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TCM0316020 - Extra information: forms

Types of award notice


Form Number Description
ADD4 Access to DWP Data (ADD) system test check record.
AT37 Form used to lodge an appeal with the tribunal.
BF56 Form used to record details of an appointee and the reasons why an appointee is required.
BF57 This form is sent to the appointee to confirm their appointment on behalf of the customer. It also includes important information in Part 3, covering termination of the arrangement of the appointment. It’s headed ‘If you have been appointed by the Secretary of State (appointees only)’.
C904(NTC) Local Action Notice (TC Overpayment).
CA8288 Customer Validation Unit (CVU) referral form.
DCI1(TC) Form used when a tax credits customer requires a NINO allocating. This form is sent to DWP so they can start NINO allocation process.
IR37 Booklet explaining the employer funding appeals procedure.
JCP/RPT020 This is a form used by Jobcentre Plus when a payment is received form a customer. The form is used to document the details of the customer and the payment.
LT203C Notification to the tribunal that the customer has withdrawn the appeal.
M1 Referral Mismatches.
MOPR2(TC) POca consent form. Note: Only available by using SEES.
MS163 Certificate of Full Disclosure.
P9D Form used by an employer to give details of all expenses and the cash equivalent of any benefits provided to employees who earns less than £8,500. Note: Form P9D only relates to tax year 2015 to 2016 and earlier. The form P9D and £8,500 earnings limit were abolished from 6 April 2016.
P11D Form used by an employer to give details of all expenses and the cash equivalent of any benefits provided by them to certain types of employees, or their families, dependants and guests.
P35 Employer’s annual return.
P45 Four-part form used by an employer to indicate an individual’s pay and tax leaving details.
P60 Certificate of pay and tax details.
P60U Form issued by DWP at the end of the tax year to notify somebody in receipt of Jobseeker’s Allowance or Employment and Support Allowance of their total taxable income including JSA or ESA for the tax year.
PNC R1 Locally-generated non-conformance report to record discrepancies with valuable items.
PRR3 Locally-generated form for registered post, recorded delivery post and special delivery post.
R92 TC Three-part form used to request a manual payment.
TAS1 Appeal enquiry form.
TC094(NTC) ACO calculate expected settlements.
TC33NTC Form used for recovering overpayments.
TC37NTC Tax credits debt amendment form. This form is used to amend details that have been provided on form TC33.
TC49a/TC49 Tax credits / Child Benefit receipt book.
TC56(NTC) Post Office reward authorisation.
TC56(NTC) Notes Post Office reward scheme notes.
TC57(NTC) Post Office reward consideration.
TC58(NTC) Tax credits giro request. Note: no longer available
TC63 Form to record valuable items on.
TC100(NTC) Immigration status enquiry.
TC100(NTC)(NI) Immigration enquiry (Northern Ireland).
TC116 Form to request a scanned image of a tax credits claim form.
TC154 Customer sent to DWP for NINO allocation.
TC157(NTC)(NI) Tax credits residency enquiry.
TC170 NIRS2 amendment required to WTC.
TC228 Form sent to a potential appointee to clarify why an appointee is needed.
TC241 GIRO declaration form.
TC241(NTC)(NI) NI version of TC241.
TC401(NTC)(NI) Tax credits nationality enquiry.
TC600 Tax credit claim form and supporting notes.
TC600a Tax Credit claim form additional pages. Sent out with the claim for. They’re completed by the customer where there are more than two children in the household or there’s more than one childcare provider.
TC601 Rejection notice.
TC601(MAN) Decision notice. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC602 Award notice.
TC602 Notes Notes to accompany the award notice.
TC603D An Annual Declaration form asking the customer to complete their income and benefits details and to indicate any changes of circumstances for one tax year at a time.
TC603D Notes Notes to accompany Annual Declaration.
TC603D2 Annual Declaration issued when the customer is required to confirm their actual income for PY-1 as well as confirming their income for PY.
TC603R An Annual Review form showing the calculation and the payments schedule of an award for the previous year.
TC603R Notes Statement of Circumstances notes.
TC603RD Annual Declaration notes.
TC606 Reminder notice.
TC606 (MAN) Manual reminder notice.
TC607 Statement Of Account. Sent to customers whose entitlement to tax credits has ceased. It tells customers of the decision to terminate their award and summarises the total payments or overpayment for the tax credit year. Note: Manual Statement of Account available by using SEES.
TC609 Reminder letter sent when the form TC1081 has not been received back from the customer. Has three options; a request for further information; a reminder; returning a claim form.
TC610 Notice to Pay Issued where there is an overpayment of tax credits but has no continuing award. It instructs them to repay the overpaid tax credits within 30 days. It contains a payment slip that customers should use when making their repayment.
TC612 Transition insert.
TC618 To return an unsigned award notice to the customer for signature.
TC620 Tax credits appeal acknowledgement.
TC621 Letter to the customer requesting further information about their tax credits appeal.
TC622 Tax credits appeal outcome. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC623 Form completed by the customer to enable them to appeal against their tax credits notice.
TC628 Opening letter.
TC630 Formal information notice issued to a customer or their personal acting body.
TC631 Closing letter.
TC632 Closing letter for pre-award examinations - Formal Notice.
TC633 Informal notice issued to a third party.
TC643 Introductory Letter.
TC643 (SA) Mailshot to self-employed Child Tax Credit customers.
TC643a Introductory letter.
TC643b Introductory letter.
TC645(GB) POca letter.
TC645(NI) POca Personal Invitation Document.
TC645(R2) POCA - Further reminder.
TC645R Reminder for TC645.
TC646 General purpose form used during rapid data capture to; return correspondence to the customer; notify the customer that the claim has been passed received; request information from the customer.
TC646(Man) Acknowledgment letter.
TC647 Award calculation notice.
TC648 General purpose form used to; record information and action taken; refer information, documents and responsibility to another office or part of the same office.
TC649 Form used to notify a change of circumstances either to or from Child Benefit Office
TC652 To confirm/verify Building Society account details. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC654 Computerised letter to confirm the residency status of the customer.
TC655 Child not matched or child in more than one household. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC655R Reminder form for TC655. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC656 Child in two or more tax credits claims - request more information. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC656a Child in two or more households, more information requested. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC656f Child in two or more households. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC657 Customer in more than one tax credits household / APP not matched. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC659 Request to clarify why the customer has been included as a young person in a different award.
TC660 Letter to clarify why a young person has been included as a customer in a different award.
TC661 Death of an adult.
TC662 Death of a child.
TC664 Additional change of circumstances information request.
TC666 Replacement birth certificate request.
TC668 Request to the employer for PAYE details.
TC669 Unauthorised access referral form.
TC671 Part 1 Missing bank account details.
TC672 Part 2 Missing bank account details. Only issued with part 1.
TC675 Tells the customer that their claim will provisionally be put into payment.
TC676 Closing letter for discrepancy cases.
TC677 Opening letter for giro offence cases. Note: no longer available
TC678 Closing letter for giro offence cases. Note: no longer available
TC679 Post award formal examination closing letter.
TC680 Post award in formal examination closing letter.
TC681 Priority referral form.
TC682 Requesting information about a foreign bank account and asks the customer to complete the mandate form TC683.
TC683 Requests the customer to confirm their foreign bank account details and to provide a sample of a cancelled cheque.
TC687 General referral form sent to Bank Liaison Team.
TC688 Amount of taxable benefit.
TC689 Authority for an intermediary to act on behalf of a customer.
TC691 Letter to tell the customer that, due to their temporary absence from the UK, their award will end and, where appropriate, invite a fresh claim.
TC693 Cross-border request for information.
TC694 To notify the EU Member State and appropriate CBO of any revised award of CTC.
TC695 Crown servants - child care provider not available.
TC696 Request for information on benefits to the customer - cross-border case.
TC697 Tells customer to apply for family benefits from the EU Member State.
TC698 Requests bank account details missing from the claim form.
TC718 Notification issued when a reallocation has been made.
TC803a Form used for the referral of additional Compliance information where the case is open.
TC803b Form used for the referral of additional Compliance information where the case is closed.
TC813 Information required on earnings.
TC815L Letter to customer telling them to open a bank account.
TC816 Identity evidence.
TC817 Customer abroad NINO details.
TC818a Disability change of circumstances.
TC819a Backdating.
TC819(Man) Tax credits arrears following receipt of benefit .
TC821 Address change.
TC822 Decisions that can’t be appealed against.
TC823 Form issued to customer when finalisation taken place, therefore HMRC unable to accept late information.
TC823a Ref to restore claim no good cause decision. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC827(GB) PFA reminder.
TC827(NI) PFA reminder.
TC828 Family benefits info request.
TC829 Obtain information that was missing from the Annual Declaration. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC829R Annual declaration incomplete (reminder). Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC830 Death of adult review/declaration required. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC835 Form used to tell the customer of the issue of backdating.
TC835a Backdating explanation.
TC835DM Backdating.
TC836 Childcare Provider (CCPr) mailshot.
TC837 Reminder letter for form TC836.
TC839 Manual award form issued. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC840 Incomplete annual declaration.
TC841 Right to reside enquiry form.
TC843(GB) Right of residence advice COC. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC845 Backdating. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC845A Backdating where the request relates to an earlier claim the customer stated they made, but we have no record of it. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC845B Backdating - Already backdated to the maximum. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC845C Unable to backdate CTC. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC845D Backdating - award finalised. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC845E Backdating - no eligibility. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC846 Form for customers to complete when disputing an overpayment.
TC846(ACK) Acknowledgment of request for overpayments review.
TC846(DR ACK) Acknowledgment of disputed overpayment in direct recovery cases.
TC847 Authority to act.
TC848/848a and TC848b General request for further information from a customer in the authorisation of an agent or intermediary.
TC849(GB)/(NI) Form to request customer’s estimated CY income.
TC850 Intelligence referral (RIAT TC).
TC851 Request for full review (RIAT TC).
TC852 TAP termination notice.
TC857 Letter to ask customer to accept four-weekly giro payments. Note: no longer available
TC857P Payment advice letter to people receiving payment by cheque. Note: no longer available
TC859A Informs customer of a partial remission of an overpayment.
TC859B Informs customer of a fully-remitted overpayment. This is where the overpayment has been entirely caused by an official error.
TC859C To inform the customer that the overpayment is recoverable. And to provide an explanation of why the overpayment occurred. This is where the overpayment was due to an official error, but it was reasonable for the customer to have noticed their payments were incorrect.
TC859D Remission of overpayment.
TC859(NI) Remission letter (NI).
TC860 Request for identity docs. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC861 Validate large payments letter. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC863 For the customers to sign when they haven’t signed an award notice.
TC864 Mailshot - Increased amount of childcare costs.
TC865 Notification to customer that their claim has been withdrawn.
TC866 Revised decision - overpayment no longer recovered - compensation paid.
TC868 Letter issued to inform customers when TCO has adjusted their payments after a hardship claim. This letter tells the customer that regular system payments have been adjusted and that a new award notice will be issued showing the revised amounts.
TC869 Letter issued to inform customers when TCO aren’t going to adjust their payments after a hardship claim.
TC870 Letter issued to a customer when a first claim for secondary hardship is made and there is no supplementary evidence to support any additional assistance.
TC871 Referral form used to pass information to Debt Management and Banking to consider secondary hardship.
TC872 Letter issued to inform customers when TCO has adjusted payments after a secondary disability claim. This letter tells the customer that: If regular system payments have been adjusted, a new award notice will be issued showing the revised amounts, or If additional system payments can’t be made (in cross-year recovery only cases) the amount of regular additional payments that will be paid.
TC873 Letter issued to inform the customer that a claim for secondary hardship has been rejected after investigation by Debt Management and Banking.
TC880A Customer made bankrupt after tc decision was made. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC880A-2 Request for bankruptcy, sequestration or discharge notice. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC880A-3 Overpayment to be collected until customer discharged from bankruptcy or sequestration. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC880B Advising bankrupt customer that partner liable for overpayment. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC880C Discharges bankrupt, overpayment no longer recovered. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC883 To inform the customer that the full amount of the overpayment is recoverable as it isn’t due to official error, and to provide an explanation of why the overpayment occurred.
TC884 Request to Home Office for details of financial support.
TC885(Man) Termination of immigration easement cases. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC886 Letter issued to inform customers when a one-off backdated hardship payment is to be made.
TC889 Letter to explain payment stopped because unsigned award notice not returned.
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000) (This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)
TC901 CTC double provision letter.
TC908 Form sent to the customer to request a NINO where this hasn’t previously been provided.
TC909 Form sent to the customer to request further information on their change of circumstances when a dispute has been received.
TC912 Form sent to DWP asking them to appoint an appointee.
TC913 Form sent to the customer to request further information when correspondence has been received enquiring into the dispute, but the dispute hasn’t been received.
TC915A Form sent to the customer when a form TC859C has already been sent, but at review the decision has been upheld and the overpayment remains recoverable.
TC915B Form sent to the customer when a form TC883 has already been sent, but at review the decision has been upheld and the overpayment remains recoverable.
TC915C Form sent to the customer who has previously had a review of their overpayment, has asked for a further review but has failed to supply any additional information to support this and the overpayment remains recoverable. Form tells the customer, as they haven’t provided any additional evidence, we can’t look at the Overpayment again.
TC916 Form sent to the customer when form TC859C or form TC883 has already been sent, additional information has been received, but at review this information hasn’t changed the original decision and the overpayment remains recoverable.
TC921 Form sent to the customer when the decision has changed at review, the overpayment was entirely caused by an official error and it has been fully remitted.
TC926 Appeal against termination. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC935 Form sent to customers to inform them that a four-week run on for WTC has been authorised.
TC937 Letter explaining why withheld underpayment won’t be paid.
TC941 SOWL mailshot - auto-remitted cases.
TC941(Man) SOWL mailshot - auto-remitted cases (manual version)
TC942 Withdrawing a tax credit claim award in payment.
TC943 Withdrawing a tax credit claim nil award. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC944 Household breakdown during renewal period.
TC945 Request to customer for a copy of their award notice.
TC952 Manual payments periodic change of circs reminder letter and insert.
TC953 S19 mailshot letter.
TC954 S18 draft letter for 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 cases.
TC955 Covering letter for Disability fact sheet.
TC956 Disability fact sheet.
TC957 S18 letter for 2003-2004, 2004-2005, 2005-2006 cases.
TC958 Mailshot about withdrawing claims.
TC959 Letter requesting actual income so that a change of circumstances can be processed. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC960 Letter to tell customer that we can’t amend their finalised award. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC961 Letter to customer that enquiry is complete with no change to award. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC961A Review is complete with no change to award. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC961B Review complete - no change latest award. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC962 Enquiry ended. Original decision confirmed. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC962A Review ended. Original decision confirmed. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC962B Review ended - decision confirmed no change payment. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC963 Enquiry ended. Original decision reversed. No underpayment arising.
TC963b Review ended. Incorrect change to decision. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC964 Request info from asylum seekers who are claiming Child Benefit and tax credits.
TC965 Enquiry ended. Original decision reversed. Resulting underpayment repaid. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC965A Review ended. Original decision reversed. Resulting underpayment repaid. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC965B Review ended. Incorrect change to decision underpayment. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC981 Entitlement to disability element. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC982 Tax credit letter withdrawing claim. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC983 Tax credit letter withdrawing claim. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC986 Remit / part remit overpayments.
TC987 Failed payment cases. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC991 Tax credits overpayments increase recovery to 100% at customer request. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC992 Returned Letter Service in a joint tax credit claim.
TC993 Annual Declaration not returned by 1st Specified Date manual payments renewal exercise. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC994 Overpayments 1st unfinalised year manual payments renewal exercise.
TC995 Overpayments 1st unfinalised year manual payments renewal exercise.
TC996 Customer wants to increase the rate of recovery.
TC997 Letter 12 manual payments renewal exercise. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC998 Withdraw your tax credits claim. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC999 Accept late reply annual declaration not returned on time. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1000 Finalisation of Unfinalised year.
TC1001 Reminder about reply for Annual Declaration. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1002 S17 returned on time letter sent with new claim. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1003 Initial manual payment - Renewals letter. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1004 Change of circumstances for intervening years.
TC1004a Change of circumstances from April.
TC1006 Underpayment after income details finalised. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1007 Underpayment / overpayment - intervening years. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1008 New claim not received within eight weeks - manual payments. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1009 New claim has to be paid manually. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1010 New claim in system payment - manual payments. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1012 Letter - to recover payments made in error from POca.
TC1013 Form - withdrawing from TC.
TC1020 Claiming tax credits. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1023 Customer not returned new claim form. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1024 Assisted Renewals letter. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1024A Help to renew first renewal over the phone. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1025 SDE - tax credits claim.
TC1027 Don’t have main responsibility for child. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1028 No change to award after change of circumstances. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1029 Four-week run-on (new July 2009 Budget version) . Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1032 Mailshot - WTC take up.
TC1033 Form - WTC backdating letter.
TC1034 Form - WTC backdating letter.
TC1035 Renewals P60 attachment.
TC1036 Household breakdown 50/50 split on overpayment. Note: Only available by using SEES. (Made obsolete May 2016 - replaced by TC1213).
TC1037 Letter about documents customer sent.
TC1038 Letter to tell customer documents have been returned.
TC1041 Letter - documents returned by Royal Mail unable to deliver.
TC1042 Letter - missing documents not received in TCO.
TC1043 Personal documents not received back by customer.
TC1044 Docs returned damaged by Royal Mail.
TC1045 Questionnaire about personal documents not received.
TC1046 Customer not replied to reasonable cost of replacement documents.
TC1047 Letter to tell customer cheque will be issued for replacement documents.
TC1048 Letter telling customer replacement birth certificate to be issued.
TC1049 Questionnaire about missing documents.
TC1050 Previously numbered TC920.
TC1051 Permanent underpayment letter.
TC1052 Refusal to backdate, longer than three months, notify change of circumstances. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1053 Safeguarding your personal details. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1054 Subject Access Request forwarded to correct area. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1055 Subject Access Request information has been sent. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1056 Not sending Subject Access Request information for legal reasons. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1057 Not sending Subject Access Request information - no trace of claim. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1059 Reminder to provide missing claim form details. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1060 Rule changes affecting customers subject to immigration control. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1061 Withdrawal confirmation to Helpline. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1062 Responsibility for child - has main responsibility. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1063 Death of single customer / request for executor. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1065 Tells customer that we can’t use third party info. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1070 Method of Payment Reform - providing bank, building society, Post Office card account account details. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1071 Method of Payment Reform - providing bank, building society, Post Office card account account details - reminder. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1072 Confirmation of immigration status. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1073 Confirmation of immigration status - reminder. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1074 Retention of customer docs (follow-up). Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1075 Responsibility dates confirmation VF Rule 4. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1076 Child to be added already in receipt own claim. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1078 Incorrectly-ended new claim. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1079 Incorrectly-ended new claim - reminder. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1080 Method of Payment Reform - request for payment details. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1081 Enquiry form to establish why the customer has made a new claim when they have an existing award in payment
TC1082 Method of Payment Reform - partner letter. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1083 Appointee covering letter. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1089 Agent letter. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1090 Intermediary incomplete authority. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1091 Intermediary - no info to trace. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1092 Agent - incomplete authority. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1093 Intermediary letter. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1095 Qualifying persons invitation to claim CTC.
TC1096 Certificate request.
TC1097 EU Member State unable to provide certificate - outstanding information.
TC1100 Suspended hijacked awards IS/JSA/ESA.
TC1102 Ordinarily Resident letter. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1103 Contacting the customer following change of circumstance request. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1125 Tax Credit Residency and Immigration status.
TC1130 Mandatory reconsideration late request. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1169 Mandatory reconsideration late evidence. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1170 Mandatory reconsideration notice. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1172 Late mandatory reconsideration evidence considered. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC1173 Second request for mandatory reconsideration or appeal. Note: Only available by using SEES.
WAM referrals Wider Access Mailbox referrals
WTC / AP How to appeal against a tax credits decision or award
TC1213 Invite a fresh claim. (Replaces TC1036). Note: Only available by using SEES
TC1223 Claimant not entitled to disability element (no work cases). Note: Only available by using SEES
TC1224 No record of claimants disability benefit on ADD, and evidence needed. Note: Only available by using SEES
TC1225 No record of claimants severe disability benefit, and evidence needed. Note: Only available by using SEES
TC1226 Final disallowance letter for claimants. Note: Only available by using SEES
TC1227 No record of child’s disability benefit on ADD, and evidence needed. Note: Only available by using SEES
TC1228 No record of child’s severe disability on ADD, and evidence needed. Note: Only available by using SEES
TC1229 Final disallowance letter for child. Note: Only available by using SEES
TC1230 Final confirmation of award of disability element after evidence received, and official documents returned to claimant. Note: Only available by using SEES
TC1232 Incapacitated for Tax Credits. Note: Only available by using SEES
TC1233 Claimant not entitled to disability element but is entitled to incapacitated element. Note: Only available by using SEES
TC1303 Withdrawal of mandatory reconsideration request. Note: Only available by using SEES.
TC2016 Mandatory reconsideration Triage letter. Note: Only available by using SEES.

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Form Number Description
64-8 Authorising your agent.
116 A form sent to Stores to retrieve a paper claim form that has been stored remotely.
246 A form sent to Stores to retrieve a paper claim form that has been stored remotely, where the issue of a form 116 has failed to retrieve the claim.
396(NTC) Tax credit Penalty Determination Notes.
940 Used by the Accounts Office to ask the local Processing Office to list an appeal against a funding claim decision for hearing by the General Commissioners.
941 Issued by the Processing Office to the Accounts Office to; acknowledge receipt of form 940; tell the Accounts Office of the details of the meeting at which the appeal will be heard.

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Types of award notice

Note: During the renewal period, the processing of a change of circumstances or the annual declaration will result in the customer receiving the relevant types of notice for both Previous Year (PYP and Current Year (CY) awards where the change affects both award periods and CY is continuing. For example, TC602(J) and TC602(D) or TC602(E) and TC602(A).

Form number Type of award notice Reason for issue
TC602(A) Initial Current Year Issued for the CY award where a new claim is received.
TC602(B) Initial Previous Year Issued for the PY award where a new claim has been processed after 5 April that’s subsequently backdated into the previous year.
TC602(C) Current Year Amended Issued for the CY award where a change of circumstances or payment only change has been applied and the award isn’t in the renewal period.
TC602(D) Current Year Provisional Issued during the renewal period for the CY award where either a change of circumstances (or a payment only change) or the Annual Declaration has been processed affecting the CY provisional award but we don’t yet have all the information required to finalise the PY claim and renew the CY claim. There isn’t a right of appeal against the information contained in this type of notice as a final decision hasn’t been made on the claim.
TC602(E) Previous Year finalised using actual income Issued for the PY award when the PY award has been finalised using actual income figures.
TC602(F) Previous Year finalised using estimated income as actual Issued for the PY award after 2SD where the award was previously finalised using estimated income figures and the actual income figures haven’t been supplied.
TC602(G) Previous Year finalised using estimated income Issued for the PY award when the PY award has been finalised using estimated income figures. There isn’t a right of appeal against the information contained in this type of notice as the income figures are estimated.
TC602(H) Previous Year finalised using function Manage Finalisation Issued for the PY award when the PY claim has been finalised by an operator using the function Manage Finalisation. The award may be finalised using estimated or actual income figures.
TC602(J) Statement Like an Award Notice (SLAN) A statement of information issued during the renewal period for the PY award where either a change of circumstances (or a payment only change) or the Annual Declaration has been processed affecting the PY claim but we don’t yet have all the information required to finalise the PY claim. There isn’t a right of appeal against the information contained in this type of notice as a final decision has not been made on the claim.
TC603X Manual award notice Used by the Mismatch Team working on renewals.

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