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TCM0220100 - Payment: manual payment - R92TC completion


Before you follow this guidance make sure

  • you follow the guidance in TCM0138020
  • you have the correct user roles to follow this guidance. Use the B&C Roles and Access Catalogue. You can find this by going to the Benefits & Credits homepage, selecting ‘R’ on the B&C A-Z index, selecting ‘Roles and Access Process’, selecting ‘Roles & Access Catalogue’ from the Related links menu
  • you are in the correct MU. Use TCM0322460 for the correct MU number.


Note: The preferred payment method for R92TC is by Payable Order if the customer has a bank or Building Society account. Payable Orders can not be paid into a POca. If the customer has a POca payment must be made by cashcheque.

Note: This screen-based version of the form R92TC, available on ‘SEES’ is to be used by TCO staff when they have decided that a manual payment is appropriate.

Note: Before following this guidance, ensure that you have access to ‘SEES’. All fields can be selected using the mouse or ‘Tab’ key on the keyboard.


Step 1

Note: Do not make payments of less than £1. Any shortfall will be picked up and dealt with by the computer in due course.

Note: The preferred payment method for R92TC is by Payable Order if the customer has a bank or Building Society account. Payable Orders can not be paid into a POca. If the customer has a POca payment must be made by cashcheque.

If you are not an authorising officer but you have established a manual payment is to be made to a tax credits customer

  • complete a screen-based version of form R92TC. This is available on ‘SEES’ on the ‘Excel’ toolbar menu

Note: Before filling in this form, you must obtain the next serial number in the sequence allocated to your office or team. This will be the first available number on the R92TC master sheet held by the authorising officer.

  • to obtain this number, TCO staff should go to .

If you are an authorising officer, go to .

Step 2

Note: Each TCO team will be allocated a block of numbers, which will be seven digits long. You will need to enter the whole of the serial number on the screen-based form R92TC.

Find the first unused seven-digit number

  • enter the customer’s details in the appropriate fields on the R92TC control sheet, go to .

Step 3

Open Microsoft (MS) Excel

  • select ‘SEES’ on the toolbar menu

If you are not an authorising officer

  • select R92TC from the sub-menu
  • select field 1 and enter the NINO of the customer who is the nominated tax credit recipient (the payee). To check for this, use TCM1000485

Note: The customer details entered on the form must be those of the nominated tax credits recipient. If they are not, the R92TC processing will fail and the payment will not be posted to the customer’s account until resolved. This could take a considerable amount of time and lead to unnecessary overpayments. If the other customer is to receive the manual payment but they are not the nominated recipient, their details must be entered as the payee.

  • complete R92TC. For how to do this, use TCM1000079 
  • go to .

If you are an authorising officer

  • select ‘R92 Authoriser’ from the sub-menu. You will be taken to the ‘R92 Awaiting Authorisation’ screen
  • authorise the R92TC. For how to do this, use TCM1000064
  • go to .

Step 4

Update Household Notes with the appropriate messages either, PN02, PN03 or PN07 from TCM0168040. For how to do this, use TCM1000001

  • before passing to the authorising officer, ensure that you’ve enclosed a completed computer generated TC1140 and the form TC648, if appropriate
  • pass any supporting documents to the authorising officer and tell them that the form R92TC has been saved for authorisation

Note: If any part of the form is incorrect or inaccurate, it will be deleted by the authorising officer and a new form will have to be completed in full

  • take no further action.

Step 5

If the manual payment was appropriate and has been authorised

  • update Household Notes with the message, PN06 from TCM0168040. For how to do this, use TCM1000001.
  • go to .

If the manual payment was not appropriate

  • tell the person who completed the form R92TC of the reason
  • destroy the cancelled form R92TC in confidential waste
  • take no further action.

If the form R92TC has not been correctly completed

  • tell the person who completed the form R92TC of their errors
  • instruct them to complete another form using the same serial number, attaching the printed copy of the cancelled form R92TC to the new form
  • take no further action.

Step 6

Issue the cashcheques to the customer and obtain a signed Manual payment receipt form (Word 20KB) and Manual payment declaration (Word  23KB)

  • pass the signed form R92TC, receipt, declaration and any other supporting documentation to the person responsible for collating and sending the form R92TC to Revenue Finance Worthing (RFW)

Note: This is the end of the authorising officer’s actions on this form. Repeat the relevant steps for all the other entries on the ‘R92TC Awaiting Authorisation’ screen. If there are no more entries, or you want to leave the screen based R92TC form, select ‘Exit’.

  • go to .

Step 7

On a daily basis

  • make screen prints of the ‘Daily Batch Sheet’ that include all of the R92TC being sent to ‘RFW’ that day
  • collate and send the screen prints of the ‘Daily Batch Sheet’, the original form R92TC and the original R92TC Supplementary (if completed) by Taxpost (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
  • file the photocopied form R92TC, the Supplementary page (if there is one), signed receipt and declaration form locally for audit purposes

Note: Stored documents must be retained for 18 months, and then destroyed in confidential waste.

  • destroy any cancelled form R92TC in confidential waste
  • take no further action.