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TCM0232180 - Payment - payment profile: Payment profile - general (Info)

The payment profile can be arranged once the following have been established

  • award details
  • recipient of the award
  • method of payment
  • payment frequency
  • regular pay day.

Payments will be scheduled until the end of the renewal period and will be paid at the same daily rate as the last day of the current award year, subject to recovery of overpayments and changes of entitlement that occur within the renewal period.

If more than one tax credit is due to a family but to different customers, a payment schedule will be set up for each customer.

Where the same customer is being paid tax credits at more than one frequency, a payment schedule will be set up for each payment frequency.

Changes that do not affect the award and payment amounts yet impact on payment schedules (such as change of bank account details), will also be automatically processed.