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TCM0196360 - NTC listings (Unprocessed S17): NTC listing - Unprocessed S17 - Verification failures - ‘Navigate’ toolbar option unavailable (Info)

The ‘Unprocessed S17’ work list will be populated when the Annual Declaration has been received but finalisation can’t be achieved.

An entry will be created on this work list when there is an outstanding verification failure present on the ‘Verification Failures’ work list for the claim that the Annual Declaration relates to.

These are all high risk cases which have caused the ‘Navigate’ option on the toolbar menu to be greyed out. This stops you from processing and clearing the verification failure using Function MANAGE VERIFICATION FAILURES.

These cases don’t need to be referred to Compliance.

Whilst a long-term solution for these work items is considered, this guidance can be used to work the verification failure using the Function Menu. The work list item can then be transferred to MU 298408.

The renewal can be finalised and/or renewed using Function MANAGE FINALISATION.

The verification failure that appears on the ‘Unprocessed S17’ work list must be worked to enable the previous year (PY) award to be finalised and the current year (CY) award to be renewed.

There is an Action Guide for this subject, select TCM0196380 to access it