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TCM0234100 - Payment: potential entitlement: potential entitlement - review queries (Info)

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If you receive an enquiry in writing or by phone about a potential entitlement or potential payment that’s shown on the customer’s award notice, use Function MAINTAIN POTENTIAL ENTITLEMENT to review the customer’s current position.

In this function you can

  • view any current or historical potential entitlement that a customer has
  • view any potential payment that’s been calculated
  • access Function VIEW S17 DETAILS to enable you to check the renewal status of the claim. Any potential payment remaining at the end of the year will be paid when the customer finalises their award
  • access Function VIEW AWARD DETAILS to show you details of the award version selected from the Potential Entitlement History list box
  • access Function VIEW OVERPAYMENT to
  • display details of any overpayment for the award version selected from the Potential Entitlement History list box
  • check if there’s any in-year overpayment present. If an in-year overpayment has been created this will reduce any potential payment and may even result in no potential payment being due.