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TCM0318020 - Extra information: functions

Adjust In Year Payments
Amend Application
Amend Effective Date
Amend PVE Details
Capture Application
Capture Renewal Declaration
Maintain Appeal
Maintain Dispute
Maintain Funding Application
Maintain Overpayment
Maintain Payment Suspension
Maintain Potential Entitlement
Maintain Worklist
Make Remission
Manage Finalisation
Manage Reminders
Manage Verification Failures
NTC Listing
Process Compliance Cases
Raise Informal Discharge
Reallocate Employer Funding
Reallocate Payments
Reallocate Payments From OAS
Record Accounting Adjustment
Record Applicant Failed Payment
Record Employer Failed Payment
Record Manual Award
Record PVE Adjustments
Reject Application
Request Bulk Transfer
Request Reissue Of Notice
Review Potential Match
Trace Citizen
Trace Employer
User Requested Payment
View Application
View Application History
View Award
View Award Calculation
View Claim Summary
View Employer Account
View Employer Details
View Employer Funding Application
View Employer Funding Calculation
View Household Account
View Household Notes
View Linked Work Items
View Overpayment
View PVE Details For Employer
View S17 Details
View Work State Summary

Adjust In Year Payments

Use this function where there is a Notional Overpayment to

  • apply a Manually Revised Payment percentage to adjust the amount of tax credits that will be paid to the customer for the rest of the current tax year
  • remove the Manually Revised Payment percentage that has been applied and reset to the automatic recovery percentage
  • change the Manually Revised Payment percentage that has been applied
  • request full recovery of the overpayment
  • remove a full recovery request and reset to the automatic recovery percentage.

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Amend Application

Use this function to

  • make a correction to a post award claim
  • capture a change of circumstance for a pre-award or post award claim.

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Amend Effective Date

Use this function for a post award claim to

  • change the Effective Date to an earlier date or a forward date
  • change the entitlement Start and Include From dates for individual ‘entitlement factors’ to earlier dates.
    Note: You can only amend the Effective Date for a claim if the original entitlement started within the current year (CY) or previous year (PY).
    Note: You will be able to check or amend the existing Start and Include From dates for entitlement factors, for example ‘Disabled’, ‘Total Hours Worked’ that have a period of entitlement including the existing Effective Date.

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Amend PVE Details

Use this function to

  • unlink a PVE award where it was linked to
    • the right employer
    • the wrong employer reference.
  • link it to the correct employer reference for the same employer.

Important note: The same employer can have more than one employer reference. If the PVE award is recorded against the correct employer but the wrong reference, the employer may well pay the tax credits. However, the end of year returns from the employer for each scheme won’t reconcile.

You can

  • request a correction to all PVE liability that exists for a customer / employer relationship where that liability relates to the following tax years
    • 2003-2004
    • 2004-2005
    • 2005-2006
      or, you can
  • correct PVE liability within a specified tax year only.
    Note: If you ask to correct all PVE liability, any PVE awards in the current year (CY+1) and later years will be corrected as well.
    Note: If a period of PVE liability overlaps with the tax year you have specified, the record may need to be split so that the relevant part is recorded against the correct reference.
    Note: If you have asked to correct PVE liability in CY, then all awards for subsequent years will also be corrected.
    Note: If you have asked to correct PVE liability in a specific tax year (not CY), then only the selected tax year will be corrected.

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Capture Application

Use this function to do the following in respect of a claim for tax credits

  • log receipt of it
  • capture the details from it
  • correct the details where the claim is still pre award
  • store it as a partially captured claim. This will generate an entry on the ‘Incomplete Applications’ work list
  • send it for processing
  • withdraw it.
    Note: When you select a claim that has been withdrawn or rejected you will be redirected to this function.

If you then store the rejected claim, the tax credits computer will create a new claim which is a copy of the original. This copy may then be updated or amended. The stored rejected claim will remain on the database.

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Capture Renewal Declaration

This function is only available for Annual Declarations relating to tax credits awards that have not already been finalised.

Use this function to

  • capture information from the Annual Declaration
  • store information from the Annual Declaration
  • amend previously stored information on the tax credits computer with further details
  • submit the Annual Declaration for processing
  • log receipt of the Annual Declaration
  • view Real Time Information (RTI) details
  • view any monetary amounts in the alternative currency (use TCM0322040).
    Note: This function can be used when the Annual Declaration has been given
  • in writing, by the completion of form TC603(D)
  • by phone
  • at an interview.

Note: When the Annual Declaration is stored, an entry is created on the ‘Unprocessed S17’ work list.

Note: This function can’t be used for any late Annual Declarations that are made more than one year after the end of the year that is being finalised.

Note: Where finalisation is inhibited, you will only be able to capture and store the Annual Declaration.

Note: If a joint Annual Declaration has been issued and the household has subsequently broken up, a reply is still required from each customer.

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Maintain Appeal

Use this function to

  • register an appeal
  • update the progress of an appeal
  • close an appeal
  • view a closed appeal.

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Maintain Dispute

Use this function to

  • view details of a disputed overpayment
  • create a record of a disputed overpayment
  • record that a dispute has been resolved
  • set or lift a Dispute Suspension
  • set or lift a Manual Suspension.

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Maintain Funding Application

Use this function to

  • capture a tax credits funding application for a specified employer
  • amend any details on an existing funding application for a specified employer following receipt of an employer change of circumstances
  • record receipt of a signature from a previously unsigned or phone application
  • capture a tax credits funding renewal notice for a specified employer
  • record receipt of a signature from a previously unsigned or phone renewal
  • amend the status of a tax credits funding application for a specified employer.

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Maintain Overpayment

Use this function to view

  • the current Recovery status of an overpayment
  • the overpayment amount currently outstanding
  • the date a Notice to Pay was issued and who it was issued to
  • the reasons for suspension, if applicable.

You will be able depending on your level of responsibility to

  • set a Formal Arrangement or TTP for the repayment of an overpayment
  • set up an Informal Arrangement or IA for the repayment of an overpayment
  • cancel an Formal or Informal Arrangement
  • clear a Formal Arrangement that has been completed
  • change the review date, where the overpayment is currently suspended
  • confirm that a manual remission does not affect recovery of an overpayment
  • confirm that recovery of an overpayment can continue if a customer is working less than 16 hours weekly.

You will also be able depending on your level of access to

  • transfer an overpayment to be recovered locally, before the date that this would happen automatically
  • record the date and reason for the early transfer.

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Maintain Payment Suspension

Use this function to

  • suspend a computer generated payment made to the customer
  • record a reason for suspension
  • remove a reason for suspension
  • reinstate a computer generated payment made to the customer.

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Maintain Potential Entitlement

Use this function to review the potential entitlement and potential payment details for a household.

You will be able to view any potential entitlement and potential payment in award periods from the current year (CY) to CY-6.

For the selected award period, you will be able to determine for a household

  • the amount of the potential entitlement and/or potential payment
  • the potential entitlement history for up to a maximum of fifty award versions.

In exceptional circumstances, if you have the necessary level of access you can manually release the latest potential entitlement for an award before finalisation.

This may result in an additional payment to the customer.

Note: A payment to the customer will not always be made. When the potential entitlement is released, any in-year overpayment is offset against it, which could result in no payment being made.

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Maintain Worklist

Use this function to

  • view work list items for a particular Work List type and Management Unit (MU)
  • sort the work list entries into a chosen order
  • filter the work list entries to show only those within a chosen range
  • print the entries on a work list
  • view the work list entries in the alternative currency (use TCM0322040).

And for a selected work item you can

  • delete it
  • transfer it to another MU
  • view additional information about it, update the action date and stop it being transferred to another MU
  • move it to other functions that are available to you in your user role
  • view it in the alternative currency (use TCM0322040).

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Make Remission

Use this function to

  • record a manual Remission or partial Remission where appropriate of an overpayment of tax credits
  • record a reason for a Remission - the Remission Class
  • cancel a manual Remission so repayment of an overpayment can be pursued. For example, if a customer has gone away to an unknown address but has later been traced.
    Note: You can’t cancel part of a manual Remission.
    Note: You can only record one Remission at a time.
    Note: You can’t cancel an Auto Remission.

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Manage Finalisation

Use this function to

  • finalise previous year (PY) tax credits awards
  • renew current year (CY) tax credits claims that couldn’t be automatically processed following the reply to an Annual Declaration.

You can also use this function to

  • record that an Annual Declaration has not been served
  • disregard an Annual Declaration reply that has not been processed
  • inhibit the automatic finalisation of an Annual Declaration reply
  • uninhibit the automatic finalisation of an Annual Declaration reply where the reason for inhibiting has ended
  • record the date that an Annual Declaration was manually issued
  • record the date that a finalised award notice was issued
  • terminate a CY award
  • record the reason for finalising, renewing or terminating
  • record reasons for other actions taken in this function. For example, disregarding an Annual Declaration reply
  • extend specified dates.

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Manage Reminders

Use this function to

  • view how long a household has left to return a renewal or an award that requires a signature before the award is stopped
  • update the renewal return dates.

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Manage Verification Failures

Use this function to

  • manage the claim clerical verification failures shown on the ‘Verification Failures’ work list
  • investigate the individual failures
  • manually verify the verification rules for those individual failures.

You may change the

  • ‘Decision Status’
  • ‘Verification Status’ between ‘Not Verified’ and ‘Verified’
  • ‘Potential Selection for Enquiry (PSE)’ signal setting.

If you re-submit the claim for processing and the changes made clear all reasons for failure, the case will be deleted from the ‘Verification Failures’ work list.

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NTC Listing

Use this function to

  • view details of current items listed under specific Listing Types
  • view additional details on a selected entry on the work list
  • update some of the data within the ‘Listing Entry Details’ screen
  • sort and filter the data in order to customise the list
  • delete the entry once it has been updated.

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Process Compliance Cases

Use this function to

  • view the latest risk assessment for a claim
  • set, amend or delete the date the case was referred to the Special Compliance Office
  • enter the priority marking that you attach to the award period’s potential for enquiry
  • view and amend the Decision Status
  • record that no changes are required to the claim as a result of an enquiry.

The following tax credits functions can be accessed from this function

  • ‘Capture Application’
  • ‘View Application’
  • ‘Reject Application’
  • ‘Manage Verification Failures’
  • ‘Maintain Payment Suspension’.

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Raise Informal Discharge

Use this function to

  • record an Informal Discharge for the full amount of an overpayment
  • cancel an existing Informal Discharge.
    Note: You will not be able to record an Informal Discharge if enforcement action is in progress.
    Note: The Informal Discharge can only be for the full amount of the outstanding overpayment.
    Note: You cannot record an Informal Discharge where the overpayment cannot be determined. For example, if PVE is not known to have ceased during the selected award period or will not cease on a known date in the future.

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Reallocate Employer Funding

Use this function to

  • reallocate a funding payment
  • from one tax year to the next tax year within the same employer reference
  • between employer references for the same employer in the same tax year
  • reverse an existing allocation
  • view an existing reallocation or reallocation reversal
  • view reallocation or reallocation reversal notes.
    Note: You will need to use function ‘View Employer Account’ if you want to check the amount of funding paid.
    Note: Full details of the clerical procedures that you may have to consider are contained in Employer Funding.

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Reallocate Payments

Use this function to reallocate an amount of tax credits from the tax credits computer to the Accounting & Payments Service (A&PS) OAS.

Within this function you will be able to

  • identify the accounting record
  • select an Overpayment Class
  • identify the amount to be reallocated to OAS
  • recalculate the current Payment Schedule for the household
  • confirm or reject a reallocation
  • recalculate the award period payment schedule
  • allocate an OAS reference number to a specific A&PS
  • view the effect of the proposed reallocation on the award period of which it is to be made
  • view the designated OAS reference number.

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Reallocate Payments From OAS

Use this function to reallocate an amount from the Accounting & Payments Service OAS to the tax credits computer.

Within this function you will be able to

  • select and enter certain Tax Credit types held for reallocation
  • identify payments held in OAS
  • identify the tax credits record where the payment is to be reallocated to
  • record a payment on the tax credits record
  • record and identify an OAS reference number to the tax credits computer
  • allocate all or part of the amount to the award period selected
  • establish that an amount stored under a specific OAS reference number should be reallocated
  • view accounting information at summary level for a specific award
  • select additional award periods to reallocate amounts using the same OAS reference number.

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Record Accounting Adjustment

Use this function when a payment discrepancy has led to an entry being created on either the

  • ‘Applicant Accounting Discrepancy’ work list
  • ‘Employer Accounting Discrepancy’ work list.

This function will show a proposed adjustment, if available to correct the discrepancy. The adjustment will reconcile the tax credits computer with the Payments Made Framework (PMF) for the customer or employer.

You can

  • proceed with the proposed adjustment
  • reject the proposed adjustment
  • cancel out of this function, taking no action.
    Note: You may need to make more than one adjustment to reconcile the tax credits computer with PMF.
    Note: Where there is a matching accounting event recorded on both PMF and the tax credits computer, but the amount recorded differs on each system, an adjustment cannot be made to correct the discrepancy.

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Record Applicant Failed Payment

Use this function to

  • record a failed payment
  • record the reason for a failed payment
  • cancel a payment
  • reissue a payment.
    Note: If a cancelled payment is not immediately reissued an entry will be created on the ‘Applicant Failed Payment’ work list.

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Record Employer Failed Payment

Use this function to record on an employer’s accounting record that a funding payment has failed.

You will need to use function ‘Maintain Funding Application’ to

  • amend the bank details for a specified employer
  • amend the status of a tax credits funding application to
    • ‘Suspended’
    • ‘Terminated’
    • ‘Active’.

Following the use of function ‘Maintain Funding Application’ entries may appear on the ‘Suspended Payments’ work list.

Full details of the clerical procedures that you may have to consider are contained in Employer Funding.

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Record Manual Award

Use this function to record manually calculated award details for complex cases.

You will be able to

  • view details of existing manually calculated award amounts and entitlement periods
  • delete existing entitlement periods
  • go to the ‘Add/Amend Entitlement Period’ screen to either
    • create a new entitlement period or award amount for a manually calculated award
    • amend an existing entitlement period or award amount for a manually calculated award
  • view any financial amounts in the alternative currency (use TCM0322040).

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Record PVE Adjustments

Use this function to record the actual amount of tax credits paid by PVE to a customer when it differs from the amount that the employer was instructed to pay.

If the employer has paid an amount different to that authorised, and is not in a position to rectify this, it will be necessary to adjust the record of PVE to show the actual amount paid by the employer.

You will be able to record a PVE adjustment for a specified

  • tax year
  • customer
  • employer reference.

You will also be able to

  • view, for the specified tax year a record of
    • the authorised PVE
    • any PVE adjustments made to date
    • the revised PVE total
  • view the authorised, adjusted and revised PVE amounts in the alternative currency (use TCM0322040)
  • access function ‘View PVE Details For Employer’.

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Reject Application

Use this function to

  • select up to five reasons why a claim is being rejected from a list of options
  • enter a reason for rejection of your own
  • prevent the issue of a Rejection Notice.

Following the successful completion of this function, if the claim is on either of the following work lists the entry will be deleted from them

  • ‘Compliance Failures’
  • ‘Verification Failure (Clerical)’.

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Request Bulk Transfer

Use this function to

  • move work list items in bulk from one Management Unit (MU) to another MU
  • view the number of work list items moved
  • view the date a transfer took place
  • cancel a transfer request from your own MU.
    Note: The function ‘Maintain Worklist’ allows you to transfer single work items. In this function you can transfer many items at once.
    Note: This function will only be available to those in the Work List manager’s role.
    Note: The Work List manager will be able to filter the work to transfer so that only work list items within a chosen range are included in the bulk transfer.
    Note: For the bulk transfer to be successful the destination MU must have access to the same Work List type.
    Note: You must get agreement from the destination MU before the proposed transfer of work.
    Note: Only transfer requests with a status of ‘Pending’ can be cancelled.

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Request Reissue Of Notice

Use this function to

  • request the reissue of one of the following to a customer or household
    • an Award Notice
    • a Decision Notice
  • indicate whether the reissue is a copy or a duplicate notice.

Note: From 15 June 2018 some historical NTC notices are no longer available to issue to customers. The information can only be provided from the customer’s tax credits account, we are unable to send them a duplicate or copy of the original notice if this applies.

Review Potential Match

Use this function when, during capture an individual as been found on

  • the Citizen Identity Framework (CID)
  • the National Insurance Recording System (NIRS)
  • the individual’s details potentially match the customer’s details
  • the match has been prevented, as the matching rules are not satisfied.

The individual identified is known as a ‘potential match’.

In this function you can check details of

  • the customer captured
  • the potential match for the customer.

You must check the details carefully before you make any decision to

  • override the failed rules and accept the potential match
  • reject the potential match.

You can only access this function from function ‘Capture Application’.

If a decision can’t be made without further investigation, you can record notes in this function, giving details of action taken or action required.

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Trace Citizen

Use this function to find an individual’s NINO where either

  • you don’t know the individual’s NINO
  • the NINO you have used doesn’t appear to be the correct one.

If you have the appropriate level of access and you already know the NINO, you can also use this function to trace missing details that you require for the individual.

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Trace Employer

Use this function to trace an employer reference.

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User Requested Payment

Depending on your level of access, use this function to

  • create a user requested payment
  • authorise or reject a user requested payment
  • view the details of an existing user requested payment.

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View Application

Use this function to

  • view all captured information from a claim
  • view details from complete and incomplete claims
  • view historic and current details.

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View Application History

Use this function to view the following details for the claim version that you selected in function ‘View Application’

  • historic details of a claim
  • specific household changes.

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View Award

Use this function to view individual award versions of the customer’s tax credits awards.

You can view the

  • latest award version
  • all award versions within the period of current year (CY)-6
  • award versions for any specified period within the current tax year and up to the previous six tax years.

For each award version you can check the

  • details of the original award notice and where applicable up to two requested duplicates of the award notice including
    • address details
    • income details
    • children and young persons details
    • award calculation details
    • payment details
    • reconciliation details (use TCM0322520)
  • view details of the award in the alternative currency (use TCM0322040)
  • access other functions.

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View Award Calculation

Use this function to view details of an award calculation.

Note: The information provided by this function will be useful when you are explaining how an award has been calculated.

Note: All details displayed in this function will be for the version of the award that was shown on the ‘View Award Summary’ screen in function ‘View Award’.

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View Claim Summary

Use this function to view summary information for a household.

You will be able to view summary information in tax credits periods from the current year (CY) to CY-6.

For the selected tax credits period, for a household you will be able to check

  • a summary of the award history
  • payment details.

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View Employer Account

Use this function to view details of funding payments made to a specified employer for

  • the current tax year
  • up to six previous years.

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View Employer Details

Use this function to view

  • employer details
  • payroll and correspondence details
  • name and address history
  • payroll and correspondence address history.

From this function you can also access function ‘Trace Employer’.

You should only view an employer record if you have a business need to do so.

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View Employer Funding Application

Use this function to view tax credits funding applications for a specified employer for

  • the current tax year
  • up to six previous years.

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View Employer Funding Calculation

Use this function to view tax credits funding calculations for a specified employer for

  • the current tax year
  • up to six previous years.

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View Household Account

Use this function to view the following payment or posting details

  • direct payments already made, including cancelled payments and cancelled payments that have been reinstated
  • direct payments to be made in the future, including any Potential Payment
  • Payment Via Employer (PVE) payments authorised up to and including yesterday for the current year (CY)
  • PVE payments authorised from today to the end of the award
  • overpayment recoveries
  • remission
  • payments In, including the amounts allocated to tax credits
  • payments reallocated to the tax credits computer from OAS - ‘Reallocation In’
  • payments reallocated from the tax credits computer OAS - ‘Reallocation Out’.
    Note: You will be able to view detailed information about every payment or posting. For example, you will be able to establish when a direct payment is due and how it will be paid.
    Note: Information can be viewed at household or, when applicable individual level.

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View Household Notes

Use this function to

  • view household notes that have been recorded for the household
  • filter the household notes to show only those within a chosen category
  • sort the household notes into a chosen event date order
  • view the note details in full
  • determine if there is an open appeal held for this customer
  • determine if there is an ongoing compliance enquiry for this customer
  • add, amend or delete a household note.

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View Linked Work Items

Use this function to

  • view a summary of all Work List types with outstanding work items for
    • the households of which the customer is or has been a member
    • the employer
  • view the Management Unit and office name to which the work items have been referred.

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View Overpayment

Use this function to view details of overpayments for a household.

You will be able to view overpayments in award periods from the current year (CY) to CY-6.

For the selected award period, you will be able to check for a household

  • a summary of the overpayments
  • details of the latest calculated overpayment
  • details of any historical overpayments.

For the latest calculated overpayment for a household, you will also be able to determine the recovery method. This will be

  • in-year recovery
  • cross-year recovery
  • direct recovery.

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View PVE Details For Employer

Use this function to

  • identify or confirm PVE details regarding an employer reference for a
    • specific date
    • period of up to 12 months
    • specific tax year
  • request a total figure of authorised PVE, for an employer, for the whole of a specific period
  • view, for a particular employee
    • the daily rate the employer has been authorised to pay the employee for and the dates relating to the rates
    • any PVE adjustments during the period specified
    • any PVE breakdowns during the period specified.

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View S17 Details

Use this function to

  • view the following details for an S17 Notice
    • who it has been issued to
    • the date it was issued
    • the method of issue
  • the address it was issued to

  • view details of a reply to an S17 Notice, the S17 Declaration, including the following
    • how it has been captured
    • if it has been signed and by whom
    • which year’s income has been provided
  • view if an award
    • has been selected for auto renewal
    • has been finalised
  • determine if the customer is receiving IS, JSA, ESA or PC during the period covered by the S17 Notice
  • view details of the monetary amounts on the S17 Declaration in the alternative currency (use TCM0322040)
  • determine if and when a Declaration has been partially captured
  • view Real Time Information (RTI) details
  • access function ‘View Application’.
    Note: If the customer’s appointee has signed the S17 Declaration, this will show as customer 1 having signed.
    Note: Two customers in a household that qualifies for automatic renewal will be sent separate copies of the same S17 Notice.
    Note: If a joint S17 Notice has been sent and the household subsequently breaks up, you will be able to determine which customer or household has not been served with this notice.
    Note: If the customer indicates on their S17 Declaration that they have had a change of circumstances, you will be able to determine if we’re still awaiting details of this change.

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View Work State Summary

Use this function to view the following for a specific office or Management Unit

  • number of work items appearing on each Work List type
  • total number of work items appearing on all Work List types
    and, if you choose to filter the work items
  • number of filtered work items appearing on each Work List type
  • total number of filtered work items appearing.