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TCM0240200 - Payment - work lists: Suspended Payments work list

Version 3.0

Changes to previous version - amended guidance. Amended Standardised Message links at step 13.


Before you follow this guidance, make sure you have

  • you follow the guidance in TCM0138020
  • the correct user roles to follow this guidance. Use the B&C Roles and Access Catalogue. You can find this by going to the Benefits & Credits homepage, selecting ‘R’ on the B&C A-Z index, selecting ‘Roles and Access Process’, selecting ‘Roles & Access Catalogue’ from the Related links menu
  • you’re in the correct MU. Use TCM0322460 for the correct MU number.

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Note: When sending customer, staff or process data to another individual or team, make sure you follow the latest data security guidelines or contact the Data Guardian or Data Security Team for advice.

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Step 1

If you have to transfer the work list item to another MU, go to Step 13.

If you are able to work the work list item, go to Step 2.

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Step 2

Check Household Notes for any of the following messages. For how to do this, use TCM1000067.

If there’s a message indicating BACS payments have been suspended due to RLS, go to Step 4.

If there’s a message indicating the payments have been suspended to reduce an overpayment, go to Step 3.

If there’s a message indicating the case has been ‘Compliance Terminated’, go to Step 4.

If there’s a message indicating that payments have been suspended due to ongoing Compliance activity, go to Step 4.

If there’s a message indicating the household is ‘Ceased’ or ‘System Terminated’, go to Step 4.

If there’s a message indicating there is Compliance activity, but Compliance doesn’t want the case, go to Step 5.

Note: If you aren’t sure whether the investigation is still ongoing, contact the relevant Claimant Compliance Officer using the details they’ve provided in the message or using the Claimant Compliance centre contact list.

If any other circumstances apply, go to Step 5.

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Step 3

Lift the suspension. Follow the guidance in TCM0212220


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Step 4

Delete the Suspended Payments work list item. For how to do this, use TCM1000160


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Step 5

Check the suspension reason shown on the Suspended Payments work list. For how to do this, use TCM1000004.

If the suspension reason is ‘Manual Payment Request’, go to Step 6.

If the suspension reason is ‘Death of Applicant’, go to Step 7.

If the suspension reason is ‘S17 not Issued’ or ‘Auto Giro RLS’, go to Step 8.

If the suspension reason is ‘Auto BACS Invalid Bank Details’ or ‘Invalid Bank Details’, go to Step 10.

If the suspension reason is ‘No Bank Account Details’, go to Step 12.

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Step 6

Check Household Notes for any messages that indicate that the Manual Payments Team is dealing with the case and/or manual payments are being made. For how to do this, use TCM1000067.

Note: If a case is in manual payment, it may mean it’s waiting to be restored. The ‘Manual Suspension’ marker is set so that the manual payments can be posted before the system payments restart.

If there isn’t a message indicating that the Manual Payments Team is dealing with the case and/or manual payments are being made, go back to Step 3.

If there is a message indicating that the Manual Payments Team is dealing with the case and/or manual payments are being made, go back to Step 4.

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Step 7

Note: If the customer is deceased, all cases with the suspension reasons of ‘Death of Applicant’ or ‘Auto Death’ should’ve been referred to the Priority 1 Team.

Check Household Notes to ensure the case has been referred to the Priority 1 Team. For how to do this, use TCM1000067.

If the case has been referred to the Priority 1 Team, go back to Step 4.

If the case has not been referred to the Priority 1 Team

  • refer the case to the Priority 1 Team. Follow the guidance in TCM0040100


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Step 8

Check Household Notes for any Returned Letter Service (RLS) messages. For how to do this, use TCM1000067.

Note: These will be prefixed ‘XS’.

If there is an RLS message

  • the RLS will be dealt with by another team
  • go back to Step 4.

If there isn’t an RLS message, go to Step 9.

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Step 9

Check if there’s a work list item for the customer on the Applicant Failed Payment work list or the Household RLS work list. For how to do this, use TCM1000004.

If there is a work list item for the customer on the Applicant Failed Payment work list or the Household RLS work list, go back to Step 4.

If there isn’t a work list item for the customer on the Applicant Failed Payment work list or the Household RLS work list, refer the case to your Technical Advice Line Liaison Officer (TALLO) for advice.

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Step 10

Note: The suspension reason ‘Auto BACS Invalid Bank Details’ is set automatically when there’s a problem preventing payments going into the BACS system. The suspension reason ‘Invalid Bank Details’ is set manually when the customer can’t provide bank details when contacted.

Check Household Notes for a message that indicates the Applicant Failed Payment Team has taken action on the case. For how to do this, use TCM1000067.

If the Applicant Failed Payment Team has taken action on the case, go back to Step 4.

If the Applicant Failed Payment Team hasn’t taken action on the case, go to Step 11.

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Step 11

Check if there is a work list item for the customer on the Applicant Failed Payment work list. For how to do this, use TCM1000004.

If there is a work list item for the customer on the ‘Applicant Failed Payment’ work list, go back to Step 4.

If there isn’t a work list item for the customer on the ‘Applicant Failed Payment’ work list, go to Step 12.

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Step 12

Check if the account details have been updated and where the failed payments were sent to. For how to do this, use TCM1000325.

If the account details have been updated, go back to Step 3.

If the account details haven’t been updated, go back to Step 4.

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Step 13

If you’ve lifted the suspension, update Household Notes with the appropriate message - PS04, PS05, PS06 or PS07 from TCM0168040. For how to do this, use TCM1000001.

If you haven’t lifted the suspension, update Household Notes with the appropriate message - PS08, PS09, PS10, PS11, PS12, PS13, PS14 or PS15 from TCM0168040. For how to do this, use TCM1000001.