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TCM0212060 - Payment - direct payments: Direct payments - cancelling and re-issuing (Info)

A failed payment is populated on the Applicant Failed Payments work list

  • automatically, as a rejected payment
  • as a result of an operator recording a failed payment as a cancelled payment in Function RECORD FAILED PAYMENT.

The failure could be the result of a

  • BACS payment that hasn’t been made
  • direct payment being recalled to prevent an incorrect payment being sent out.

Note: Cash cheques may have been issued as a payment method prior to April 2017, however since April 2017 customers will need to be paid directly into a bank or building society account. Customers will be required to supply us with account details to enable payments to be made.

If the failure is as a result of an operator recording a cancelled payment, these are sent to TCO from Contact Centres on referral forms.

Once the reason for the failure has been resolved, you can re-issue payment using Function RECORD FAILED PAYMENT (or, for a manual payment, by using Function USER REQUESTED PAYMENT). The payments to the customer are re-profiled. The cancelled payment reduces the amount already paid to the customer and will be included in any payment arrears issued by the computer. For more information on payment profiling, follow the guidance in TCM0232220.

This guidance takes you through the actions required to cancel a payment and, if appropriate, to re-issue payment.

To cancel or re-issue a payment you must have been allocated and be in the AMBS Pyt Processor user role.

To re-issue a payment using Function USER REQUESTED PAYMENT, you must have been allocated and be in the AMBS Request Pyt user role.

There is an Action Guide for this subject, select TCM0212080 to access it