TCM0256200 - Renewals Annual Declaration (general): manual capturing a new claim - for late declarations
Note: From 27th January 2021, there are no new claims to tax credits
Use this helpcard when capturing a claim when good cause has been refused, or the declaration was received between 31 January and 5 April. The information you will be using to capture the claim will come from the previous claim and the late declaration received.
The information for Parts 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 will be taken from the previous claim, unless the customer has provided any changes.
The income for Part 5 will be taken from the late returned declaration that the customer has provided.
Note: To support the expansion of Universal Credit (UC), The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) and The Department for Communities (DfC) in Northern Ireland, are undertaking a phased rollout approach using postcodes. By 31 December 2018, this rollout will be complete and any new claims for Tax Credits will no longer be accepted after this date and HMRC will signpost the customer(s) towards DWP or DfC to claim Universal Credit instead.
The only exception to this is if the customer (or in the case of a joint claim, one of the customers) is recognised as being of Pension Credit Qualifying Age (PCQA) or they have more than 2 children. Business rules will allow these exceptions to be identified and Tax Credit claims can be accepted on this basis. Full Gateway Closure will take place on 31 January 2019 and, after this date, these exceptions will no longer be accepted.
Note: From 16th January 2019, an additional exception will be accepted where the customer is in receipt of the Severe Disability Premium (SDP) as part of their legacy benefit.
Severe Disability Premium (SDP) is an extra amount of money that is included in Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, income-related Employment and Support Allowance and housing benefit where a customer meets the entitlement conditions.
To be eligible for SDP, a customer must be in receipt of one of the following qualifying benefits:
- PIP daily living component
- Armed forces independence payment (AFIP)
- DLA care component at the middle or highest rate
- Attendance Allowance, or Constant Attendance Allowance paid with Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit
SDP is only payable where a customer lives alone or is treated as living alone. A customer cannot get the severe disability premium if someone is in receipt of Carer’s Allowance or the carer element of Universal Credit for looking after them.
Note: If you are dealing with a claim where the exception marker has been applied to any of the children/young persons included in the claim contact the Exception Team (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
Note: Before you attempt to capture a claim, you must follow the guidance in TCM0134480.
Initial checks
Part 1: Personal details - customer 1 and customer 2
Part 2: Children
Part 3: Childcare provider details and costs
Part 4: Work details
Part 5: Income details
Part 6: Payment details
Summary information screen on the computer
Initial checks
Date application received
Use the date that the late declaration details were received
Note: If you are dealing with a paper declaration and there is no date stamp present. Check the date the declaration was signed and add three days to this date.
Note: If the ‘Date Application Received’ entered is on or after 01 January 2019, the message “The Gateway is closed for Tax Credits unless certain exceptions apply” will be displayed.
Tax credit year
Select the Current Year (CY)
Application source
Select ‘phone’
Part 1: Personal details - customer 1 and customer 2
Select the appropriate title.
Enter the customer’s surname.
Note: If you notice that a claim has been made by someone known to you - for example, a work colleague, relative or friend - you must cancel out of the claim and follow the guidance in TCM0068160.
Enter the title the customer has provided if it is not Mr, Mrs, Miss or Ms.
First Names
Must be a valid name or initial.
Date of Birth
Enter the date showing on the previous claim or as provided by the customer if different.
National Insurance No.
Enter the NINO showing on the previous claim or declaration.
Sex (M/F)
Select the relevant field.
Other Names
Enter any other relevant names.
Select this to prompt the computer to trace the customer’s address.
Address / details found
If the address and phone number traced match the details showing on the previous claim
- select [Accept].
- enter the address details as shown on the previous claim or as provided by the customer if different.
Note: If you enter the postcode in the correct format but the search fails to provide you with a match, this in most cases is due to the Post Office not verifying the address. If this happens or the address is different, you must enter the address showing on the late declaration or previous claim. - you will need to select ‘OK’ and continue to capture the remainder of the claim.
Telephone Numbers
Enter all the numbers from the previous claim or as provided by the customer if different.
UK National
Select the relevant field from the previous claim or as provided by the customer if different.
Normally Live UK or Other
Select the relevant field from the previous claim or as provided by the customer if different.
Capture any relevant disability details from the previous claim or as provided by the customer if different.
DLA, Highest Care Component (HCC) Attendance Allowance, Higher Rate (HR)
Select this field if the customer is in receipt of DLA HCC or AA HR.
When you have entered all of the relevant information in this screen
- select [Continue] to go to the Child screen.
Part 2: Children
Children, Details and DOB
Capture the details of any children from the previous claim or as provided by the customer if different.
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
Note: If you are dealing with a claim where the customer states they are claiming for a child/young person who is an exception, contact the Exception Team (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
Note: Ensure you do not capture the details of the same child more than once, this is to avoid awarding a tax credit twice for the same child.
Select this button to enter a child.
Enter the surname provided on the previous claim or as provided by the customer if different.
First Names
Enter the first names provided on the previous claim or as provided by the customer if different.
Date of Birth
Enter the date provided on the previous claim or as provided by the customer if different.
Full Time Education
Select [Yes] if on the previous claim the child is over 16 and in Full Time Non Advanced Education (FTNAE) or the customer has stated that one of their children has now gone into FTNAE.
Connexion Date
Enter the date if, on the previous claim, the child was in Connexions or equivalent.
If the customer has stated that one of their children has now gone into Connexions or equivalent, enter this date.
Child Disabled, Child DLA (HCC)
Enter the details as shown on the previous claim or as provided by the customer if different.
In Childcare
Select the relevant field, based on the information obtained from the previous claim or as provided by the customer if different.
Select [Next] to enter each additional child.
Note: When entering more than one child, the surname defaults to the surname of the first child entered onto the computer. You must check all subsequent child surnames provided on the claim form.
Select [Finish] when you have entered all the children.
Note: If you want to enter the childcare details you must select ‘CC’ on the toolbar menu.
If you do not have childcare details to enter
- select [Continue] to be taken to the work details screen.
If you do have childcare details to enter
- follow Part 3.
Part 3: Childcare provider details and costs
Select [ADD] to enter the childcare provider’s details.
Name of Provider
Enter the relevant details from the previous claim or as provided by the customer if different.
Note: The childcare provider cannot be a relative, living at the customers address.
Enter the relevant address details provided on the previous claim or as provided by the customer if different.
No corresponding field - phone number
There is no specific field for the phone number.
If the customer provides a number
- enter this after the childcare provider address in the address field.
Approving Body
Enter the name of the Local Authority or other approving body from the previous claim, or as provided by the customer if different. For example, OFSTED or the Child Minding Agency that registered or approved the childcare provider.
Note: If this information is not available, leave the field blank and continue to capture the claim.
Registration Number
Enter the number that is shown on the previous claim, or as provided by the customer if different.
Note: The only exemption is that some Scottish or Northern Ireland childcare providers may not have a registration number, only an approving body.
No corresponding field
The number of children entered in this field must be the same as those registered or approved for childcare.
Weekly Childcare Costs
Enter the childcare costs provided on the previous claim form, or as provided by the customer if different.
Incapacitated For Childcare Purposes Ap1 / Ap2
Select if appropriate.
Part 4: Work details
Place of work, UK, Other
Select UK or Other as appropriate from the details on the previous claim, or as provided by the customer if different.
If the country of work is Other
- enter the relevant country of work.
Note: If the country of work has not been provided and the field has been left blank, a warning message will display asking if you wish to proceed, select ‘Yes’ to proceed to the next screen.
Number of Paid Jobs
Enter the number of jobs as shown on the previous claim or as provided by the customer if different.
Total Hours Worked
Enter the hours as shown on the previous claim or as provided by the customer if different.
Start Date
Not applicable leave blank
50+ Start Date
If applicable enter the date as shown on the previous claim, or as provided by the customer if different.
Note: The 50+ element was withdrawn from 6 April 2012
Employer Reference
Enter the employer reference or employment details as shown on the previous claim or as provided by the customer if different.
If the following message
‘You are not authorised to access this employers details, please continue to capture’ displays
- continue to capture the claim.
This should automatically populate when the correct reference is entered, you must accept this address.
Payroll number
Enter this if the number is available on the previous claim, or as provided by the customer if different.
Employers pay office phone number
Enter this if available on the previous claim, or as provided by the customer if different.
Enter this if available on the previous claim, or as provided by the customer if different.
Note: If the customer has been self-employed for less than three months they may not have this number.
Start date
Enter this if available on the previous claim, or as provided by the customer if different.
Part 5: Income details
Enter details provided on the customer’s declaration.
Note: From 27/10/2008, use the JSA field if the customer has indicated they are in receipt of income-related ESA.
Note: MIG is now known as PC (Pension Credit).
Social Security Benefits
Enter details provided on the customer’s declaration, including zeros. If the customer states ‘zero’ or ‘nil’ enter as 0.00.
Employed Earnings
Check the income figures provided by the customer with NPS / SA.
If the figure provided by the customer is equal to or greater than the NPS or SA figure
- use the figure provided by the customer.
If the figure provided by the customer is less than the NPS or SA figure
- use the figure from NPS or SA
- issue letter TC1222 to the customer
- enter the following message in Application Notes
‘QR07 - DD/MM/YY Clmt 1*/2* (*Delete as appropriate) income amended to £XX as confirmed on NPS/SA. TC1222 issued. Clm proc’.
Note: In a joint claim, address the letter TC1222 to both customers.
If the customer states, or has attached any documents to say, they have joined a salary sacrifice scheme
- enter the figure provided
- send any attachments to the TALLO.
Benefits in Kind
Enter details provided on the customer’s declaration, including zeros.
If the customer states ‘zero’ or ‘nil’
- enter as 0.00.
Enter details provided on the customer’s declaration, including zeros.
If the customer states ‘zero’ or ‘nil’
- enter as 0.00.
Other Household Income
Enter details provided on the customer’s declaration, including zeros.
If the customer states ‘zero’ or ‘nil’
- enter as 0.00.
Income Figures Actual, Estimated
If the customer has not indicated the figures provided are estimated
- select ‘Actual’.
Part 6: Payment details
Child Tax Credit Main Carer, Applicant 1/2
If the customer is single
- select ‘Applicant 1’
If the customer has a partner
- select the option as shown on the previous claim.
Child Tax Credit, Weekly, 4-Weekly
Select the same option as shown on the previous claim.
Working Tax Credit, Weekly, 4-Weekly
Select the same option as shown on the previous claim.
Working Tax Credit, WTC Recipient, App 1, App 2
Select the same option as shown on the previous claim.
Note: If the claim is joint, you must select the customer that is working.
Account Name
Enter the details as shown on the previous claim.
Account No., Sort Code, Bank/BSoc
Enter the details as shown on the previous claim.
Note: If the name of the bank is Barclays, you must type Barclays bank PLC in the branch name field. For all other banks, the computer will try and match the details you have entered with the branch name and address.
Accept the details the computer has matched to
Note: You must not overwrite the local branch address details.
Building Soc Ref
Enter the details as shown on the previous claim, if applicable.
Name of bank or building society
Enter the details as shown on the previous claim.
Enter the details as shown on the previous claim.
Select ‘Ap’ on the toolbar menu
- enter the details as shown on the previous claim.
Select [Continue] to go to the Summary Information screen.
Summary information screen on the computer
Date Application Received
Use the date that we received the Annual Declaration.
All Signatures Present
Select to say signatures are present.
Application Notes
Enter any relevant notes.
Application Effective Date
Can be amended if required.
Special Needs
Enter the appropriate note from the Standardised Messages if the customer states they require their notices in Welsh, Braille or large print.
If the appointee details are present
- select [Store] otherwise
If you need further information from the customer
- select [Store]
If you have all the information
- select [Process]
If there are no exceptions relating to PCQA or more than two children, the following message will be displayed
‘Gateway closed for Tax Credits. Applications will be rejected unless overridden’
If the claim is not to be overridden
- select the ‘Process’ pushbutton
Note: The claim will be rejected and an automated TC601U will be issued to the customer.
If the claim is to be overridden
- select the ‘GSC Override’ box
- select the ‘Process’ pushbutton
Note: This will enable the claim to process as BAU.
Note: You will need the appropriate access for the ‘GSC Override’ button to be enabled. - refer to the ‘How to use Geographical Stepped Closure (GSC) Override Function’ – TCM1000629.