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TCM1000011 - How to obtain details from the View S17 Details function

Step 1

On the ‘Function Menu’

  • select ‘Renewal’ on the toolbar
  • select ‘View S17 Details’. You will be taken to the ‘View Section 17 - Current Position’ screen
  • enter the customer’s NINO
  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken to the ‘Select S17 Period’ screen
  • select the relevant period
  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken to the ‘View Section 17 - Current Position’ screen
  • make a note of the date the Annual Declaration was received
  • go to Step 2.

Step 2

If you wish to view the S17 Notices details

  • select the ‘Details/RTI’ button below the ‘S17 Notices’ box. You will be taken to the ‘View Section 17 - Issue Details’ screen’

Note: RTI was introduced from April 2014.

Note: Where we have obtained RTI information and replayed it on the S17 to the customer, the ‘View RTI’ button will be enabled.

  • make a note of any information as required
  • select ‘Cancel’ to return to the ‘View S17 - Current Position’ screen.

If you wish to view the S17 Declaration Details

  • select the ‘Details/RTI’ button below ‘Declarations’ box. You will be taken to the View Section 17 - Declaration Details’ screen
  • go to Step 3.

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Step 3

If you wish to view RTI details only, go to Step 4.

Note: RTI was introduced from April 2014.

If you wish to view the information provided on the S17

  • make a note of the following details for the relevant customer you are dealing with

    • whether the ‘Pension Credit’, ‘IS’ or ‘JSA’ checkbox is selected
    • the amount of any taxable Social Security benefits
    • earnings as an employee
    • the amount of company car and fuel, taxable vouchers and payments in kind
    • the amount of any income from self-employment
    • the amount of any other income
    • the income type i.e. ‘Actual’, Estimate’ or ‘RTI’

Note: RTI was introduced from April 2014.

* the amount of PY-1 income

Note: If ‘PY-1’ is available, you will need to select this to obtain the PY-1 income details.

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Step 4

Where we have obtained RTI information and replayed it on the S17 to the customer, the ‘View RTI’ button will be enabled.

Note: RTI was introduced from April 2014.

If the ‘View RTI’ button is enabled

  • select ‘View RTI’ to display the RTI information
  • make a note of any information as required.

Note: If there is no RTI data, the checkbox ‘No RTI data for year’ will be checked.

If the ‘View RTI’ button is disabled

  • there is no RTI record.