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TCM1000009 - How to complete form TC664

Step 1

  • access the form TC664 from SEES
  • enter the customer details on the TC664 template
  • enter a reply date of 30 days in the future from today’s date
  • enter the missing details required to complete the customer’s renewal or Annual Declaration, following the standardised paragraphs

Note: Make sure that you have all the correct customer details before printing. These will be on the latest version of the award.

Note: If you need more information or query any information given ask the customer for this.

Note: If anything else is needed that is not within the standard paragraphs write the requested details on the form. Speak to your TALLO (Technical Advice Line Liaison Officer) as the standard paragraphs do not cover your needs.

  • print a copy of the form and sign it
  • post the enquiry to the customer.