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TCM1000065 - How to calculate recovered debt to be repaid, following a bankruptcy order

Note: Before taking any action make a note of the date that the Bankruptcy Order (BY) was granted.

Step 1

  • go to function ‘Household’
  • select ‘View Account’
  • enter the customers national insurance number (NINO)
  • select ‘All’
  • select ‘OK’
  • select the earliest award period that would cover the date of the ‘BY’
  • check for the amount in the ‘Recovered from this award’ field

If there is an amount, go to Step 2

If there is not an amount, go to Step 4.

Step 2

  • Select ‘Schedule’
  • check the ‘Issue Date’ field for the first date on or after the date of the ‘BY’ order
  • check for an amount in the ‘Amount Recovered’ fields

If there is an amount in the ‘Amount Recovered’ field, go to Step 3

If there is not an amount in the ‘Amount Recovered’ field, go to Step 4.

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Step 3

Note: Do not include suspended or future payments not yet made. Only paid amounts are to be checked and included.

  • make a note of the amount
  • repeat checking for recovered amounts until the rest of the paid amounts have been checked, and any amounts noted
  • go to Step 4.

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Step 4

  • Cancel out of this award version, then select the next applicable award version
  • repeat the process from the last item in Step 1 until all the award versions affected by the ‘BY’ order have been checked
  • when all award versions have been checked and the amounts noted, add all the amounts together
  • the total amount will be issued to the customer as a payment
  • return to the guidance you were following