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TCM0230240 - Payment - overpayments (Q-Z): overpayments - RPT020 received from Jobcentre Plus - TCO only (Info)

In a small number of cases, some customers may repay a tax credits overpayment at a Jobcentre Plus office.

When this happens, the office will bank the repayment locally and hold it in a suspense account.

They will then complete a form JCP/RPT020 and send this to TCO, advising them to hold the payment.

You need to complete a section on this form and return this to the sending office informing them to forward the payment to Accounting & Payment Service (A&PS) Cumbernauld in order that they can be posted back onto the tax credits computer.

A process has already be set up and agreed for Department for Communities (DfC) offices in Northern Ireland.

Cheques and postal orders are sent directly(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

TCO (NI) must follow the normal procedures for when a cheque is received.

Cash received at a DfC office is lodged into a DfC General Account and the equivalent is paid to HMRC by payable order (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)

There is an Action Guide for this subject, select TCM0230260 to access it