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TCM0262100 - Renewals: miscellaneous (G-R): renewals - Inhibit signal - manually set and unset (Info)

Set signal

Unset signal

Set signal

The Inhibit signal can be set against any tax credit period that is not already finalised using actual income. It can be set against more than one year.

The Inhibit signal can be set, unset and set again for the same year.

Manually setting the Inhibit signal will stop the relevant tax credit period from being automatically finalised and renewed.

The reason for inhibiting finalisation (and who performed it) must be recorded in Function MANAGE FINALISATION on the Finalisation Details screen. Notes about the inhibitor can be recorded on this screen. However, any notes that need to be available to other operators who do not have access to this Function (for example, Contact Centres) must also be recorded in Function MAINTAIN HOUSEHOLD NOTES.

Note: You must follow the guidance in TCM0152060 when you record the note and also follow the guidance in TCM0152160.

The Inhibit signal can be set when Compliance or Appeals and other signals are already set.

Unset signal

The Inhibit signal can only be removed manually in Function MANAGE FINALISATION.

Authority to remove the signal must be obtained from the specialist area that set the signal.

When the Inhibit signal is removed, finalisation is not automatically initiated. Further processing will have to be done to prompt finalisation.

For example: If you want to finalise the previous year (PY), you should capture the finalisation or renewal details in Function AMEND APPLICATION. Then, if necessary, request ‘Finalise’ or ‘Finalise and Renew’ in Function MANAGE FINALISATION. If there is not a Manual Correspondence, Complex or Deceased signal, the notices will be automatically issued.