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TCM0256120 - Renewals - Annual Declaration (general): Annual Declaration - manual duplicate Annual Declaration (Info)

An Annual Declaration could be duplicated when

  • the customer contacts the Tax credits Helpline to make their renewals claim

and then

  • sends the Annual Declaration for the same period back to Tax Credit Office (TCO), where the Annual Declaration is scanned and populates the Unprocessed S17 work list with a reason of ‘Duplicate’.

A duplicate Annual Declaration can’t be manually captured in the usual way. This is because an Annual Declaration has already been captured for the claim and the computer isn’t expecting another one.

If an Annual Declaration is received for manual capture, but the computer won’t allow it, the message ‘There are no outstanding declarations for this household’ will display and the claim will have been finalised or terminated.

If an Annual Declaration is received for manual capture but there’s already information shown in Function CAPTURE RENEWAL DECLARATION, this means that an Annual Declaration has already been captured. The case may not have been finalised and may be held on a work list waiting to be worked.

There is an Action Guide for this subject, select TCM0256140 to access it