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TCM0254220 - Renewals - Annual Declaration (capture): Annual Declaration - specified dates


The Annual Declaration notice must be completed and returned to HMRC by the 1st Specified Date (1SD), providing actual income where possible. From 2007-2008 tax year, the 1SD is 31 July.

If a reply to an Annual Declaration has not been received by this date, any provisional payments for the current year (CY) will cease and finalising of the previous year (PY) will be delayed for 62 days.

The 2nd Specified Date (2SD) is 31 January.

If a customer provides you with an estimate of their income before the 1SD, then they must provide an actual figure for their income before the 2SD. If an actual figure is not received by 2SD, then the computer will re-finalise the renewal based on the estimated figure and make the estimate, an actual figure.

You can, where appropriate, change the specified dates. To do this you must use Function ‘Manage Finalisation’. Follow the guidance in TCM0260240.