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TCM0264060 - Renewals - miscellaneous (S-Z): Renewals - Specified Dates (Info)

The 1st Specified Date (1SD) and 2nd Specified Date (2SD) are displayed automatically.

The 1SD is the date by which the customer is asked to return the signed notice. If the customer does not provide the information by this date, the Previous Year (PY) case will be finalised and the Current Year (CY) payments terminated.

If the customer provides an estimate of their earnings, they’re given until 31 January (2SD) to provide their actual income figure. When the issue date of a manual S17 notice for a clerical case or manual correspondence is recorded, the computer will calculate and if appropriate change the specified dates.

You can change the 1SD and 2SD if necessary - for example, for hardship cases and where a late reply is promised. If an estimate of earnings has been provided for the CY and the customer asks for further time to provide the actual earnings, you can extend the 2SD.

If the 1SD is extended to within 30 days of 2SD, the 2SD will be automatically extended.

The 2SD can be independently extended if the 1SD has passed.

The 1SD can’t be extended once the specified tax credit year award has been finalised.

The 2SD can’t be extended once the specified tax credit year award has been finalised using actual income.