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TCM1000003 - How to tell if an annual declaration is incomplete

Step 1

On the ‘Function Menu’

  • select ‘Renewals’ on the toolbar
  • select ‘Capture Renewal Declaration’ from the options available. You will be taken to the ‘Key Entry Data - Renewal Declaration’ screen
  • enter the customer’s NINO
  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken to the ‘Select Household’ screen
  • select the relevant household from the options available
  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken to the ‘Income Benefits’ screen
    Note: An annual declaration is incomplete for PY when one or more of the following has not been provided by the customer - a tick in one of the benefit fields or an income figure in one of the income fields.
  • select ‘continue’. You will be taken to the ‘Declaration’ screen.
    Note: An annual declaration is incomplete when the customer has not provided a ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ answer in the ‘SOC Correct’ field.
    Note: An annual declaration can also be incomplete for PY-1 when the customer has not been provided an income figure in one of the income fields for PY-1.
    Note: If PY-1 income is required the ‘PY-1’ button is enabled, select ‘PY-1’ to go to the PY-1 Income screen.
    Note: An earnings amount is also expected when only Company Benefits has been entered in the income fields for both PY or PY-1.
    Note: Zero is only accepted as an income figure for self employed or other income.
    Note: An Incomplete work item can sometimes populate when the above criteria is met but the information given is not in an acceptable format.
    Note: An acceptable format is where the system and or an operator can determine what the information provided actually is.
    Note: Both answers to the personal circumstances box have been ticked.