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TCM1000113 - How to check SAR is in correct order

Step 1

The completed SAR should be in the following order

  • Rapid Data Capture (RDC) images
  • photocopied correspondence
  • the applicable screen prints from function ‘View Application’ in the following order
    • ‘Application Summary’
    • ‘Applicant 1 Additional Information’
    • ‘Applicant 2 Additional Information’
    • ‘Applicant Information’
    • ‘Children’
    • ‘Applicant 1 Work’
    • ‘Applicant 2 Work’
    • ‘Childcare Provider’
    • ‘Income’
    • ‘Payment’
  • the applicable screen prints from ‘Version History’ in date order
  • the following screen prints from function ‘Amend Application’
    • ‘Applicant Details - Applicant 1’
    • ‘UK National’
    • ‘Normally Live’
    • ‘Applicant Details - Applicant 2’
    • ‘UK National’
    • ‘Normally Live’
    • ‘Child Details’
    • ‘History - Responsibility’
    • ‘History - Hours Worked’
    • ‘History - Place of work’
    • ‘Childcare Details - Sterling’
    • ‘Change Childcare Provider - Sterling’
    • ‘Income - Applicant 1 - Sterling’
    • ‘History’ (Any IS, JSA or MIG history)
    • ‘Income - Applicant 2 - Sterling’
    • ‘History’ (Any IS, JSA or MIG history)
    • ‘Payment Details - Applicant 1’
    • ‘Payment Details - Applicant 2’
    • ‘Appointee’
  • the applicable screen prints from function ‘View Award’ in the following order
    • ‘View Award Period Summary’
    • ‘Award Summary (Sterling)’
    • ‘View Calculation’ WTC
    • ‘View Calculation’ CTC
    • ‘View Elements’
    • ‘View Taper Calculations’
    • ‘View Direct Payment Schedule - Household Sterling’
    • ‘PVE Details’
  • all the messages in function ‘Maintain Household Notes’
  • the following screen prints from function ‘View S17 Details’
    • ‘View Section 17 - Current Position’
    • ‘View Section 17 - Issue Details’
    • ‘View Section 17 - Declaration Details’.