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TCM0194060 - NTC listings (Unfinalised S17): NTC listing - Unfinalised S17 work list (Info)

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The NTC Listing Unfinalised S17 work list entries have been carried over from the previous year’s Unfinalised S17 work list entries that couldn’t be finalised because of an outstanding signal or a failure reason that prevented the finalisation from taking place.

An entry will be created on the NTC Listing Unfinalised S17 work list if it isn’t possible to finalise a PY award. This will happen when the computer holds the following reasons

  • Appeal - the Appeal Officer has set the signal.
  • Compliance - the ‘Claim under Enquiry’ signal is set when a Compliance enquiry is open on the case.
  • Inhibited - Compliance has set the signal for the period set on the award notice.
  • SCO - the Criminal Investigations Officer has set the signal on the claim.
  • Complex - where this signal is set, the claim is with the UK Complex Team (previously called European Economic Area (EEA) Team or international Team).
  • an Unprocessed Change Of Circumstances work item exists on the Unprocessed Change Of Circumstances work list.
  • a Verification Failure work item exists on the Verification Failures work list.
  • Not Past 1SD - the customer’s 1st Specified Date (1SD) hasn’t been reached, but it’s after the last date when the computer will automatically process unreturned renewals.
  • Manually Finalise or Manually Finalise and Renew - the work item has been picked up at second stage processing and it’s after the last date when the computer will automatically process unreturned renewals.
  • Awaiting Change Of Circumstances - when the computer identifies any Annual Declarations that have been returned indicating that a non-income change of circumstance exists, but the change of circumstance details haven’t yet been sent in by the customer.
  • Multi-entry - more than one of the following statuses appear together
    • appeal
    • unprocessed change of circumstance
    • verification failure.

You must work all the reasons for the NTC Listing Unfinalised S17 work list item before you finalise the PY (2005-2006) claim and delete the NTC Listing entry.

Note: From 6 April 2017, customers will only get the Family Element of Child Tax Credit where they are responsible for a child or children born before that date.

Note: The individual child element of Child Tax Credit will no longer be awarded for third and subsequent children or qualifying young persons in a household, born on or after 6 April 2017, unless it meets the exception criteria.

Note: If you are dealing with a claim where an exception marker has been applied to any of the children/young persons included in the claim or the customer is reporting a change relating to an exception contact the Exception Team (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) . (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) For how to check if the exception marker has been applied, use TCM1000314.