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TCM0282140 - Specialist areas - Bank Liaison: Bank or building society accounts - invalid accounts (AG)

To deal with an invalid bank or building society account, consider steps 1 to 5.

Step 1

Confirm with the Operations team that all the details you need to phone the customer’s bank or building society are available. These details are the

  • customer’s full name
  • customer’s NINO
  • details of the contact the Operations team has had with the customer
  • name and address of the bank or building society
  • customer’s bank or building society account number and sort code number
  • name and phone extension of the member of staff on the Operations team
  • go to Step 2.

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Step 2

Confirm all the customer’s account details held on the computer with one or both of the United Kingdom Clearing Directory and/or Bank Wizard Software.

  • If the account details held on the computer are correct, go to Step 3.
  • If the account details held on the computer aren’t correct, phone the customer’s bank or building society and confirm that the account details provided by the customer are correct. The bank or building society
    • will confirm that the account details provided by the customer aren’t correct and provide you with amended bank or building society account details. Go to Step 4.
    • will confirm that the account details provided by the customer are correct. Go to Step 3.
    • will confirm that the account details provided by the customer are incorrect but aren’t able to provide you with any amended bank or building society account details. Go to Step 5.
    • won’t confirm whether the account details provided by the customer are correct because of the Data Protection Act and the General Data Protection Regulation.
    • go to Step 5.

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Step 3

Phone the relevant Operations team and tell them that the correct account details are held on the computer. Take no further action.

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Step 4

Phone the relevant Operations team and provide them with the correct account details. Take no further action.

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Step 5

Phone the relevant Operations team

  • tell them that the bank or building society won’t disclose any information to you
  • tell them that they must tell the customer to contact the bank or building society themselves to confirm their account details.