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TCM0314260 - Extra information - Bank Details Guide - Bank Details Guide - L

Lambeth Building Society

Leeds Building Society

Leeds and Holbeck Building Society

Leek United Building Society

Lloyds TSB Bank

Lloyds TSB Scotland

Loughborough Building Society

Lambeth Building Society

Sort code 606004, Account number 34266844, (Sponsor Bank Nat West Bank plc)

Account type Description Enter details
All Reference number should be ten digits Enter sponsor bank account number, sort code and customer’s ten-digit personal reference number

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Leeds Building Society

Note: Previously known as the ‘Mercantile Building Society’.

Sort code 402715, Account number 12440040, (Sponsor Bank Barclays Bank plc)

Account type Description Enter details
All Ten digits Enter sponsor bank account number, sort code and customer’s personal reference number

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Leeds and Holbeck Building Society

Sort code 402715, Account number 12440040, (Sponsor Bank HSBC Bank plc)

Account type Description Enter details
Cheque Account New eight-digit account number Enter eight-digit account number and use with sort code 08-61-19
Others Ten-digit account number or nine digits and an alpha number. No hyphens Enter sponsor bank account number, sort code and customer’s personal reference number

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Leek United Building Society

Sort code 402801, Account number 11012258, (Sponsor Bank HSBC Bank plc)

Account type Description Enter details
All Eleven digit account number Enter sponsor bank account number, sort code and customer’s personal reference number

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Lloyds TSB Bank

Account type Description Enter details
All account numbers should have eight digits Seven-digit account number that has a sort code beginning 30 only Enter a leading zero to make an eight-digit account number
All account numbers should have eight digits Nine-digit account numbers with sort code beginning 30 only and ending in 02, 03, 04, 05, 06 or 84 Enter a leading zero and don’t enter 02 at the end of the account number
All account numbers should have eight digits Ten-digit account number with sort codes beginning 77 only and ending 02 Enter the first eight digits only and the sort code provided by the customer

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Lloyds TSB Scotland

Account type Description Enter details
All account numbers should have eight digits Nine-digit account numbers ending 1, 2 or 3 and a sort code beginning 87 only Enter the first eight digits only and the sort code provided by the customer

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Loughborough Building Society

Sort code 300080, Account number 01781004, (Sponsor Bank Lloyds TSB Bank plc)

Account type Description Enter details
All Eight-digit account reference number Enter sponsor bank account number, sort code and customer’s personal reference number