TCM0320460 - Extra information: glossary: V
Valuable item
Verification failure
Visually Impaired Media Unit
Valuable item
Valuable items are anything the customer has sent to us that they want back. The following items are treated as valuable items
- adoption certificates
- bank books
- bank cards
- bank drafts
- birth certificates
- building society books
- cash
- change of name deed
- cheques
- Conditional order (from 06 April 2022)
- Coroner’s report
- credit cards
- death certificates
- Decree absolute
- Decree nisi
- Final order (from 06 April 2022)
- marriage certificate
- mortgage certificates
- National Savings certificates
- non-UK certificate
- nursery education vouchers
- Order Books
- payable orders made out to
- customer
- DWP or Department for Communities (DfC)
- payment card
- postage stamps unused
- road fund tax disc
- stocks and shares certificates
- sub-contractor vouchers
- unit shares
- valid travel tickets or warrants.
Verification failure
Details entered on to the tax credits computer are verified by the computer to confirm that the information
- is in the correct format
- matches details already held on the computer
- matches details on other related computers
When the tax credits computer identifies a discrepancy these are known as verification failures.
These failures are entered on the Verification Failures work list.
The tax credits computer will also identify details that require a manual review - for example, residency queries. These cases will also be entered on the work list.
Visually Impaired Media Unit
The Visually Impaired Media Unit (VIMU) offers a service that can translate all HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) leaflets or written material into Braille, Large Print or on to Audiotape or CD ROM.
(This content has been withheld because of exemptions in the Freedom of Information Act 2000)