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TCM0322140 - Extra information - miscellaneous information: Child entitlement messages

The following error messages may display when you are amending the dates in the Start Date and Include From fields on the Child Entitlement Details screen in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.

For some of the error messages, you will need to use Function AMEND APPLICATION to correct the applicable entries in this function before you can proceed.

If an error message displays when you have entered a date in the Start Date and/or Include From field, follow the guidance below for the applicable field - for example, In Childcare for an entry in the In Childcare Start Date field.

Note: Use this guidance in conjunction with the appropriate backdating and entitlement history guidance.

Note: If you are dealing with a claim where the exception marker has been applied to any of the children/young persons included in the claim refer to the Exception Team.

General messages
In childcare
Full-time education
Connexions or Local Authority Support Services

General messages

‘Date must not be earlier than Date of Birth’


Your entry in one of the following fields is before the child’s date of birth

  • DOR Start Date
  • In Childcare Start Date
  • Disabled Start Date
  • DLA(HCC) / PIP (ER) Start Date.

Your entry in any of these fields cannot be before the child’s date of birth.

You must enter a date on or after the child’s date of birth.

‘Start date cannot be later than DD-MM-YYYY’


Your entry in one of the following fields is after the existing effective date

  • DOR Start Date
  • In Childcare Start Date
  • Full Time Education Start Date
  • Connexions or Local Authority Support Services Start Date
  • Disabled Start Date
  • DLA(HCC) / PIP (ER) Start Date.

The start date cannot be after the existing effective date.

You must

  • change the entry to before the existing effective date
  • amend the existing effective date on the Amend Effective Date screen.

‘Include From date cannot be later than DD-MM-YYYY’


Your entry in one of the following fields is after the existing effective date

  • DOR Include From Date
  • In Childcare Include From Date
  • Full Time Education Include From Date
  • Connexions or Local Authority Support Services Include From Date
  • Disabled Include From Date
  • DLA(HCC) / PIP (ER) Include From Date.

The include from date cannot be after the existing effective date.

You must

  • change the entry to before the existing effective date
  • amend the existing effective date on the Amend Effective Date screen.

‘Date must be provided’


You have removed an entry in one of the following fields

  • DOR Start Date
  • DOR Include From Date
  • In Childcare Start Date
  • In Childcare Include From Date
  • Full Time Education Start Date
  • Full Time Education Start Date
  • Connexions or Local Authority Support Sevices Start Date
  • Connexions or Local Authority Support services Include From Date
  • Disabled Start Date
  • Disabled Include From Date
  • DLA(HCC) / PIP (ER) Start Date
  • DLA(HCC) / PIP (ER) Include From Date.

You cannot remove an entry from any of the above if the field originally displayed a start date.

You must enter the date in the appropriate field.


‘Date cannot be prior to Start Date’


Your entry in one of the following fields is before the corresponding start date

  • DOR Include From Date
  • In Childcare Include From Date
  • Full Time Education Include From Date
  • Connexions or Local Authority Support Services Include From Date
  • Disabled Include From Date
  • DLA(HCC) / PIP (ER) Include From Date.

The include from date cannot be before the start date.

You must amend the start or include from date as appropriate.


New child error validation

‘Start date must not be earlier than 06/04/2017’


  • Enter date on or after 06/04/2017

‘Code must be 1-5’


  • Select Exception code

‘Date must not be earlier than date of birth’


  • Enter date on or after date of birth

‘Date must not be in the future’


  • Enter a present or past date

‘End date entered is earlier than Include from date. Please check’


  • Ensure end date is after include from date

‘End date must be prior to start date’


  • Ensure exception end date is not prior to exception start date

Child correction - Exception

‘Date of birth cannot be later than a historical start date of exception’


  • Enter correct date, on or after date of birth

‘Date of death must be later to current or historical exception start date’


  • Enter correct date of death, on or after exception start date

‘Start date cannot fall between the start and end date of a historical period of exception’


  • Enter correct start date, after historical period

‘Exception end date cannot fall between the start and end date of a historical period of exception’


  • Enter correct end date, after historical period

‘Code must be 1-5’


  • Select exception code

‘Start date must not be earlier than 06-04-2017’


  • Enter start date on or after 06/04/2107

‘Date must not be earlier than date of birth’


  • Enter correct date on or after date of birth

‘Date must not be in the future’


  • Enter correct date, past or present

‘Start date must not be later than date of death’


  • Enter correct start date, earlier than or equal to date of death

‘End date entered is earlier than include from date. Please check’


  • Enter correct end date, equal to or later than include from date

‘Exception end date cannot be entered which is prior to exception start date’


  • Enter correct end date,equal to or later than start date

‘End date must not be later than date of death’


  • Enter correct end date, on or before date of death

‘End date entered is earlier than include from date. Please check’


  • Enter correct end date equal to or later than include from date, date cannot be prior to start date

Amend Effective Date Child Details

‘Date must not be earlier than date of birth’


  • Enter date on or after date of birth

‘Start date must be outside a historical period of Exception’


  • Enter start date after historical end date

‘Start date must not be earlier than 06-04-2017


  • Enter date on or after 6/4/17

‘Start date cannot be earlier than the start date of responsibility for the child’


  • Enter date on or after date of responsibility

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‘Start Date must be outside a historical period of DOR’


You have entered a date in the DOR Start Date field - that is, on or before an earlier Date of Responsibility (DOR) end date for the child.

The DOR start date must be after an earlier DOR end date for the same child.

You must check the existing DOR end date in the Correction Child screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing DOR end date is correct, change the start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE to the day after the end date shown in Function AMEND APPLICATION.
  • If the existing DOR end date is incorrect
    • change the end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION
    • re-enter the DOR start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.

‘More than one Entitlement period for DOR exists for the child’


A period of DOR entitlement already exists for the child creating an overlap in DOR periods.

You cannot have overlapping entitlement periods of DOR for the same child at the new effective date.

You must check the details already held in the Correction Child screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing DOR entitlement period has ceased
    • enter the appropriate DOR end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION
    • re-enter the new start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.
  • If the existing DOR entitlement period is correct, check the details you are trying to enter in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE and action as appropriate.

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In childcare

‘Start Date must be outside a historical period of In Childcare.’


You have entered a date in the In Childcare Start Date field - that is, on or before an earlier in childcare end date for the child.

The in childcare start date must be after an earlier in childcare end date for the same child.

You must check the existing in childcare end date in the Correction Child screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing In Childcare end date is correct, change the start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE to the day after the end date shown in Function AMEND APPLICATION.
  • If the existing in childcare end date is incorrect
    • change the end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION
    • re-enter the start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.

‘More than one Entitlement period for childcare exists for the child’


A period of in childcare entitlement already exists for the child creating an overlap in, in childcare periods.

You cannot have overlapping entitlement periods of in childcare for the same child at the new effective date.

You must check the details already held in the Correction Child screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing in childcare entitlement period has ceased
    • enter the appropriate in childcare end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION
    • re-enter the new start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.
  • If the existing in childcare entitlement period is correct, check the details you are trying to enter in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE and action as appropriate.

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Full-time education

‘Start Date must not be prior to 1 September following the child’s 16th birthday’


You have entered a date in the Full Time Education Start Date field which is before 1 September following the child’s 16th birthday.

The Full-Time Education (FTE) start date must not be before 1 September following the child’s 16th birthday.

You must enter a date that is on or after 1 September following the child’s 16th birthday.

‘Full-Time Education start date must be earlier than Connexions or Local Authority Support Services Start Date if there is not a Connexions or Local Authority Support Servies End Date present’


You have entered a date in the Full Time Education Start Date field - that is, on or after an existing period of Connexions or Local Authority Support Services.

The full-time education start date must be before the Connexions or Local Authority Support Services start date if there is not a Connexions or Local Authority Support Services end date displayed.

You must change the full-time education start date so it is before the current Connexions or Local Authority Support Services start date.

‘Full-Time Education Start Date cannot fall between the start and end date of a historical period of Full-Time Education’


You have entered a date in the Full Time Education Start Date field - that is, on or before an earlier full-time education end date for the same child.

The full-time education start date must be after an earlier full-time education end date for the same child.

You must check the existing full time education end date in the Correction Child screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing full-time education end date is correct, change the start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE to the day after the end date shown in Function AMEND APPLICATION.
  • If the existing full-time education end date is incorrect
    • change the end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION
    • re-enter the start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.

‘More than one entitlement period for full-time education’


A period of full time education (FTE) entitlement already exists for the child creating an overlap in FTE periods.

You cannot have overlapping entitlement periods of FTE for the same child at the existing effective date.

You must check the details already held in the Correction Child screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing full-time education entitlement period has ceased
    • enter the appropriate FTE end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION
    • re-enter the new start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.
  • If the existing FTE entitlement period is correct, check the details you are trying to enter in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE and action as appropriate.

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Connexions or Local Authority Support Services

‘Changes to the Connexions or Local Authority Support Services Start Date must be made in Amend Application’


You are trying to enter a date in the Connexions or Local Authority Support Services Start Date field but this field cannot be amended in this function.

You must amend the entry in the Correction Child screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION.

‘Changes to the Connexions or Local Authority Support Services Include From Date must be made in Amend Application’


You are trying to enter a date in the Connexions or Local Authority Support Services Include From Date field but this field cannot be amended in this function.

You must amend the entry in the Correction Child screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION.

‘More than one Entitlement period for Connexions or Local Authority Support Services exists for the child’


A period of Connexions or Local Authority Support Services entitlement already exists for the child creating an overlap in connexions periods.

You cannot have overlapping entitlement periods of Connexions or Local Authority Support Services for the same child at the new effective date.

You must check the details already held in the Correction Child screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION and correct them if appropriate.

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‘Start Date must be outside a historical period of Disability’


You have entered a date in the Disabled Start Date field - that is, on or before an earlier disabled end date for the child.

The disability start date must be after an earlier disabled end date for the same child.

You must check the existing disabled end date in the Correction Child screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing disabled end date is correct, change the start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE to the day after the end date shown in Function AMEND APPLICATION.
  • If the existing disabled end date is incorrect
    • change the end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION
    • re-enter the start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.

‘More than one Entitlement period for disability exists for the disabled child’


A period of disabled entitlement already exists for the child creating an overlap in disability periods.

You cannot have overlapping entitlement periods of disability for the same child at the existing effective date.

You must check the details already held in the Correction Child screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing disability entitlement period has ceased
    • enter the appropriate disability end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION
    • re-enter the new start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.
  • If the existing disability entitlement period is correct, check the details you are trying to enter in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE and action as appropriate.

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‘Start Date must be outside a historical period of DLA (HCC) / PIP (ER)’

You have entered a date in the DLA (HCC) / PIP (ER) Start Date field - that is, on or before an earlier DLA (HCC) / PIP (ER) end date for the child.

The DLA (HCC) / PIP (ER) start date must be after an earlier disability end date for the same child.

You must check the existing DLA (HCC) / PIP (ER) end date in the Correction Child screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing DLA (HCC) / PIP (ER) end date is correct, change the start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE to the day after the end date shown in Function AMEND APPLICATION.
  • If the existing DLA (HCC) / PIP (ER) end date is incorrect
    • change the end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION
    • re-enter the start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.

‘More than one Entitlement period for DLA (HCC) / PIP (ER) exists for the child’

A period of DLA (HCC) / PIP (ER) entitlement already exists for the child creating an overlap in DLA (HCC) / PIP (ER) periods.

You cannot have overlapping entitlement periods of DLA (HCC) / PIP (ER) for the same child at the new effective date.

You must check the details already held in the Correction Child screen in Function AMEND APPLICATION

  • If the existing DLA (HCC) / PIP (ER) entitlement period has ceased
    • enter the appropriate DLA (HCC) / PIP (ER) end date in Function AMEND APPLICATION
    • re-enter the new start date in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE.
  • If the existing DLA (HCC) / PIP (ER) entitlement period is correct, check the details you are trying to enter in Function AMEND EFFECTIVE DATE and action as appropriate.