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Link to TCM page Alphabetical Title - A
TCM0132020 Access to DWP Data
TCM1000349 Accutrac - How to send a case to storage using Accutrac
TCM1000350 Accutrac - How to request documents stored on Accutrac
TCM0036020 Address - change
TCM0304100 Address changed to non-UK / non-EEA - temporary or permanent
TCM0048060 Address/work change - country outside UK
TCM0062060 Agent - authorisation
TCM0042020 Age-related WTC eligibility (Info)
TCM0118040 Allowable deductions from income (Info)
TCM0022040 Amend effective date - backdating
TCM0022060 Amend effective date - forward dating
TCM0042040 Amend Finish screen - correct completion (Info)
TCM0256020 Annual Declaration - disregard
TCM0256060 Annual Declaration - February 1 to April 5 - Manage Finalisation Team only
TCM0256040 Annual Declaration - Late declaration received - consider new claim
TCM0256080 Annual Declaration - manual Annual Declaration - issuing and processing
TCM0254040 Annual Declaration - manual capture
TCM0256200 Annual Declaration - manual capturing a new claim - for late declarations helpcard
TCM0256120 Annual Declaration - manual duplicate Annual Declaration
TCM0256160 Annual Declaration - manually issue notice - record date (Info)
TCM0254080 Annual Declaration - manually log
TCM0254100 Annual Declaration - reply required and automatic renewal
TCM0256180 Annual Declaration - record as not served
TCM0256220 Annual Declaration - referral from Manual Capture team
TCM0254120 Annual Declaration - reminders
TCM0254140 Annual Declaration - returning
TCM0256240 Annual Declaration - S17 Notice group box (Info)
TCM0254220 Annual Declaration - specified dates
TCM0254240 Annual Declaration - validation check failures
TCM0012020 Appeals glossary
TCM0014020 Appeals - Mandatory Reconsideration - initial action
TCM0014030 Appeals - Mandatory Reconsideration process
TCM0012230 Appeals - response writers - consider what information can be disclosed
TCM0014040 Appeals stage 1 - initial appeal action
TCM0014160 Appeals stage 3 - settlement by agreement
TCM0014200 Appeals stage 4 - preparing the response
TCM0014220 Appeals stage 4 - preparing the response - late appeals
TCM0014240 Appeals stage 4 - preparing the response - supplementary response required
TCM0014280 Appeals stage 5 - other procedures prior to Tribunal decision
TCM0014320 Appeals stage 6 - action on receipt of Tribunal decision
TCM0014360 Appeals stage 7 - consideration of appeal to Upper Tribuna
TCM0240030 Applicant Failed Payments work list - recalls
TCM0152040 Application Notes (Info)
TCM0152060 Application Notes and Household Notes - correct completion
TCM0240040 Authorise or reject user requested payments - URP Authorisers Team
TCM0132120 Award calculation (Introduction)
TCM0132140 Award calculation stage 1 - Establishing award periods and entitlement periods (Info)
TCM0132160 Award calculation stage 2 - Calculating maximum entitlement due for each entitlement period (Info)
TCM0132200 Award calculation stage 3a - Determine if income adjustments due (Info)
TCM0132220 Award calculation stage 3b - Income periods (Info)
TCM0132240 Award calculation stage 3c - Calculating income adjustments (Info)
TCM0132260 Award calculation stage 3d - Income equal to, or less than, taper start point (Info)
TCM0132280 Award calculation stage 3e - Income greater than taper start point (Info)
TCM0132300 Award calculation stage 3f - Compare taper amount to entitlement amount (Info)
TCM0132320 Award calculation stage 3g - Tapering next entitlement (Info)
TCM0132340 Award calculation stage 4 - Calculating total of each award (Info)
TCM0334000 Award Declaration (STC - capture)
TCM0338000 Award Declaration (STC - general)
TCM0182020 Award notice (Introduction)
TCM0182200 Award notices - View Award function and Reconciliation details cross-referencing table (Info)


Link to TCM page Alphabetical Title - B
TCM0022100 Backdating - general
TCM0236040 Bacs payment missing
TCM0282060 Bacs payment - missing(Bank Liaison)
TCM0062100 Bank account details missing
TCM0282100 Bank accounts - foreign
TCM0282120 Bank and building society accounts - invalid accounts (Bank Liaison)
TCM0314000 Bank Details Guide: contents
TCM0240020 Bank Liaison - Applicant Failed Payment - £2,000 or under
TCM0282020 Bank Liaison Team (Introduction)
TCM0046020 Bank or building society account change / payment frequency
TCM0022140 Benefit interest present - backdating
TCM0048100 Benefit start/end dates
TCM0302040 Birth certificates - replacement requests
TCM0302080 Birth certificates - Valuables team only


Link to TCM page Alphabetical Title - C
TCM0220040 Calculate and schedule manual payments and BF maintenance - Manual Payments Team only
TCM0220080 Calculating and scheduling manual payments - TCO
TCM0126020 Calculating the hours (Info)
TCM0062020 Capture application (Introduction)
TCM0042060 Capture correction
TCM0138320 Capturing and amending a claim
TCM0062120 Capturing a new claim
TCM0124020 Carers (Info)
TCM0302120 Cashcheques - returned automatic cashcheques
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0240120 Ceased Employment work list
TCM0138420 CES - Income Support
TCM0138440 CES - Jobseeker’s Allowance
TCM0284080 Change of circumstances - complex to non-complex
TCM0284120 Change of circumstances - non -complex to complex
TCM0032040 Change of circumstances - notifying CBO
TCM0032060 Change of circumstances - receipt from CBO
TCM0042100 Change results in an underpayment (in-year) (Info)
TCM0042120 Change results in no eligibility (Info)
TCM0042140 Changes - general (Info)
TCM0048020 Changes - work (Introduction)
TCM0124040 Charity work or voluntary work (Info)
TCM0220180 Check payment postings
TCM0134020 Child at risk - request or information from LA or HSSBT
TCM0076030 Child in current award - CBO spreadsheet
TCM0076020 Child in current award - clerical referral action
TCM0032100 Child or qualifying young person - adding or re-including
TCM0032140 Child or young person - ending responsibility
TCM0114060 Child or young person - excluded from family (Info)
TCM0114080 Child or young person - responsibility (Info)
TCM0062200 Child or young person restarts full-time education
TCM0062160 Child responsibility start date (Info)
TCM0114020 Child Tax Credit entitlement - elements (Info)
TCM0114040 Child Tax Credit entitlement - payment (Info)
TCM0134120 Child Trust Fund - additional payments - referral received
TCM0134160 Child Trust Fund - clerical referral process
TCM0134200 Child Trust Fund - contact from customer
TCM0124060 Childbirth and adoption (Info)
TCM0112040 Childcare - calculating weekly charges (Info)
TCM0032160 Childcare changes
TCM0112060 Childcare charges - changes (Info)
TCM0112080 Childcare charges - payment (Info)
TCM0112020 Childcare element of WTC (Introduction)
TCM0112100 Childcare element (WTC) - entitlement (Info)
TCM0112120 Childcare provided in child’s home - England (Info)
TCM0112140 Childcare provided in child’s home - Wales (Info)
TCM0032180 Children and qualifying young persons (Info)
TCM0304200 Children of tax credits customers undertaking FTNAE in EEA
TCM0062240 Children - 18 or more on claim
TCM0094040 Claim form - income and childcare sections - assisting customers
TCM0094050 Claim form - income and childcare sections - further information for foster carers
TCM0062280 Claim forms with attachments - sifting at Netherton
TCM0138020 Claim or work item - action to take before processing
TCM0074020 Collecting documents (Info)
TCM0092020 Complaints handling (Introduction)
TCM0092040 Complaints handling - all areas except CSSG (Info)
TCM0284140 Complex International case - identify
TCM0284220 Complex cases - manual payments - issuing
TCM0284280 Complex cases - manual renewal payments
TCM0284240 Complex cases - manual renewal
TCM0284320 Complex cases - payment and accounting
TCM0284385 Complex cases - removing second adult element post award
TCM0284392 Complex cases - renewals - annual declaration - not returned or returned undelivered
TCM0284394 Complex cases - renewals - annual declaration - returned / Unprocessed S17 work list item created
TCM0284395 Complex cases - renewals -National Insurance check
TCM0284396 Complex cases - renewals - customer contact after manual Statement of Account issued
TCM0284398 Complex cases - renewals - income - actual income provided after estimated income
TCM0284400 Complex cases - state nationals covered by international agreements
TCM0304250 Complex overpayments - manual action
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0062320 Compliance allegation referrals
TCM0300040 Confused ID
TCM0094060 Contact from customers (Info)
TCM0094080 Contacting customers
TCM0094100 Contacting employers
TCM0136540 Correspondence cannot be traced to claim
TCM0062340 Cross-border claims (Info)
TCM0304300 Customer living in the Other Member State and claiming family benefits following the death of a worker in the UK
TCM0062360 Crown servants (Info)
TCM0046080 CTC - changes to nomination / payment frequency
TCM0036085 Customer or partner is serving a prison sentence or on remand
TCM0036095 Customer in receipt of Carer’s Allowance
TCM0036090 Customer is serving a prison sentence and Child Tax Credit is in payment


Link to TCM page Alphabetical Title - D
TCM0032220 Date of birth - correction
TCM0032260 Date of birth - incorrect and makes child 21 or older
TCM0064020 Date of claim - identification (Info)
TCM0038100 Death of a child - new claims
TCM0038160 Death of a child - Priority 1 team only
TCM0038180 Death of a child - identified in the national media Priority 1 team only
TCM0038200 Death of a child - referrals to Priority 1 team
TCM0038220 Death of a child - reporting to TCO
TCM0040020 Death of a customer - Priority 1 team only
TCM0040060 Death of a customer - referrals to Priority 1 team (Info)
TCM0040100 Death of a customer - reporting to TCO
TCM0122020 Death of customer or child - eligibility (Info)
TCM0042160 Deleting details
TCM0304350 Derived Rights
TCM0212040 Direct payments - account types (Info)
TCM0212060 Direct payments - cancelling and re-issuing
TCM0212100 Direct payments - no account (Info)
TCM0212160 Direct payments - payment arranging (next day / same day)
TCM0212180 Direct payments - Bank liaison - Bacs payments and recalls (Info)
TCM0212200 Direct payments - relevant period (Info)
TCM0212220 Direct payments - suspension reasons - setting and removing
TCM0212250 Direct payments - TC1088 letter issued - customer query
TCM0212280 Direct payments - validate large payments
TCM0212300 Direct payments - wrong payment cancelled
TCM0022160 Disability - backdating eligibility (Info)
TCM0022200 Disability - backdating following award of qualifying disability benefit
TCM0022180 Disability - backdating requests (Info)
TCM0122040 Disability - eligibility (Info)
TCM0122050 Disability - patients in hospital
TCM0113055 Disability - pre-award checks
TCM0122060 Disability - prescribed disabilities (Info)
TCM0122080 Disability - qualifying benefits and fast track procedure (Info)
TCM0122100 Disability - severe disability element (Info)
TCM0042200 DLA / PIP / AA / AFIP entitlement - Start Stop notifications of disability changes
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0032280 Duplicate child or young person / Child or young person incorrectly on claim or award


Link to TCM page Alphabetical Title - E
TCM0022240 Earlier claim - establishing evidence
TCM0286510 Early Targeted Action - Penalty Debt Recovery
TCM0118060 Earnings (Info)
TCM0304400 EEA involvement - adding a child or qualifying young person post award
TCM0064040 Effective date - determine
TCM0042240 Effective date of a change of circumstances (Info)
TCM0072080 Eligibility query
TCM0124080 Employed at the date of claim (Info)
TCM0126040 Employed earners (Info)
TCM0118080 Employment income (Info)
TCM0118020 Employment income (Introduction)
TCM0118100 Employment income sources - previous year (Info)
TCM0126060 Employment schemes (Info)
TCM0048120 Employment started
TCM0048105 ESA/PC awarded/in payment customer working 16 or more hours a week
TCM0048110 ESA/PC in payment customer no longer entitled to WTC
TCM0042260 Establish if a change can be made
TCM0342020 Establish if a change can be made to an in year finalisation claim (STC)
TCM0304450 Exchange rates - deciding
TCM0202020 Exemption certificate - exceptions
TCM0202080 Exemption certificate - health costs
TCM0118120 Expenses and benefits in kind - previous year (Info)


Link to TCM page Alphabetical Title - F
TCM0036100 Family break-up (Info)
TCM0064080 Family change of circumstances - claim received after (Info)
TCM0042300 Family changes (Info)
TCM0122120 Family membership - eligibility (Info)
TCM0136020 Fast Track (IS, JSA, ESA) - new child claims
TCM0136040 Fast Track (IS, JSA, ESA) - WTC claims
TCM0220050 1st Specified Date action
TCM0046120 Foreign bank account closure
TCM0064100 Foreign bank account request
TCM0124100 Foster carers and Kinship carers (Info)
TCM0034040 Full-time non-advanced education or approved training - continuing
TCM0034080 Full-time non-advanced education or approved training - leaving
TCM0034120 Full-time non-advanced education or approved training - left and registered with qualifying body
TCM0034160 Full-time non-advanced education or approved training - returning
TCM0318020 Functions
TCM0064160 Further information supplied by customer
TCM0042320 Future-dated change of circumstances (Info)


Link to TCM page Alphabetical Title - G
TCM0124120 Gaps in employment (Info)
TCM0036140 Gender - notification received of acquired gender (Info)
TCM0136160 Good cause - renewals


Link to TCM page Alphabetical Title - H
TCM0214060 Hardship - clerical top-up after referral from DMB - TCO only
TCM0214100 Hardship - manually backdating payment adjustments
TCM0214120 Hardship - overview of claims and overpayment recovery (Info)
TCM0218020 Hardship - referral received by TCO H-ART (Hardship - Adjusting Recovery Team)
TCM0202100 Health costs refund
TCM0204020 Healthy Start vouchers
TCM0204060 Healthy Start vouchers - exemption certificate not automatically issued
TCM0204100 Healthy Start vouchers - Healthy Start Issuing Unit enquiries
TCM0204160 Healthy Start vouchers - manual issue of enquiries
TCM0204180 Healthy Start vouchers - temporary reference number cases
TCM0048180 Hours - increase/decrease
TCM0048200 Hours Worked warning message
TCM0346400 Household breakdown - one reply received to IYS17
TCM0044040 Household change - customer/child in more than one award Household Notes - deletion
TCM0152140 Household Notes - establishing dates of non-retained notes (Info)
TCM0186120 Household RLS work list
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)


Link to TCM page Alphabetical Title - I
TCM0094120 Identity confirmation
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0124140 Illness, incapacity or limited capability for work (Info)
TCM0128040 Immigration control - exclusion exemptions (Info)
TCM0128020 Immigration control - not subject to (Info)
TCM0128060 Immigration status (Info)
TCM0136170 In and Out of Work (IS, JSA, ESA) - Income Intervention
TCM0136175 In and Out of Work (IS, JSA, ESA) - TC2006 letter issued - Customer queries
TCM0136165 In and Out of Work (IS, JSA, ESA) - WTC claims
TCM0112160 Incapacitated partners (Info)
TCM0064170 Incapacity Benefit (+IS) Reassessment - customer starts work before the effective date of claim
TCM0064175 Incapacity Benefit (+IS) Reassessment - new claims
TCM0120040 Income - benefits (Info)
TCM0120060 Income - foreign (Info)
TCM0120080 Income- investments (Info)
TCM0120100 Income - miscellaneous (Info)
TCM0120120 Income - notional (Info)
TCM0120020 Income - other than earnings (Introduction)
TCM0120140 Income - pensions (Info)
TCM0120160 Income - property (Info)
TCM0120180 Income - students (Info)
TCM0116060 Income calculation - general deductions (Info)
TCM0116080 Income calculation - general disregards (Info)
TCM0116100 Income calculation - general rules (Info)
TCM0116020 Income calculation
TCM0044060 Income changes
TCM0132360 Income limits - award notice and auto-renewal notice (Info)
TCM0132380 Income limits - calculation (Info)
TCM0132400 Income limits - calculation of end of year limits (Info)
TCM0076100 Incomplete Applications work list - same sex couples (on or after 05/12/05)
TCM0076040 Incomplete Applications work list
TCM0076080 Incomplete Applications work list helpcard
TCM0134220 Incorrect details - identifying
TCM0134260 Incorrect personal information held on computer
TCM0134300 Incorrect personal information held on computer - line manager action
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0240130 Informed choice work list
TCM0064180 Intelligent Manual Capture - desk aid
TCM0064200 Intelligent Manual Capture - Disability element
TCM0064240 Intelligent Manual Capture - Information capture and processing
TCM0124160 Intensive activity periods (Info)
TCM0064300 Intermediaries and representatives (TCO only)
TCM0287020 International (Introduction)
TCM0306200 International pre-award claims - Crown servants
TCM0306300 International pre-award claims - EEA nationals with no abroad involvement
TCM0306400 International pre-award claims - incomplete applications with abroad involvment
TCM0306100 International pre-award claims - initial action
TCM0306450 International pre-award claims - qualifying benefits
TCM0306500 International pre-award claims - rest of the world
TCM0044080 Invite fresh claim
TCM0012140 In-year adjustments appeals
TCM0346000 In-year finalisation (STC)
TCM0064340 Isle of Man and Channel Islands


Link to TCM page Alphabetical Title - L
TCM0052040 Left main job, has other jobs
TCM0052060 Left main job, has other jobs, started new main job outside seven days
TCM0052100 Left main job, has other jobs, started new main job within seven days
TCM0052160 Left main job, started new main job outside seven days
TCM0052200 Left main job, started new main job within seven days
TCM0052240 Left main job, not starting new job
TCM0316020 Letters and forms
TCM0136240 List A - adding cases
TCM0066020 Logging claims
TCM0066060 Lone Parent Obligation - customer starts work before effective date of claim
TCM0066080 Lone Parent Obligation - new claims
TCM0219020 Loss of benefit sanctions
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)


Link to TCM page Alphabetical Title - M
TCM0152160 Maintain Household Notes function (Info)
TCM0014020 Mandatory Reconsideration - initial action (Appeals)
TCM0014030 Mandatory Reconsideration process (Appeals)
TCM0022320 Manual calculation - backdating
TCM0066100 Manual capture helpcard
TCM0220090 Manual payment - Offset manual payment
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0094180 Manual reminder cycle - post award (AG)
TCM0094200 Manual reminder cycle - pre award (AG)
TCM0288520 Manually paying WTC and CTC together
TCM0288560 Manually paying WTC -International claims - manually paying WTC
TCM0288580 Manually paying WTC upfront - International claims - preparing case to pay WTC and CTC
TCM0288540 Manually paying WTC upfront - International claims - E400 series forms or SEDS returned from Other Member State
TCM0266020 Mismatch Team (Introduction)
TCM0266060 Mismatch Team - Phase 1 - issue TC603 (Auto-Renewal) (AG)
TCM0266100 Mismatch Team - Phase 1 - issue TC603 (Reply Required) (AG)
TCM0266140 Mismatch Team - Phase 2 - process returned TC603D (AG)
TCM0266180 Mismatch Team - Phase 3 - amend and issue (AG)
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0126080 More than one employment (Info)
TCM0044100 More than one husband or wife (Info)
TCM0289020 Multi-agency - information disclosure to outside bodies


Link to TCM page Alphabetical Title - N
TCM0136300 National Insurance (NI) credits where customers claim misdirection
TCM0036200 Name - customer name/title too long or spelling mistake
TCM0034240 Name change - child
TCM0036160 Name change - customer
TCM0126100 New jobs (Info)
TCM0136280 NHS WAT - National Health Service Widening Access Trainee (NHS WAT)
TCM0136285 NHS WAT - National Health Service Widening Access Trainee (NHS WAT) Sensitive cases
TCM0300060 NINO - Isle of Man
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0066120 NINO incorrectly entered during capture (Info)
TCM0136340 NINO investigation case management
TCM0066140 NINO provision and verification (Info)
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0136420 NIRS exceptions
TCM0050020 No longer lives/works in UK (Info)
TCM0136590 No trace of claim - TC600
TCM0152020 Notes - recording and viewing (Introduction)
TCM0184060 Notices - applicant notice queries
TCM0184100 Notices - issuing manual notices
TCM0184140 Notices - re-issue
TCM0184150 Notices - manual correspondence team
TCM0044120 Notifying a change (Info)
TCM0192040 NTC listing - PXCE listing - Netherton only
TCM0192060 NTC listing - PX8P CY and PY cases
TCM0194020 NTC listing - Renewals (Introduction)
TCM0196020 NTC listing - Renewals (Introduction)
TCM0194060 NTC listing - Unfinalised S17 work list (Info)
TCM0194080 NTC listing - Unfinalised S17 - Appeal only (AG)
TCM0194100 NTC listing - Unfinalised S17 - Awaiting change of circumstances (AG)
TCM0194120 NTC listing - Unfinalised S17 - Compliance, SCO or Inhibited (AG)
TCM0194040 NTC listing - Unfinalised S17 - initial action
TCM0194140 NTC listing - Unfinalised S17 - Man Fin (AG)
TCM0194160 NTC listing - Unfinalised S17 - Man Fin and Ren (AG)
TCM0194180 NTC listing - Unfinalised S17 - Multi Entry (AG)
TCM0194200 NTC listing - Unfinalised S17 - Not Past 1SD (AG)
TCM0194220 NTC listing - Unfinalised S17 - Not Past 2SD (AG)
TCM0194240 NTC listing - Unfinalised S17 - Unprocessed change of circumstances (AG)
TCM0194260 NTC listing - Unfinalised S17 - Verification failures (AG)
TCM0196060 NTC listing - Unprocessed S17 work list (Info)
TCM0196080 NTC listing - Unprocessed S17 - Appeal or Complex only (AG)
TCM0196100 NTC listing - Unprocessed S17 - Compliance, SCO or Inhibited (AG)
TCM0196120 NTC listing - Unprocessed S17 - Duplicate (AG)
TCM0196140 NTC listing - Unprocessed S17 - Incompatible- benefit only (AG)
TCM0196160 NTC listing - Unprocessed S17 - Incompatible - earnings and benefits (AG)
TCM0196180 NTC listing - Unprocessed S17 - Incomplete or No PY-1 only (AG)
TCM0196040 NTC listing - Unprocessed S17 - initial action
TCM0196200 NTC listing - Unprocessed S17 - Late (AG)
TCM0196220 NTC listing - Unprocessed S17 - Multi Entry (AG)
TCM0196240 NTC listing - Unprocessed S17 - PY-1 Incompatible (AG)
TCM0196260 NTC listing - Unprocessed S17 - Superseded, Ceased joint reply, Ceased other income (AG)
TCM0196280 NTC listing - Unprocessed S17 - Terminated only (AG)
TCM0196300 NTC listing - Unprocessed S17 - Unprocessed change of circumstances (AG)
TCM0196360 NTC listing - Unprocessed S17 - Verification failures -‘Navigate’ toolbar option unavailable
TCM0196340 NTC listing - Unprocessed S17 - Verification failures (AG)
TCM0034260 Nursery Education Grant (Info)


TCM Page link Alphabetical Title - O
TCM0126120 On duty and on call (Info)
TCM0305100 Other Member States - contact
TCM0305200 Other Member States - request a reimbursement of a family benefit
TCM0224020 Overpayments (Introduction)
TCM0224040 Overpayments - bankrupt or sequestrated customers (Info)
TCM0224140 Overpayments - calculate and remit (cases suspended on or after 30/10/06)
TCM0224160 Overpayments - cashcheques posted to wrong year
TCM0224200 Overpayments - certificate of debt - explanation
TCM0224220 Overpayments - certificate of debt
TCM0224260 Overpayments - changes to be reported within a month (Info)
TCM0224340 Overpayments - COP 26 exceptional circumstances - Higher Officers only
TCM0224280 Overpayments - COP 26 responsibilities (Info)
TCM0226020 Overpayments - death of a customer
TCM0226040 Overpayments - direct recovery action
TCM0226080 Overpayments - disputed liability following household breakdown
TCM0226090 Overpayments - disputed overpayments - A to Z of guidance (Info)
TCM0226190 Overpayments - disputed overpayment - establish three month time limit
TCM0226100 Overpayments - disputes and manual suspensions - register and maintain
TCM0226240 Overpayments - explanations - referral or letter received
TCM0228040 Overpayments - four-week run-on - exceptions
TCM0228060 Overpayments - four-week run-on - pay by user requested payment
TCM0228080 Overpayments - four-week run-on - post-finalisation of payments (Info)
TCM0228120 Overpayments - HMRC and customer responsibilities (Info)
TCM0228200 Overpayments - Individual Voluntary Arrangement reported
TCM0228220 Overpayments - notional entitlement (Info)
TCM0228260 Overpayments - notional entitlement - household breakdown reported late
TCM0230060 Overpayments - remissions - make or cancel
TCM0230180 Overpayments - review disputed overpaymants
TCM0230240 Overpayments - RPT020 received from Jobcentre Plus - TCO only
TCM0230300 Overpayments - unissued notices - CSSG DOP/Complaint/Appeals staff


TCM Page Links Alphabetical Title - P
TCM0232020 Payment profile - accounting (Info)Payment profile - award entitlement (Info)
TCM0232040 Payment profile - direct payments schedule (Info)
TCM0232160 Payment profile - family regular payment day (Info)
TCM0232180 Payment profile - general (Info)
TCM0232200 Payment profile - how payments are profiled (Info)
TCM0232220 Payment profile - nil awards (Info)
TCM0232240 Payment profile - payment frequency (Info)
TCM0232260 Payment profile - payment method (Info)
TCM0232280 Payment profile - payment schedules (Info)
TCM0232320 Payment profile - recipients (Info)
TCM0232340 Payment profile - rounding difference (Info)
TCM0232360 Payment profile - suspended payments (Info)
TCM0232380 Payment profile - underpayments and overpayments (Info)
TCM0236020 Payment returned or not received (Introduction)
TCM0236100 Payment returned
TCM0138460 Pension Centres
TCM0066180 Personal acting bodies - Incomplete Applications work list items
TCM0066200 Personal acting bodies - referral from Contact Centre or correspondence
TCM0290150 Persons From Abroad team - Pre award claims - Customers are subject to immigration control
TCM0290155 Persons From Abroad team - Pre-award claims - joint claim -one customer is subject to immigration control no child responsibility
TCM0290156 Persons From Abroad team - Pre award claims - Customers who do not have immigration status but have a British national child.
TCM0290160 Persons From Abroad team - Refugee backdating
TCM0050080 Place of work history - ending (AG)
TCM0050100 Place of work history - entering
TCM0304050 Post-award change of circumstances - lead-in
TCM0292020 Post Office card account - Central POca Team only. Archived 25/02/2021
TCM0294020 Post Room - initial action
TCM0294040 Post Room - Miscellaneous Cash Clerk action
TCM0294060 Post Room - Valuables action
TCM0234020 Potential entitlement (Introduction)
TCM0234040 Potential entitlement - maintain (Info)
TCM0234080 Potential entitlement - release (AG)
TCM0234100 Potential entitlement - review queries
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0290155 Pre-award claims - joint claim - one customer is subject to immigration control - no child responsibility
TCM0076170 Pre-award - full-time non-advanced education check
TCM0076180 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0069015 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0069020 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0069025 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0069030 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0069050 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0069060 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0066280 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0284440 Prisoners - change of circumstances (Info)
TCM0066320 Progress update requested by customer (AG)
TCM0044160 PY-1 or earlier changes (AG)
TCM0044170 PY-2 or earlier changes - manual calculation


TCM page link Alphabetical Title - Q
TCM0114100 Qualifying young person leaves FTE - date CTC is paid (Info)


TCM page link Alphabetical Title - R
TCM0220100 R92TC completion
TCM0298140 Rapid Data Capture - claim image retrieval - Netherton only (AG)
TCM0132420 Rates and thresholds (Info)
TCM0126160 Recognised cycles of work (Info)
TCM0126140 Recognised, customer, or other, holidays (Info)
TCM0022340 Refugees - backdating (Info)
TCM0070020 Rejecting a claim (Introduction)
TCM0070040 Rejecting a claim during capture
TCM0070100 Rejection due to a verification failure
TCM0126180 Remunerative meal breaks or refreshment breaks (Info)
TCM0126200 Remunerative work - general (Info)
TCM0260020 Renew (Info)
TCM0260120 Renewals - attachments - P60
TCM0258020 Renewals - change of circumstances - where to notify (Info)
TCM0260140 Renewals - clerical cases - handling
TCM0258080 Renewals - family break-up - TCO only
TCM0260240 Renewals - finalise (Info)
TCM0260260 Renewals - finalise and renew (Info)
TCM0262050 Renewals - household breakdown - one reply scan
TCM0262060 Renewals - household breakdown - restore requested
TCM0262020 Renewals - household breakdown (Info)
TCM0262080 Renewals - income check
TCM0262100 Renewals - Inhibit signal - manually set and unset (Info)
TCM0262120 Renewals - initial action
TCM0262160 Renewals - late correspondence - identify (AG)
TCM0262200 Renewals - late correspondence - processing (AG)
TCM0262220 Renewals - Manage Finalisation function (Info)
TCM0258100 Renewals - non-auto renewal cases (Info)
TCM0258120 Renewals - notices
TCM0262230 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0262260 Renewals - restore terminated renewal
TCM0258160 Renewals - RLS markers (Info)
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0258180 Renewals - self-employed income changes (Info)
TCM0264060 Renewals - specified dates (Info)
TCM0264080 Renewals - Statement of Account (Info)
TCM0264100 Renewals - terminate (Info)
TCM0264120 Renewals - terminated renewals - identify (Info)
TCM0264160 Renewals - terminating Unprocessed S17 work items
TCM0264220 Renewals - unfinalised awards
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0012180 Renewals Terminated - appeals identification
TCM0264180 Renewals termination - correspondence
TCM0128160 Residence requirements - exemptions (Info)
TCM0128080 Residence, presence and right to reside - general (Info)
TCM0128100 Residence, presence and right to reside - presence (Info)
TCM0128120 Residence, presence and right to reside - residence (Info)
TCM0128140 Residence, presence and right to reside - right to reside (Info)
TCM0134620 Resolve DWP alerts (Introduction)
TCM0134640 Resolve DWP alert type 3000 and 3002 - non-match on NINO
TCM0134700 Resolve DWP alert type 3064 - date of death
TCM0070140 Resurrecting rejected claims
TCM0074060 Retrieval and return of casepapers
TCM0307100 Right to reside - general
TCM0307200 Right to reside - change of circumstances
TCM0307300 Right to reside - establish if there is enough information
TCM0343020 RLS - dealing with a returned In Year S17 notice or non-issue of an IYS17 notice due to RLS
TCM0184200 RLS items - post award / Annual Declaration
TCM0184220 RLS items - pre-award
TCM0184240 RLS items - rejected or withdrawn claims
TCM0184180 RLS items - undelivered notices


TCM Page link Alphabetical Title - S
TCM0044200 S19 - Priority 1 or Mismatch team change of circumstances (AG)
TCM0118140 Salary sacrifice (Info)
TCM0068020 Same sex couples - late capture of claims received before 05/12/05
TCM0074080 Scanned image referral - Netherton only
TCM0122180 Second adult element (Info)
TCM0126220 Self-employed earners (Info)
TCM0118180 Self-employed income (Info)
TCM0118160 Self-employed income (Introduction)
TCM0044220 Signals history - correcting effective date
TCM0044260 Signals history - correcting start/end dates
TCM0034280 Signals history (child signals only) - correcting effective date
TCM0034320 Signals history (child signals only) - correcting start and end dates
TCM0288610 Specialist Areas - proof of Benefits Requests (one off requests): IAA Team Only
TCM0300220 Specialist Trace Unit - IT systems (Info)
TCM0118220 Specific payments excluded from income (Info)
TCM0118200 Specific payments/Benefits included as income (Info)
TCM0124180 Sports awards (Info)
TCM0154020 Standardised Messages (Introduction)
TCM0154040 Standardised Messages - How to use
TCM0154060 Standardised Messages - index
TCM0154040 Standardised Messages - A - Appeals
TCM0156040 Standardised Messages - B - Backdating
TCM0156060 Standardised Messages - C - Complaints
TCM0156080 Standardised Messages - D - DWP benefits / Checkbrick
TCM0158020 Standardised Messages - E - Enquiry Centres and Contact Centres
TCM0158040 Standardised Messages - F - Incorrectly-ended cases and No Trace cases
TCM0158060 Standardised Messages - G - Mismatches
TCM0160020 Standardised Messages - H - Verification failures
TCM0160040 Standardised Messages - I - International / Isle of Man and Channel Islands
TCM0162020 Standardised Messages - J - Third party enquiries / Foreign documents
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0162060 Standardised Messages - L - Incompletes
TCM0162080 Standardised Messages - M - Miscellaneous general correspondence
TCM0164040 Standardised Messages - N - Change of circumstances (other)
TCM0164020 Standardised Messages - N - Change of circumstances (physical)
TCM0166020 Standardised Messages - O - Overpayments (codes from OA to OM)
TCM0166040 Standardised Messages - O - Overpayments (codes from ON to OZ)
TCM0168020 Standardised Messages - P - Payments (codes from PA to PM)
TCM0168040 Standardised Messages - P - Payments (codes from PN to PZ)
TCM0170020 Standardised Messages - Q - Manual capture
TCM0170040 Standardised Messages - R - Resolution
TCM0172020 Standardised Messages - S - Renewals (codes from SA to SD)
TCM0172040 Standardised Messages - S - Renewals (codes from SE to SI)
TCM0172060 Standardised Messages - S - Renewals (codes from SJ to SS)
TCM0172080 Standardised Messages - S - Renewals (codes from ST to SZ)
TCM0174020 Standardised Messages - T - Stopping Tax Credits
TCM0174040 Standardised Messages - U - Compliance
TCM0174060 Standardised Messages - V - Valuables
TCM0174080 Standardised Messages - W - Debt Management
TCM0176020 Standardised Messages - X - Miscellaneous
TCM0176040 Standardised Messages - Y - Employer Liaison Team / Payment via Employer
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0050160 Started new job in addition to main job
TCM0012220 Statement of Account appeals
TCM0330000 Stopping tax credits (STC)
TCM0342000 Stopping tax credits (STC) - Change of circumstances
TCM0074140 Storage - preparing and sending documents
TCM0124200 Strike action
TCM0124220 Strike periods (Info)
TCM0138220 Subject Access Requests - checking the SAR
TCM0138230 Subject Access Requests - requesting CSSG documents
TCM0138260 Subject Access Requests - printing the SAR
TCM0138280 Subject Access Requests - registering the SAR
TCM0240160 Suspended Overpayments work list
TCM0240200 Suspended Payments work list
TCM0124240 Suspensions from work (Info)


TCM Page Link Alphabetical Title - T
TCM0118240 Taxable earnings adjustments (Info)
TCM0072120 Taxable social security benefits (AG)
TCM0069120 TC1094 letter issued - customer queries
TCM0236140 TC241 declaration received
TCM0126240 Term time workers (Info)
TCM0068080 Trace employer (Info)
TCM0068100 Trace employer (AG)
TCM0124260 Trainees (Info)
TCM0094260 Typetalk (Info)


TCM Page Link Alphabetical Title - U
TCM0068160 Unauthorised access to a claim
TCM0268040 Unfinalised multi-years - Stage 1 - PY claims in provisional payment (AG)
TCM0268080 Unfinalised multi-years - Stage 2 - Terminate and invite new claim (AG)
TCM0268160 Unfinalised multi-years - Stage 2b - Not four-weekly paid - terminate and invite new claim (AG)
TCM0270020 Unfinalised S17 work list - Appeal
TCM0270040 Unfinalised S17 work list - Awaiting change of circumstances
TCM0270060 Unfinalised S17 work list - Compliance, SCO or Inhibited only
TCM0270080 Unfinalised S17 work list - Inhibited 2SD
TCM0270100 Unfinalised S17 work list - initial action
TCM0270120 Unfinalised S17 work list - Man Fin and Man Fin & Ren
TCM0270140 Unfinalised S17 work list - Multi-entry
TCM0270160 Unfinalised S17 work list - Not past 1SD
TCM0270180 Unfinalised S17 work list - Not past 2SD
TCM0270200 Unfinalised S17 work list - Unprocessed change of circumstances
TCM0270220 Unfinalised S17 work list - Verification failure
TCM0270240 Unfinalised S17 work list - work list reasons
TCM0044320 Unmatched change or correction
TCM0124280 Unpaid Leave (Info)
TCM0054120 Unprocessed Change of Circumstances helpcard
TCM0054100 Unprocessed Change of Circumstances work list - address changes (UK) (AG)
TCM0054060 Unprocessed Change of Circumstances work list
TCM0272060 Unprocessed S17 work list - AA action - change of circumstances
TCM0272080 Unprocessed S17 work list - AA action - verification failure
TCM0272100 Unprocessed S17 work list - Appeal only
TCM0272110 Unprocessed S17 work list - Complex only
TCM0272120 Unprocessed S17 work list - Compliance, SCO or Inhibited only
TCM0272140 Unprocessed S17 work list - Duplicate
TCM0272160 Unprocessed S17 work list - Finalised and Terminated
TCM0272180 Unprocessed S17 work list - Finalised only
TCM0272200 Unprocessed S17 work list - Incompatible
TCM0272220 Unprocessed S17 work list - Incomplete, Unsigned and No PY-1
TCM0272240 Unprocessed S17 work list - Late
TCM0272280 Unprocessed S17 work list - Multi-entry
TCM0272300 Unprocessed S17 work list - NINO, P marker or 1SD not present
TCM0272210 Unprocessed S17 work list - RTI Incompatible
TCM0272340 Unprocessed S17 work list - S17 logged
TCM0272380 Unprocessed S17 work list - Terminated only
TCM0272400 Unprocessed S17 work list - Unprocessed change of circumstances
TCM0272440 Unprocessed S17 work list - Verification failure
TCM0272480 Unprocessed S17 work list - work items - reasons (Info)
TCM0272460 Unprocessed S17 work list - work items - regeneration (Info)
TCM0272020 Unprocessed S17 work list (Info)
TCM0220110 User Requested Payment (URP) determine if it can be paid by Bacs


TCM Page Link Alphabetical Title - V
TCM0302280 Valuable items
TCM0302020 Valuables team (Introduction)
TCM0080020 Verification Failures work list (Info)
TCM0080040 Verification Failures - bank accounts - foreign (Info)
TCM0080060 Verification Failures - bank accounts - foreign (AG)
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0080180 Verification Failures - Compliance activity (AG)
TCM0300240 Verification failures - deceased adult
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0080260 Verification Failures - identify VF Rules 3, 4, 5 linked to renewals (AG)
TCM0080300 Verification Failures - inform DWP or Department for Communities (DfC) of award details where there is IS, JSA or ESA interest
TCM0080340 Verification Failures - new claim identified as renewals linked (AG)
TCM0078020 Verification Failures work list - definitions for Rules 1 to 12 (Info)
TCM0078060 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0078140 Verification Failures work list - Rule 2b - Child deceased
TCM0078180 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0078220 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0078300 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0078320 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0078340 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0078360 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0078380 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0078390 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0078400 (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TCM0078420 Verification Failures work list - Rule 5 - Child in current NTC award (post award)
TCM0078440 Verification Failures work list - Rule 5 - Child in current NTC award (pre-award)
TCM0078460 Verification Failures work list - Rule 6 - Bank account / Sort code invalid
TCM0078500 Verification Failures work list - Rule 7/8 - Employer reference/name not matched
TCM0078560 Verification Failures work list - Rule 9/10/11 - No PC, IS, JSA or ESA entitlement
TCM0078600 Verification Failures work list - Rule 12 - Residency criteria not met (pre-award)Verification Failures work list - Rule 12 - Residency criteria not met (post award)
TCM0138520 View Claim Summary function (Info)
TCM0152180 View Household Notes function (Info)
TCM0138120 Visual Impairment


TCM Page Link Alphabetical Title - W
TCM0138160 Welsh language
TCM0044340 What is a change of circumstance? (Info)
TCM01317020 When to access a system
TCM0139020 Withdrawing from tax credits
TCM0126260 Work for, or in expectation of, payment (Info)
TCM0126280 Work likely to continue (Info)
TCM0140160 Work lists - action dates (Info)
TCM0140180 Work lists - filtering and sorting (Info)
TCM0140200 Work lists - managing (Info)
TCM0140220 Work lists - Next Action function (Info)
TCM0140240 Work lists - overview (Info)
TCM0140260 Work lists - printing (Info)
TCM0140280 Work lists - viewing (Info)
TCM0140020 Work lists handling (Introduction)
TCM0140040 Work lists items - allocation (Info)
TCM0140060 Work lists items - deletion (Info)
TCM0140080 Work lists items - displaying linked items (Info)
TCM0140100 Work lists items - retaining (Info)
TCM0140120 Work lists items - transferring (Info)
TCM0140140 Work lists statistics - displaying (Info)
TCM0370160 Work lists (unprocessed) - appeal only
TCM0126300 Work normally done (Info)
TCM0126300 Working at home (Info)
TCM0126320 Working for 16 hours or more weekly (Info)
TCM0114120 Working Tax Credit entitlement (Info)
TCM0046160 WTC - changes to nomination / payment frequency


TCM Page Link Alphabetical Title - Y
TCM0126340 Yearly cycle of work (Info)