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TCM0272460 - Renewals - work lists (Unprocessed): Unprocessed S17 work list - work items - regeneration (Info)

As you’re working the Unprocessed S17 work list, you may notice that there are some other work item reasons in your In, BF or Worked and Cleared MU than the ones you’re responsible for. This may be due to the regeneration of work items because of the action you’ve taken.

For example: when you’ve worked an Incomplete work item in your Inbox and the same NINO then comes back into your Inbox with a reason of Incompatible. This is because once you’ve made the declaration complete, the computer then performs a series of checks, Incompatibility being one of them, which then prompts a new work list item.

If, when you’re working the Unprocessed S17 work list, you notice that the work list entry has regenerated with other work item reasons in your In, BF or Worked and Cleared MU than the ones you are responsible for, you must

  • transfer the work item to the Rogue Management Unit (MU). Use TCM0322460 for the correct MU number. The Housekeepers will then move the work item to the correct MU.