 - One off manual cashcheque requested for £(XXXX) WTC set up and sent to GRP 13 for cashcheque to be issued Self-explanatory.
PC10 - (Recorded/Registered) letter (number) redirected to (insert details) (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
PC11 - R92TC Authorised and passed to Valuables Self-explanatory.
PC12 - R92TC No. XXXXXXX ISSD DD/MM/YYYY for WTC £XXX.XX, CTC £XXX.XX [delete as appropriate], total £XXX.XX. Manual PYT case - [insert reason for making manual payment and name or NINO of customer it is paid to]. Period covered DD/MM/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY. Next PYT due DD/MM/YYYY [insert if appropriate] Self-explanatory.
PC13 - For pyt due DD/MM/YY. URP requested DD/MM/YYYY for WTC £XXX.XX, CTC £XXX.XX [delete as appropriate], total £XXX.XX. Manual PYT case - [insert reason for making manual payment and name or NINO of customer it is paid to]. Period covered DD/MM/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY. Next PYT due DD/MM/YYYY [insert if appropriate] Self-explanatory. - Messages PC14 or PC15 should be added to this note when payment is authorised or rejected.
PC14 - URP AUTH User Requested Payment authorised.
PC15 - URP REJECTED User Requested Payment rejected.
PC16 - For pyt due DD/MM/YY. Complex Case URP requested DD/MM/YYYY for WTC £XXX.XX, CTC £XXX.XX [delete as appropriate], total £XXX.XX. Manual PYT case - [insert reason for making manual payment]. Period covered DD/MM/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY. Next PYT due DD/MM/YYYY [insert if appropriate] Self-explanatory.
PC17 - Payment suspension states manual payments not to be made, no manual payments to be issued. ‘PXCS ERROR DO NOT PAY MANUALLY’ MU13/01 For a new referral case where the payment suspension states that manual payments are not to be made or issued.
PC18 - Payment suspension states manual payments not to be made, cleared from manual payments database. ‘PXCS ERROR DO NOT PAY MANUALLY’ MU13/01 For recalculation cases where the payment suspension states the manual payments are not to be made and cleared from the Manual Payments database.
PC19 - Manual payment referral refused as no further entitlement. Entitlement for yr 09/10 £XX.XX, appl already rec’d £XX.XX Self-explanatory.
PC20 - Manual payment referral rec’d workaround/corrective [delete as appropriate] action taken to prompt into system payment BF DD/MM/YYYY Self-explanatory.
PC21 - New claim now in payment via the system. Issue all correspondence except for S17 as a manual S17 is required Self-explanatory.
PC22 - Manual payment referral refused as incorrect referral, now being handled by [insert area referred to] Self-explanatory.
PC23 - No manual payment issued to (insert details) for (WTC/CTC) due date (DD/MM/YY), as (reason). Referred back to be cleared from database No entitlement Self-explanatory.
PC24 - Manual payment referral refused as claim now in payment via the system Self-explanatory.
PC25 - Manual corre marker set by Manual Payment team in-yr process. MCM to remain until lifted by Manual Payment team. Self-explanatory.
PC26 - Unable to contact customer. Referral to M/P team sent for £xx.xx covering period (DD/MM/YYYY) to (DD/MM/YYYY). Init, Team, Group Manual Payment cannot be offset as customer could not be contacted.
PC27 - Customer refuses to offset manual payment. Referral to M/P team sent for £xx.xx covering period (DD/MM/YYYY) to (DD/MM/YYYY). Init, Team, Group Customer refuses to offset their manual payment
PC28 - Customer agreed offset M/P £xx.xx for period (DD/MM/YYYY) to (DD/MM/YYYY) against O/P £xx.xx for tax year (YY/YY). £xx.xx class 4 un-remitted (if appropriate). £xx.xx remitted under class 13 (if appropriate). Balance of £xx.xx referred to M/P (DD/MM/YYYY) (if appropriate). M/P offset letter issued. Referral to DMB. (If customer wants to reverse their decision to offset send to MPT) Init, Team, Group Customer agrees to fully offset manual payment against overpayments.
PC29 - Customer agreed to offset M/P £xx.xx for the period (DD/MM/YYYY) to (DD/MM/YYYY) against O/P £xx.xx for tax year (YY/YY). £xx.xx class 4 un-remitted (if appropriate). £xx.xx remitted under class 13 (if appropriate) Balance of £xx.xx referred to M/P (DD/MM/YYYY). M/P offset letter issued. Referral to DMB. (If customer wants to reverse their decision to offset send to MPT) Init, Team, Group Customer agrees to partially offset manual payment against overpayment.

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Central POca Team

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’

POca was discontinued from March 2021

Message Explanation
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF01 - POca consent letter sent to customer (DD/MM/YY). Action date set (21 days) The customer has requested a POca and has been sent the mandatory consent letter to begin the opening process.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF02 - POca consent letter reply slip received (DD/MM/YY). Consent provided The customer has returned the completed consent letter reply slip providing their consent.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF03 - POca consent letter reply slip received (DD/MM/YY). Consent has not been provided The customer has returned the consent letter reply slip but has not provided their consent.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF04 - PAD completed and sent (DD/MM/YY) The Post Office Authorisation Document has been completed and sent as part of the POca opening process.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF05 - Customer has not replied to original POca consent letter within 21 days. Reminder POca consent letter sent (DD/MM/YY). Action date set (21 days) Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF06 - Customer has not replied to the reminder within 21 days. POca request closed Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF07 - POca details and/or rejection codes sent to Child Benefit Office (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF08 - Request for POca received on Central POca Team Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF09 - Customer claim updated with new POca details using tax credit computer (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF10 - Customer claim updated with the new POca details using Child Benefit Service The Central POca Team has updated the claim with the new POca details using the Child Benefit Service.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF11 - Customer claim updated with the new POca details using Child Benefit Service The Central POca Team has updated the claim with the new POca details using the Child Benefit Service.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF12 - Work list entry archived The POca request process has been completed. Accepted and/or rejected POca requests and the work list entry have now been archived.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF13 - Claim worked as advised by Customer Compliance Officer Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF14 - 001 POca rejected; customer already has an existing POca. Customer details / verified/ not verified (action date set) delete as appropriate Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF15 - 002 POca rejected; PAD details incorrect The pre-populated details on the PAD have been tampered with and therefore cannot be accepted.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF16 - 003 POca rejected; mandatory information missing on the PAD due to validation error. Passed to line manager Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF17 - 004 POca rejected; corrupted PAD record. Clean version did not automatically re-send. PAD completed and sent by Central POca Team Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF18 - 005 POca rejected; customer previously held a POca which was misused. This customer is not eligible to open a new POca Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF19 - 006 POca rejected due to application processing or invalid field errors. Customer contacted and information verified Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF20 - 006 POca rejected due to application processing errors. Customer contacted and does not want to be paid into a POca Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF21 - 007 POca rejected; customer had not taken their identification into the Post Office within 13 weeks Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF22 - 008 POca rejected; customer had not taken their Pick up Notice or Personal Identification Number into the Post office within the specified timescales. Application period has elapsed. 12 month action date set on work list entry Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF23 - 009 POca rejected; Child Benefit number used when not applicable. No action for TCO There is no further action for TCO to take. CBO will complete a new PAD with the correct details.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF24 - 010 POca rejected; customer has not activated their card within 12 months. Account is dormant and closed Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF25 - 011 POca rejected; customer already had a previous POca which has remained unactivated. Account dormant and closed Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF26 - 012 POca rejected; address contained on the PAD does not meet Post Office requirements There has been a translation error and the address on the PAD does not contain the required elements to meet Post Office standards.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF27 - 013 POca rejected; customer or Permanent Agent is not eligible for a POca. Continue with existing method of payment The customer or permanent agent has been deemed as not eligible for a POca. This is different to being rejected for a POca and is used in cases where a customer or permanent agent has been barred from entering the Post Office due to various reasons, sometimes due to previous abusive behaviour.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF28 - 500 POca rejected; error in information received from Post Office Limited. Files rejected and returned to Post Office Limited. Passed to line manager TCO have returned the file to Post Office Limited because of data errors.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF29 - 999 POca rejected; supplementary message received from Post office Limited Post Office Limited have rejected the POca request and provided a further explanatory message to TCO.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF30 - Incident Escalation Process commenced. Error reported to Data Guardian and IT Service Centre. Status pending. Await response from IT Service Centre Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF31 - Incident Escalation Process commenced. Error reported to Data Guardian and IT Service Centre. Incident resolved Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF32 - Incident Escalation Process commenced. Error reported to Data Guardian and IT Service Centre. Incident has not been resolved. Passed to line manager to begin SEOCS fallback process Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF33 - Customer advised to call Post Office card account Helpline for account number The customer already has a POca but does not know the account number. They have been told to call the POca Helpline to obtain the account number.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF34 - 1 x UTC by POca team (DD/MM/YY) Initials Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF35 - 2 x UTC by POca team. POca letter sent to name & reason. (DD/MM/YY) Initials Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF36 - Customer claim updated with new Bacs details using tax credit computer (DD/MM/YY) Initials Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF37 - Customer has already provided new Bank details for Tax Credits. NFA needed. Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF38 - Customer has already provided Bank details for Child Benefit. NFA needed. Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF39 - Customer already receives Child Benefit into bank account-Renewal Inhib. Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF40 - Duplicate case archived - there are cases at PEND status on the Worklist. Nfa needed. Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF41 - No claim on NTC, nfa taken. Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF42 - POca acct case at pending status on worklist case is over 17 wks old and has now been archived. Customer will have to reapply. Central POca Team MMC Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF43 - POca acct case failed status on worklist case is over 17 wks old and has now been archived. Customer will have to reapply. Central POca Team MMC Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF44 - 002 POca rejected; PAD details incorrect. Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF45 - Claim has been Compliance terminated nfa required 19/01 Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF46 - Payments for TC are being paid into a valid bank account, nfa Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF47 - Tax Credit claim withdrawn/rejected. NFA taken. Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from March 2021 - PF48 - POca details entered. Payment suspension removed. Self-explanatory.

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Validate Large Payments

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
This Note no longer used from 10 October 2011 - PJ01 - Correspondence received. Customer querying income figures amended by high value payment team The customer has contacted us in response to a letter they have received advising them that the High Value Payment Team have amended the income figures the customer has supplied.
This Note no longer used from 10 October 2011 - PJ02 - TC1109 letter issued for further information from the customer A TC1109 letter has been issued to the customer to get further information so we can deal with their query.
This Note no longer used from 10 October 2011 - PJ03 - TC1110 letter issued to advise them that we have/have not (delete as appropriate) amended their claim A TC1110 letter has been issued to the customer to advise them that we have/have not (delete as appropriate) amended their claim based on the evidence we have and which has been supplied.
This Note no longer used from 10 October 2011 - PJ04 - No amendments made to claim. Customer did not reply to letter issued The customer did not reply to the letter we issued asking for further information so we can deal with their query. No letter issued.
PJ05 - Case checked. High value payment £xx.xx (DD/MM/YY) correct/released as instructed by Compliance/International Team. Payment can be issued. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Self-explanatory.
PJ06 - DO NOT REMOVE PAYMENT SUSPENSION. Case checked. Payments not to be issued as per retained note dated (DD/MM/YY) as instructed by Compliance/International Team. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Self-explanatory.
PJ07 - DO NOT REMOVE PAYMENT SUSPENSION UNTIL RLS RESOLVED. RLS marker present, payments suspended. RLS team please work as normal and remove manual payment suspension as appropriate when address confirmed. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Self-explanatory.
PJ08 - Case checked. High value payment £xx.xx (DD/MM/YY) correct. Cross referenced PY income with PAYE Browser & SA. Payment can be issued. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Self-explanatory.
PJ09 - Case checked. High value payment £xx.xx (DD/MM/YY) released. Cross referenced PY income with PAYE Browser & SA, no SA return held for ap1/2 for PY yet. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Self-explanatory.
PJ10 - DO NOT REMOVE PAYMENT SUSPENSION. High value payment £xx.xx (DD/MM/YY) is incorrect and not to be issued until manual giro postings corrected. Referred to TALLO for correction. TC861 sent to inform customer of delayed payments. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 29 June 2012 - PJ11 - DO NOT REMOVE PAYMENT SUSPENSION. High value pyt check need to confirm (enter details of other info needed) before pyts can be issued. TC861 issued, customer to call (insert phone number) with info. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Self-explanatory.
PJ12 - DO NOT MAKE INCOME CHANGE (DD/MM/YY). High value pyt check. X ref’d PAYE/SA income used £xx.xx (give details of each income discrepancy) award amended. TC1088 issued. If income challenged tell customer to call (insert phone number). GRPxx/Tmx/initials Self-explanatory.
PJ13 - High value payment check. Award amended as (enter details of error found and correction made e.g backdated incorrectly, incorrect JSA marker etc). Payment of £xx.xx (DD/MM/YY) will not be issued, system will reprofile and issue amended payments. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Self-explanatory.
PJ14 - DO NOT MAKE INCOME CHANGE (YY/YY). High value pyt check. X ref’d PAYE/SA income used £xx.xx (give details of each discrepancy). TC2002 issued. If income challenged, advise customer to call (insert phone number) award/pyts amended. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 29 June 2012 - PJ15 - WAM referral received on (DD/MM/YY) re unissued payments. Cannot action until customer confirms (enter details of info needed). Advise customer to call (insert phone number) with information required. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 29 June 2012 - PJ16 - DO NOT REMOVE PAYMENT SUSPENSION. High value pyt check, need to confirm (enter details of info needed) before pyts can be issued. Reminder issued for TC861 sent (DD/MM/YY) tell customer to call (insert phone number) with info. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Self-explanatory.
PJ17 - WAM referral received on (DD/MM/YY) re unissued payments. Award already amended and payments are now issued/no further payments are due (delete as appropriate). GRPxx/Tmx/initials Self-explanatory.
PJ18 - High value pyt check. Award already amended as (enter details of error found and correction made). Pyt suspension lifted, pyt of £xx.xx (DD/MM/YY) will not be issued, system will reprofile and issue amended pyts. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Self-explanatory.
PJ19 - High value payment check. Customer confirmed (enter details of information provided by customer). No change to award, payment suspension lifted. Payments will be issued. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 29 June 2012 - PJ20 - High value payment check. No reply to TC861 issued (DD/MM/YY) to confirm PY & CY income. Income entered as £99,999 until income details supplied. Award amended, payment suspension lifted but no further payments due. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from 29 June 2012 - PJ21 - High value payment check. No reply to TC861 issued (DD/MM/YY) to confirm (enter details of query). Case referred to TALLO for further advice. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Self-explanatory.
PJ22 - WAM referral received on (DD/MM/YY) re (YY/YY) payments. Award has already been amended. If income used is challenged, please advise customer to call (insert phone number). GRPxx/Tmx/initials Self-explanatory.
PJ23 - High value pyt check. (Give details of evidence) received (DD/MM/YY). Ap1/2 income amended to £xx.xx as per (give details of evidence used). TC2001 issued. (Give details of documents returned) returned, copies to storage. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Self-explanatory.
PJ24 - High value pyt check. (Give details of evidence received) received (DD/MM/YY). Award already amended as per evidence, no further action needed. (Give details of documents returned) returned, copies to storage. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Self-explanatory.
PJ25 - High value pyt check. (Give details of evidence) rec’d (DD/MM/YY) not accepted as (give reasons why). Award unchanged. TC2001 issued. (Give details of docs retd) retd, copies to storage. If income challenged ap needs to appeal. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Self-explanatory.
PJ26 - High value payment £xx.xx (DD/MM/YY) released, Error Found, (user to enter error type) unable to correct due to finalisation rules. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Self-explanatory.
PJ27 - High value payment £xx.xx (YY/YY) released. Error found (user to enter error type) case identified for potential enquiry. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Payment released - Income error found - Between £1000 to £2000
PJ28 - High value payment £xx.xx (YY/YY) released. Error found for (YY/YY) income. Unable to correct. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Payment released - Income error found - Unable to correct due to PY finalised.
PJ29 - Case checked. High value payment £xx.xx (12/13) released. Award based on CY estimate income, no PAYE or SA return held for ap1/2 for CY yet. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Payment released - No PAYE or SA held for current year
PJ30 - Corre/phone call rec from ap re income amendment. (See retained h/h note dated xx/xx/xx). Case has now been pa’d, applicant advised to write to appeals. Corre referred to Appeals. NFA DG. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Corre/Tel call rec’d - referred to Appeals
PJ31 - Tel call rec from ap1/2 re income amendment letter issued xx/xx/xx. (Please write here what was discussed and any changes made). DG. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Tel call - Various
PJ32 - Case checked. High value payment £xx.xx (YYYY) released. Cross referenced (YY/YY) income with PAYE browser & SA. No income details held on both systems. Payment can be issued. GRPxx/Tmx/initials Payment released - No SA or PAYE held.
PJ33 - DO NOT MAKE INCOME CHANGE (DD/MM/YY). High value pyt check. X ref’d PAYE/SA income used £xx.xx (give details of eaach income discrepancy) award amended. TC1088 issued. If customer calls, send referral to VLP inbox. GRPXX/Tmx/Initials DO NOT MAKE INCOME CHANGE (DD/MM/YY). High value pyt check. X ref’d PAYE/SA income used £xx.xx (give details of eaach income discrepancy) award amended. TC1088 issued. If customer calls, send referral to VLP inbox. GRPXX/Tmx/initials
PJ34 - DO NOT MAKE INCOME CHANGE (DD/MM/YY). High value pyt check. X ref’d PAYE/SA income used £xx.xx (give details of eaach income discrepancy). TC2002 issued. If customer calls, send referral to VLP inbox. GRPXX/Tmx/Initials DO NOT MAKE INCOME CHANGE (DD/MM/YY). High value pyt check. X ref’d PAYE/SA income used £xx.xx (give details of eaach income discrepancy). TC2002 issued. If customer calls, send referral to VLP inbox. GRPXX/Tmx/Initials
PJ35 - Cust called in response to *TC1088/TC2002 , referral sent to VLP team Cust called in response to *TC1088/TC2002 , referral sent to VLP team
PJ36 - Cust called to provide additional inormation, referral sent to VLP Cust called to provide additional inormation, referral sent to VLP
PJ37 - Cust called to progress chase referral sent to VLP over 10 days ago, 2nd referral sent Cust called to progress chase referral sent to VLP over 10 days ago, 2nd referral sent
PJ38 - Cust called to progress chase referral sent to VLP team. Advised VLP will call back within 10 days Cust called to progress chase referral sent to VLP team. Advised VLP will call back within 10 days

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Ceased (or Reduced) Payments After a Change (CPAC)

Where an in-year adjustment has been made, the customer’s payments may stop or be reduced because the award amount is less than before and the customer has already been paid all or most of their entitlement.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
PK01 - Call/Letter (delete as appropriate) received (DD/MM/YY) from (insert details) re CPAC. Expl given/Cust advised to put complaint/MR in writing (delete as appropriate) Call/letter received. Verbal explanation of CPAC action given to the customer/Customer advised to put their complaint/mandatory reconsideration in writing.
PK02 - Call/Letter (delete as appropriate) rec (DD/MM/YY) from(insert details) re CPAC. Cust in financial difficulty. Referred to MAPTH team to consider hardship Call/Letter received regarding CPAC action. The customer is claiming they are in financial difficulty. Case has been referred to MAPTH.
PK03 - Call rec (DD/MM/YY) from (insert details) requesting written expl of CPAC action. Cust advised to put query in writing to TCO Call received. Customer is requesting a written explanation of CPAC action. Customer advised to put their request in writing to TCO.
PK04 - Letter rec (DD/MM/YY) from (insert details). Cust complaint/query (delete as appropriate) re CPAC. Letter redirected to CSSG/CIT (delete as appropriate) Letter received. Customer has a complaint/query regarding CPAC action. Letter has been redirected to CSSG/CIT.

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Manually Adjusted Payments To Avoid Hardship Team

When the recovery amount of an overpayment by the tax credits computer causes the customer financial hardship, the customer may, in certain cases, have an adjustment made to increase their level of payments to relieve this situation.

Please ensure that the relevant standardised reference shown below is added to the end of the message.

  • CP NW & NE - ‘CP Number/Grp Number/Task/Building/Floor or Room/PID’
  • Compliance – ‘CxHx/PID/telephone number’
Message Explanation
This Note no longer used from 1 June 2014 - PM01 - Immediate MAPTH 1hr WAM referral for (tax year) from (name of) EC. Adjustment made to (insert % amount)%. EC informed. TC868 issued to customer on (DD/MM/YY) A referral from an Enquiry Centre for immediate processing has been received as the customer is suffering hardship. The MAPTH Team has adjusted the amount of future payments to return the customer to a percentage of what they would have achieved had they not had in year adjustment applied to their award. The MAPTH Team applies this percentage. This is to allow some recovery to take place whilst restricting the recovery of the overpayment to a level that avoids hardship.
This Note no longer used from 1 June 2014 - PM02 - Immediate 1hr WAM referral for (tax year) received. MAPTH request declined. TC869 issued to customer on (DD/MM/YY) A referral from an Enquiry Centre for immediate processing has been received as customer is suffering hardship. The MAPTH Team has refused this. A letter explaining why this decision has been made,has been sent to the customer.
This Note no longer used from Nov 2016 - PM03 - Adjust in year payment % set to (insert % amount). TC868 issued (DD/MM/YY) The MAPTH Team has adjusted the amount of future payments to return the customer to a percentage of what they would have achieved had they not had in-year adjustment applied to their award. The MAPTH Team applies this percentage. This is to allow some recovery to take place whilst restricting the recovery of the overpayment to a level that avoids hardship.
This Note no longer used from Nov 2016 - PM04 - Clerical backdated MAPTH for (tax year) issued for £(XXXX) R92TC (serial no.) sent to Valuables on (DD/MM/YY). TC886 issued to customer The customer has been issued with a one-off manual payment to cover the backdating of their claim for hardship, to the point at which they first applied for hardship. The MAPTH Team will only backdate where a claim is processed five working days or later from receipt in the TCO. A letter has been issued to the customer to explain this payment.
This Note no longer used from Nov 2016 - PM05 - Adjust in year payment % request declined (reason given). TC869 letter issued DD/MM/YY A referral has been received as the customer is suffering hardship. The MAPTH Team has refused this. A letter explaining why this decision has been made has been sent to the customer.
This Note no longer used from Nov 2016 - PM06 - DMB advises reduction in CY appropriate. (Initial/Regular/Final) PYT £(XXXX) authorised on (DD/MM/YY). R92TC(serial no.) Letter issued. Next payment due on DD/MM/YY After consideration of secondary hardship by DMB, the decision has been made to reduce the rate of recovery to avoid hardship. The MAPTH Team administers this and this message details the amount and the type (initial / regular / final) of the payment. This message also gives detail of the due date of the next payment. A letter has been sent to the customer to explain this.
This Note no longer used from Nov 2016 - PM07 - Secondary hardship request declined by DMB. Letter issued After consideration of secondary hardship by DMB, the decision has been made not to reduce the rate of recovery. The MAPTH Team sends a letter to the customer to explain this.
This Note no longer used from Nov 2016 - PM08 - Adjust in year payments % changes to (insert % amount). TC868 issued DD/MM/YY Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from Nov 2016 - PM09 - Giro issued to (name) for reduced cross year recovery of £(XXXX). R92TC (serial no.) sent to Valuables. Next payment due (DD/MM/YY) A form R92TC has been sent to the Valuables Team to instruct them to issue a cashcheque for the given amount for the reduced cross year recovery.
This note no longer used from Nov 2016 - PM10 - (Recorded/Registered) letter (number) redirected to (insert details) (DD/MM/YY) Self-explanatory.
This note no longer used from Nov 2016 - PM11 - Secondary Hardship request, referred to Secondary Hardship Team. TC871 completed Self-explanatory.
This note no longer used from Nov 2016 - PM12 - Existing Secondary Hardship case from previous tax year sent to Secondary Hardship Team for further consideration Self-explanatory.
This note no longer used from Nov 2016 - PM13 - Customer has requested we increase their % rate of recovery in order to repay the overpayment quicker. TC996 issued DD/MM/YY Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from Nov 2016 - PM14 - Adjust in year payment % set to (insert % amount) as requested by the customer Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from Nov 2016 - PM15 - Customer has requested we reset their payment adjustment in order to repay the overpayment quicker. Full recovery made. TC991 issued DD/MM/YY Self-explanatory.
This Note no longer used from Nov 2016 - PM16 - Referred to TCO for in year restriction case. No adjustment set as case is Family Element only. TC869 issued DD/MM/YY A referral has been received as the customer is suffering hardship. The MAPTH Team has refused this as the customer is entitled to the Family Element only. A letter explaining this decision has been made has been sent to the customer.
This Note no longer used from Nov 2016 - PM17 - MAPTH not appropriate because case is Cross Year Recovery Only. TC869 issued DD/MM/YY A referral has been received as the customer is suffering hardship. The MAPTH Team has refused this as the case is Cross Year Recovery Only. A letter explaining this decision has been made has been sent to the customer.
This Note no longer used from June 2017 - PM18 - H-ART not appropriate as there is no longer an outstanding overpayment No adjustment can be made as there is no longer an overpayment outstanding.
This note no longer used from Nov 2016 - PM19 - MAPTH case papers to PA. Clmt failed to return TC996 issued on DD/MM/YY. BF date of DD/MM/YY has expired. Self-explanatory
This Note no longer used from Nov 2016 - PM20 - Referred to MAPTH team to reconsider hardship Self-explanatory
PM21 - H-ART hardship referral received. I&E form (TC1133) issued to customer to complete and return to H-ART team by DD/MM/YY Income and expenditure form has been issued to customer.
PM22 - H-ART hardship case papers sent to PA. Customer failed to return I&E form TC1133/TC2036 issued DD/MM/YY. BF date DD/MM/YY has expired. Customer did not reply to our enquiry, no further action to take.
This Note no longer used from Nov 2016 - PM23 - Secondary hardship case papers with independent adjudicator for decision on possible reduction in overpayment recovery. Self-explanatory.
PM24 - H-ART hardship decision made. No reduction to current recovery rate is appropriate as customer has disposable income. TC873 issued. Customer does not qualify for hardship payments due to having disposable income.
PM25 - H-ART hardship assessed. Reduction in recovery rate applied at xx%. TC 872 issued. Customer has negative disposable income, Reduction applied to the recovery amount (Cross Year recovery only).
PM26 - H-ART reduction in recovery rate applied at xx%. Hardship payment £xx.xx sent to Man. Payments Team for issue. Next payment due DD/MM/YY. TC872 issued. First hardship payment amount issued and the next payment due date. (Cross Year recovery cases only).
PM27 - H-ART hardship payment £xx.xx (recalculated payments due to new schedule, new TC872 issued) due DD/MM/YY sent to Manual Payments team for issue. Next payment due DD/MM/YY. Payments have been recalculated because of a change to the payment schedule. (Cross Year recovery cases only).
PM28 - H-ART hardship payment due DD/MM/YY will not be made, recovery rate has been adjusted on system due to In Year recovery. Adjust In Year Payment set to 100%. TC868 issued. Method of recovery has changed from Cross Year only to In Year or a combination of In Year and Cross Year. System has been adjusted therefore manual payments are not required.
PM29 - H-ART hardship case assessed, recovery rate set to 0%. Adjust In Year Payment set to 100%. TC868 issued. System has been adjusted for In Year or In Year and Cross Year recovery.
This Note no longer used from Nov 2016 - PM30 - Secondary hardship I&E form (TC1133) received on DD/MM/YY from customer. Retrieved case papers from PA and sent to HO for decision on o/p recovery. I&E form received after the expired BF date. Case papers retrieved to work as if returned in time.
PM31 - Customer has requested we increase their % rate of recovery to repay the o/p quicker. Recovery rate cannot be increased but customer can send in personal cheque/s to repay quicker. TC1129 issued. Customer is repaying o/p by reducing their current payments. If the customer is paying at the max rate allowed by legislation and asks to increase this rate we advise them this is not possible but they can make extra payments via the Payment Helpline.
PM32 - H-ART request not appropriate as / referred to Immediate Payments team / claim moved to UC / insert any other reason (delete as appropriate) for rejecting e-form. No letter issued / TC873A issued (delete as appropriate). Hardship referral received, and either: - there are no recoveries taking place; or - the e-form has been incorrectly assigned to H-ART by PT Ops, but the query is not related to H-ART or - referred to Immediate Payments team as no award in payment and not caused by CPAC or - claim moved to UC
PM33 - Dual Recovery query incorrectly referred to H-ART. No letter issued. E-form Referral sent to Dual Recovery Inbox. Received Dual Recovery query via eforms from PT Ops - referred to Dual recovery team. No H-ART letter issued
PM34 – BF DD/MM/YY, Customer to supply supporting information of expense / income, TC2036 issued NW5H2/PID Have tried twice to phone customer to query some costs or income and been unable to contact them or - Customer to supply supporting information of expense / income, TC2036 issued.
PM35 - H-ART referral dated dd/mm/yy. H-ART not appropriate-No Letter issued. However, penny workaround applied to reprofile payments and stop cross year recovery as the OP in Tax Yr yy/yy has been repaid and so CY recovery should cease. Overpayment repaid but recovery has been continuing. Workaround applied to stop cross year recovery.
PM36- H-ART referral dated dd/mm/yy. CAR recoveries being made, but ap has since paid back the OP in full. OP TFRD back to original claim and NTC system to issue ‘CAR recoveries’ that ap has also paid back. H-ART not appropriate - no letter issued. Overpayment repaid but recovery has been continuing. Workaround applied to stop cross award recovery. CAR recoveries paid back.
PM37 - Potential payment released. Hardship criteria met. Potential payment released to customer.
PM38 - Potential payment not released. Hardship criteria not met. Potential payment not released.
PM39 - Request to release potential payment. TC937 issued to customer dd/mm/yy. Referral to Mandatory Reconsideration/Disputed overpayment/Complaints team - request to release potential payment actioned. TC937 letter issued to customer.
PM40 - Customer query resolved on potential payment dd/mm/yy. Referral to Mandatory Reconsideration/Disputed overpayment/Complaints team - potential payment query resolved with customer. Potential payment not released.
PM41 - No potential payment details found for tax year. NFA. Post Room. Team 4 Potential payment enquiry considered. No potential payment details identified in any tax year. Enquiry closed.
PM42 - Enquiry regarding potential payment, TC937 issued to customer dd/mm/yy Request to release potential payment actioned. TC937 notice issued to customer.
PM43 - Request to release potential payment, referral to MR/Dop/Complaints dd/mm/yy Potential payment correspondence referred to relevant Mandatory Reconsideration/Disputed Overpayment/Complaints area.
PM61 - Hardship form received. Cust requested hardship. Not considered as not currently receiving tax credits. TC2043 issued Hardship form received - Tax credits not currently in payment to customer. Requested hardship (adjustment to the rate of overpayment recovery) but can’t be considered as tax credits are not in payment. TC2043 issued.
PM62 - Hardship form received. Cust requested hardship. Not considered as no overpayment being recovered. TC2043 issued Customer requested Hardship (adjustment to the rate of overpayment recovery) but this cannot be considered as no overpayment recovery is taking place. TC2043 issued.
PM63 - TC2043MM mail merge letter issued as one-off exercise. Cust requested Hardship but can’t consider as overpayment recovery not taking place TC2043MM mail merge letter issued, customer requested Hardship (adjustment to the rate of overpayment recovery) but can’t consider as overpayment recovery not taking place. Letter issued as part one off exercise to clear backlog of hardship requests.
PM64 - H-ART hardship case reassessed following new I&E form received, (recovery rate set to X% / manual payment of £xx.xx due DD/MM/YY, sent to Manual Payment Team for issue), TC8XX issued The H-ART hardship case reassessed following new Income and Expenditure form received. The recovery rate is set to x% / manual payment of £xx.xx due on (date), sent to Manual Payment Team for issue, TC8XX issued.
PM65 - H-ART request not appropriate as customer has received last payment of tax year, H-ART action cannot be taken, customer will need to apply in CY+1. Letter issued. (DD/MM/YY) No adjustment can be made as there are no longer any tax credit payments left within the tax year. Customer has been informed to re-apply from 06/04/CY when their new payments take effect.
PM66 - H-ART COVID-19 Easement. \nRecovery rate set to nil Adjust in year payment to 100% A simplified process has been used and the customer is allowed a reduction in recovery
PM67 - H-ART COVID-19 Easement. \nNo reduction in recovery Customer does not qualify for hardship payments under the simplified process, due to having disposable income
PM68 - H-ART COVID-19 Easement. Hardship criteria not met but temporary pause in recovery granted. Recovery rate set to nil. Adjust in year payment to 100% A simplified process has been used and the customer is allowed a reduction in recovery for a minimum period of 3 months
PM69 - H-ART Easement. Recovery rate set to nil. Adjust in year payment to 100% A simplified process has been used and the customer is allowed a reduction in recovery. Recovery rate set to nil by setting adjust in year payments to 100%
PM70 - H-ART Easement. No reduction in recovery Customer does not qualify for hardship payments under the simplified process, due to having disposable income