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TCM0232360 - Payment - payment profile: Payment profile - suspended payments (Info)

Where payment has been suspended using another function, payments will only be reinstated where the suspension was for the following reasons

  • Bacs - bank details were found to be invalid and suspension was set automatically or manually
  • ‘Validate Large Payments’ (VLP) - quality check
  • any method where payment was suspended because of the death of the customer.

If the recipient’s bank account details have been changed any entries on the ‘Applicant Failed Payment’ work list for payments to this customer will be deleted.

If there is a Bacs payment suspension set for this customer from the previous payment profile, the Bacs payment schedule will be reinstated for the new account details.

If ‘RLS’ payment suspension is removed and the recipient’s address updated but the ‘no bank account details’ suspension is still on, no payments will be issued. This is because off system payments are only paid for a limited period, usually four weeks. In these circumstances, the customer must provide valid bank or building society.

If payments are suspended due to the death of the customer and the ‘Deceased’ signal is unset after investigation, payments will be reinstated by the same method.

If payments are suspended due to ‘VLP’ quality check, after completion of the check payments will be reinstated by the same payment method.

When a payment schedule is reinstated, any missed payments will be combined and issued as a single payment.

Where a suspended schedule has been reinstated or changed, a new award notice will be issued.

When a suspension is removed for any of those reasons

  • the relevant suspension reason will be removed in function ‘Maintain Payment Suspension’
  • the relevant entries will be automatically removed from the ‘Suspended Payments’ work list.

If all of the suspension reasons have not been removed, the payment schedule will not be reinstated.