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TCM1000114 - How to complete a Structured Electronic Document (SED)

Version 1.0

Changes to previous version - new guidance

Step 1

If the form is a SED F001 Request for determining competence, go to Step 2.

If the form is a SED F002 Reply for determining competence, go to Step 14.

If the form is a SED F003 Decision on competence, go to Step 24.

If the form is a SED F004 Request for clarifications, go to Step 36.

If the form is a SED F005 Reply to clarifications, go to Step 44.

If the form is a SED F006 Information about provisional decision on competence and benefits provided, go to Step 51.

If the form is a SED F007 Notification on disagreement on provisional decision, go to Step 59.

If the form is a SED F008 Decision after communication, go to Step 64.

If the form is a SED F0012 Request for reimbursement, go to Step 69.

If the form is a SED F0013 Reply to reimbursement, go to Step 79.

If the form is a SED F0014 Request for annual check of family benefit, go to Step 89.

If the form is a SED F0015 Reply to request for annual check of family benefit, go to Step 99.

If the form is a SED F0026 Request more information, go to Step 109.

If the form is a SED F0027 Reply to more information, go to Step 116.

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Step 2

SED F001 is a combination of E001, E401 and E411.

SED F001 is used in the following situations

  • new claim or a change in circumstances including:
  • commencement of employment (employed person, spouse / partner and other person)
  • commencement of receipt of pension
  • cessation of employment (employed person, spouse / partner and other person)
  • change of Member State of the residence of the entire family / spouse / partner / child / children
  • change in the child / children family relationship
  • request for reimbursement for family benefits
  • confirm the composition of the family

The sending institution fills in all of the available data to determine competency. This information should enable the receiving institution to amend / update its own records. In order to be able to use this SED as flexibly as possible there is an option to choose which information is being requested for example the composition of the family or if the provided information is to be confirmed.

  • complete Number of attachments and Date sent information

Note: Information of the competent institutions is registered in the Master Directory which is accessible on the Internet and is aimed to be downloaded at each access point when the Electronic Exchange of Social Security Information system is available.

Note: When a claim is submitted after the birth of a first child, the requesting institution may not know the address of the competent institution. In that case the SED is sent to the liaison body of the member state and transferred by the latter to the competent institution. Otherwise it is sent directly to the previously or simultaneously competent institution. If you are unsure which institution to send the SED to contact International Support Team.

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Step 3

Point 1. Case numbers

  • input our reference number (NINO) at 1.1
  • input the other member states reference number at 1.2 if known
  • go to Step 4 

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Step 4

Point 2. Receipt of application for family benefits

  • input date the claim was received or the date the change of circumstances was received at 2.1
  • select Type of claim either New claim or Change in circumstance at 2.2
  • select Information on application either to confirm provided or to request information at 2.3. For example if you are asking the other member state to confirm the composition of the family, tick the box Provide us with the information in points
  • complete points for which more information is needed at 2.4. For example input Point 9 if you require the other member state to confirm the composition of the family. This box is free text and can expand to 250 characters.
  • go to Step 5 

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Step 5

Point 3. Information about change in circumstances

Note: The requesting institution should choose the box referring to the person / persons concerned by the change where the type of claim in point 2.2 is change in circumstances.

  • select who the change in circumstances refer to at 3
  • go to Step 6 

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Step 6

Point 4. Additional request for information

Note: Free text which expands up to 500 characters

  • request any further information
  • go to Step 7 

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Step 7

Point 5. Claimant

  • tick the relevant box at 5.1

Note: Coverage by social security schemes simply means entitled to family benefits in the member state.

  • input Entitlement to family benefit start and end dates at 5.2.1 and 5.2.2 if applicable
  • complete 5.3 where Other reason has been selected explain the reason for no entitlement
  • input Surname(s) at 5.4.1
  • input Forenames at 5.4.2
  • input Birth date at 5.4.3
  • select relevant box for Sex details at 5.4.4
  • input Family name(s) at birth at 5.4.5 if known
  • input Forename(s) at birth at 5.4.6 if known
  • complete and if you have the Personal identification number of the person
  • complete to 5.6.5 if you do not have the Personal identification number of the person. If any of the information is not known leave blank, for example Mothers forename at birth this is information we may not have
  • select relevant Family relationship box at 5.7.1
  • input details of Other relationship where selected at 5.7.2

Note: This can be for example widow to person.

  • input Name of person in valid relationship at 5.7.3
  • input start and end date of latest relationship at 5.7.4 if available
  • complete whether claimant is a member of the same household at 5.7.5
  • select at 5.8 Status of person, the relevant box of Employment status at 5.8.1 or Other at 5.8.2

Note: Where Other is selected explain the reason for entitlement and where the reason for entitlement is pension select the relevant box in Type of pension.

  • input the Employment start and end dates at Points and
  • select the relevant box at 5.9.1 according to the customer’s pension status
  • input the start and end dates at and
  • input start and end dates at 5.10.1 and 5.10.2 if the person has had any periods of employment in the sending Member State
  • input the start and end where the person has had a period of residence in the UK at and
  • input dates at 5.11.2 and 5.11.3 where the customer has or is to leave the UK
  • complete 5.12 where applicable

Note: Where there is a difference of views between the institutions of two or more Member States about the residence of the person to whom the basis Regulations apply, explain the personal situation stating all the facts.

Note: Do not complete 5.13 to 5.13.2 as these are the customer’s bank details and the UK do not disclose these details

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Step 8

Points 6 and 7. Information on spouse / partner or other person

Note: The above datasets are identical to Point 5 and should be filled in the same way where the information is relevant and available.

  • complete the necessary information of the spouse / partner or other person for the counterparty
  • go to Step 9

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Step 9

Point 8. Claiming authority

Note: This point is to be completed only if the child / children is in the care of an authority, organisation or department which is claiming family benefit.

  • input Reason for authority claim at 8.1

Note: This point can be expanded to include additional information.

  • complete 8.2 to 8.4.5 where applicable

Note: points 8.5 to 8.5.2 should not be completed

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Step 10

Point 9. Information on child(ren)

  • complete 9.1 to 9.6 with the necessary information of the child(ren) for the counterparty
  • go to Step 11 

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Step 11

Point 10 and 11. Amount, name and currency for family benefits per child and Total amount of family benefit(s) for the entire family

  • complete 10.1 to 10.7 and 11.1 to 11.6 where applicable

Note: Indicate the amount of benefits either per child or entire family.

Note: Fields are repeatable for more than one child or different kinds of family benefits.

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Step 12

Point 12 and 13. Request for overpayment reimbursement per child / for the entire family

Note: Where the member state sending the F001 knows that it has overpaid its benefits it can indicate this at Point 12 and 13. This may be the case when it has been aware of a change in competence.

Note: Indicate the amount of benefits to be requested to be reimbursed either per child or the entire family.

Note: Fields are repeatable for more than one child or different kinds of family benefits.

  • complete 12.1 to 12.6 and 13.1 to 13.5 where applicable

Note: 12.6 should only be completed if reimbursement is being requested

Note: 13.6 to 13.8 should only be completed if reimbursement is being requested

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Step 13

Point 14. Attachments

Note: If you are sending another SED with this one for example F026 for further information which cannot be obtained on F001 state the SED number at 14.1

  • complete at 14.1 where applicable
  • complete Signature of the sending institution details


  • Date
  • Signature
  • Stamp

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Step 14

SED F002 is a combination of E001, E401 and E411.

SED F002 is used in the following situations

  • as a reply to F001 and should not be sent before F001
  • as a reply to F004 or F005
  • as those described in F001. Before sending F002 the member state may request clarification from the other member state with F004. F002 can be used several times during the same flow.
  • to inform about the provisional decision of secondary competence according to Article 68 (1) and (2) of Regulation (EC) No 883/2004 and then later where the counterparties have not been able to come to a common understanding about the priority after consultation, to inform about the provisional payment of benefits according to Article 6(2) in Regulation (EC) No 987/2009.
  • all requests and replies for reimbursement for family benefits
  • as a communication between member states before a member state can state that it disagrees
  • to contain information on agreement / disagreement and reasons for the decision
  • to inform the other member state that the member state that has issued F001 or F002 that it agrees or disagrees with the provisional decision of the other member state

Note: Where no agreement is reached the case will finally be taken for the consultation of the Administrative Commission. The disagreeing parties will agree on how to proceed with the consultation with the Administrative Commission but this should happen only on very rare occasions. If any dispute has not been resolved within one month from the date of disagreement, the case should be sent to International Planning Support Team.

  • complete Number of attachments and Date sent information

Note: Information of the competent institutions is registered in the Master Directory which is accessible on the Internet and is aimed to be downloaded at each access point when the electronic exchange of information is available. It is acceptable whilst staff are using the paper version of the SEDs that the mandatory data identified with an * is not quoted. As with the E forms, the name and address of the institution will suffice. Phone, fax numbers and e mail are also not required.

Note: When a claim is submitted after the birth of a first child, the requesting institution may not know the address of the competent institution. In that case the SED is sent to the liaison body of the member state and transferred by the latter to the competent institution. Otherwise it is sent directly to the previously or simultaneously competent institution. If you are unsure which institution to send the SED to contact International Support Team.

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Step 15

Point 1. Case numbers

Note: The replying institution fills in its own case number which is mandatory (sending institution) and repeats the case number of receiving institutions.

  • input our reference number (NINO) at 1.1
  • input receiving institution reference number at 1.2 if known
  • go to Step 16 

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Step 16

Point 2. Receipt of application for family benefits

  • input Date of receipt of the claim or the date the change of circumstances was received at 2.1

Note: The replying institution states here the date on which it has received the application for family benefits either directly by the claimant or by transmission from the requesting institution. The date on which the claim was submitted to the first is the same as to the latter institution. These dates can be important in a conflict situation where a decision about provisional payment of benefits has to be made according to article 6(2) in Regulation (EC) No 987/2009 and the conflict concerns the residence of the child. In this situation the provisional payment should be made by the member state who first received an application.

  • select Type of claim either New claim or Change in circumstance at 2.2
  • select Information on application either to confirm the provided information or to request information at 2.3. For example if we have asked the other member state to confirm the composition of the family they will tick the box We confirm the provided information.
  • complete points for which more information is needed at 2.4 if required
  • go to Step 17 

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Step 17

Points 3 and 4. Information about change in circumstances

Note: The requesting institution should choose the box referring to the person / persons concerned by the change where the type of claim in point 3is change in circumstances.

  • select who the change in circumstances refer to at 3
  • complete Additional information at 4. 1 if required

Note: The requesting institution can specify in free text any additional information which is either provided, requested or for which verification is required. The field can be expanded to include information up to 500 spaces.

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Step 18

Points 5, 6, 7 and 9. Information on claimant / souse or partner / other person / child / children 

  • fill in the necessary information of the claimant / spouse or partner / other person / child / children for the counterparty

Note: The mandatory fields to be filled in by the replying institution are fields of identification items, family names(s), date of birth, sex.

  • fill in the PINs if known.

Note: The place of birth is necessary for several member states to identify the person without PIN. During electronic exchange of information place of birth is mandatory field, if the person is not identified with PIN of the counterparty. Where place of birth is not known write unknown in that point. If the person’s family name at birth is different from the father’s or mother’s family name then mention the father’s or mother’s family name at person’s birth. If the entire family is living together and it has been confirmed there is no need to repeat the address of the person.

Points 5.12, 6.12, 7.12 and 9.6. Personal situations element

  • explain the situation where necessary

Note: Where there is a difference of views between the institutions of two or more Member States about the residence of the person to whom the basis Regulations apply, explain the personal situation stating all the facts.

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Step 19

Point 8. Claiming authority

Note: This point is to be completed only if the child / children is in the care of an authority, organisation or department which is claiming family benefit.

  • input Reason for authority claim at 8.1

Note: This point can be expanded to include additional information.

  • complete 8.2 to 8.4.5 where applicable

Note: 8.5, 8.5.1 and 8.5.2 leave blank

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Step 20

Points 10 and 11. Amount, name and currency for family benefits per child and Total amount of family benefit(s) for the entire family

  • complete 10.1 to 10. 7 and 11.1 to 11. 6 where applicable

Note: Indicate the amount of benefits either per child or entire family.

Note: Fields are repeatable for more than one child or different kinds of family benefits.

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Step 21

Point 12 and 13. Request or reply to request of / for overpayment reimbursement per child / for the entire family

Note: In these points the replying member state should confirm whether it reimburses or requires overpayment reimbursement.

Note: Where the replying member state is not able to reimburse the requested overpayment or if it is only able to reimburse partially the reason for this should be stated in field Additional information.

Note: Mention the amount of benefits you request or reply to reimbursement either per child or entire family. Fields are repeatable for more than one child or different kinds of family benefits and fill in bank details

  • complete 12.1 to 12.7 and 13.1 to 13.7.2 where applicable
  • go to Step 22

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Step 22

Point 14. Reply to request of overpayment reimbursement

  • insert if reimbursement available, if not state the reason why at 14.1
  • go to Step 23

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Step 23

Point 15 Attachments

  • complete at 15.1 where applicable
  • complete Signature of the sending institution details


  • Date
  • Signature
  • Stamp

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Step 24

SED F003 is a combination of E001, E401 and E411.

SED F003 is used in the following situations

  • as a reply to either F001 or F002
  • as a reply to F001 to inform the other Member State of a decision on primary competence under Article 68 of EC Regulation 883/04 or secondary competence under Article 58 of EC Regulation 987/09
  • as a reply to F002 to inform the grounds for a decision on primary or secondary competency
  • as a request of or reply to overpayment reimbursement


  • complete Number of attachments if necessary and Date sent information

Note: Information of the competent institutions is registered in the Master Directory which is accessible on the Internet and is aimed to be downloaded at each access point when the electronic exchange of information is available. It is acceptable whilst staff are using the paper version of the SEDs that the mandatory data identified with an * is not quoted. As with the E forms, the name and address of the institution will suffice. Phone, fax numbers and e mail are also not required.

Note: When a claim is submitted after the birth of a first child, the requesting institution may not know the address of the competent institution. In that case the SED is sent to the liaison body of the member state and transferred by the latter to the competent institution. Otherwise it is sent directly to the previously or simultaneously competent institution. If you are unsure which institution to send the SED to contact International Support Team.

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Step 25

Point 1. Case numbers

Note: The replying institution fills in its own case number which is mandatory (sending institution) and repeats the case number of receiving institutions.

  • input reference number (NINO) at 1.1
  • input other member states reference number at 1.2 if known
  • go to Step 26 

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Step 26

Point 2. Decision

  • complete relevant points by inputting start and end dates at to
  • Note Primary competence means the member state is competent to pay full rate benefit. Secondary competence means the member state is competent to consider a supplement, or a combination of both.
  • complete Content of decision at 2.2 advising grounds for decision and information on benefits provided
  • This is a free text part for characters up to 500
  • go to Step 27 

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Step 27

Points 3, 4, 5 and 7. Information on claimant / spouse or partner / other person / child / children 

  • fill in the necessary information of the claimant / spouse or partner / other person / child / children for the counterparty

Note: The mandatory fields to be filled in by the replying institution in case the information on F001 is otherwise correct are fields of identification items, family names(s), date of birth, sex.

  • fill in the PINs if known.

Note: The place of birth is necessary for several member states to identify the person without PIN. During electronic exchange of information place of birth is mandatory field, if the person is not identified with PIN of the counterparty. Where place of birth is not known write unknown in that point. If the person’s family name at birth is different from the father’s or mother’s family name then mention the father’s or mother’s family name at person’s birth. If the entire family is living together and it has been confirmed there is no need to repeat the address of the person.

Points 3.12, 4.12, 5.12 and 7.6. Personal situations element

  • explain the situation where necessary

Note: Where there is a difference of views between the institutions of two or more Member States about the residence of the person to whom the basis Regulations apply, explain the personal situation stating all the facts.

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Step 28

Point 6. Claiming authority

Note: This point is to be completed only if the child / children is in the care of an authority, organisation or department which is claiming family benefit.

  • input Reason for authority claim at 6.1

Note: This point can be expanded to include additional information.

  • complete 6.2 to 6.4.5 where applicable

Note: The bank details should not be given to the other member state.

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Step 29

Points 8 and 9. Amount, name and currency for family benefits per child and Total amount of family benefit(s) for the entire family

  • complete 8.1 to 8.7 and 9.1 to 9.6 where applicable

Note: Indicate the amount of benefits either per child or entire family.

Note: Fields are repeatable for more than one child or different kinds of family benefits.

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Step 30

Point 10, 11, 12 and 13. Request of or reply to overpayment reimbursement per child / for the entire family

Note: In these points the replying member state should confirm whether it reimburses or requires overpayment reimbursement.

Note: Where the replying member state is not able to reimburse the requested overpayment or if it is only able to reimburse partially the reason for this should be stated in field Additional information.

Note: Mention the amount of benefits you request or reply to reimbursement either per child or entire family. Fields are repeatable for more than one child or different kinds of family benefits and fill in bank details

  • complete 10.1 to 13.8 where applicable
  • go to Step 31

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Step 31

Point 14. Additional information

  • input any relevant additional information at 14.1

Note: Free text box which will expand up to 500 characters

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Step 32

Point 15. Grounds for request of overpayment reimbursement

  • complete at 15.1 where applicable
  • Free text up to 500 characters
  • go to Step 33 

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Step 33

Point 16. Competence

  • input the date the benefit(s) will be paid from at 16.1
  • go to Step 34 

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Step 34

Point 17. Claim for reimbursement with article 58 of 987/2009

Note: Article 58 will be used very rarely.

  • outline details at 17.1
  • Free text up to 500 characters
  • go to Step 35

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Step 35

Point 18. Attachments

  • complete at 18.1 advising number of appropriate SED where applicable
  • complete Signature of the sending institution details


  • Date
  • Signature
  • Stamp

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Step 36

SED F004 and F005 replaces E001.

SED F004 and F005 are used in the following situations

  • as a request / reply for clarification
  • when there is a need for clarification, verification or more information
  • when a member state is not sure if it agrees with the decision on competence which it has received from the other member state for example F001 or F002
  • F004 and F005 can also be used after notification of a disagreement of a provisional decision after negotiation with F002

Note: When F004 is used for getting further information about the grounds for the provisional decision, the communication has to take place within a two months time limit.

Note: With SED F005 the member state that had made a decision concerning competence with SED F002 will give clarification of the points that the requesting member state indicated in point 2 of the SED F004.

  • complete Number of attachments if necessary and Date sent information

Note: Information of the competent institutions is registered in the Master Directory which is accessible on the Internet and is aimed to be downloaded at each access point when the electronic exchange of information is available.

Note: When a claim is submitted after the birth of a first child, the requesting institution may not know the address of the competent institution. In that case the SED is sent to the liaison body of the member state and transferred by the latter to the competent institution. Otherwise it is sent directly to the previously or simultaneously competent institution. If you are unsure which institution to send the SED to contact International Support Team.

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Step 37

  • complete Number of attachments if necessary and Date sent information

Note: Information of the competent institutions is registered in the Master Directory which is accessible on the Internet and is aimed to be downloaded at each access point when the electronic exchange of information is available.

Note: When a claim is submitted after the birth of a first child, the requesting institution may not know the address of the competent institution. In that case the SED is sent to the liaison body of the member state and transferred by the latter to the competent institution. Otherwise it is sent directly to the previously or simultaneously competent institution. If you are unsure which institution to send the SED to contact International Support Team.

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Step 38

Point 1. Case numbers

  • input our reference number (NINO) at 1.1
  • input the other member states reference number at 1.2 if known
  • go to Step 39 

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Step 39

Point 2. Clarify the grounds for the decision

  • input the date of decision clarification is needed for at 2.1
  • tick the relevant box of the person concerned
  • complete the box for information or clarification needed and for the person(s) concerned at 2.3 to 2.8 Note 2.8 is free text up to 500 characters
  • go to Step 40 

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Step 40

Point 3. Claimant

Note: Coverage by social security schemes simply means entitled to family benefits in the member state.

  • tick the relevant box at 3.1
  • input the date that entitlement to family benefit started and ended at 3.2.1 and 3.2.2
  • complete 3.3 where Other reason has been selected explain the reason for no entitlement
  • input Family name(s) at 3.4.1
  • input Forenames at 3.4.2
  • input Birth date at 3.4.3
  • select relevant box for Sex details at 3.4.4
  • input Family name(s) at birth at 3.4.5 if known
  • input Forename(s) at birth at 3.4.6 if known
  • complete and if you have the Personal identification number of the person
  • complete to 3.6.5 if you do not have the Personal identification number of the person if information is known
  • go to Step 41 

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Step 41

Points 4, 5 and 7 Information on spouse / partner, other person, child / children

Note: The above datasets are identical to Point 3 and should be filled in the same way where the information is relevant and available.

  • complete the necessary information of the spouse / partner, other person, child / children for the counterparty
  • go to Step 42

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Step 42

Point 6. Claiming authority

Note: This point is to be completed only if the child / children is in the care of an authority, organisation or department which is entitled to family benefit.

Note: This part is only to be completed if an authority such as a Local Authority is claiming for the child/ren

  • input Reason for authority claim at 6.1

Note: This point can be expanded to include additional information.

  • complete 6.2 to 6.4.5 where applicable

Note: Do not complete 6.5.

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Step 43

Point 8. Connection to other SED(s)

  • complete at 8.1 where applicable
  • complete Signature of the sending institution details


  • Date
  • Signature
  • Stamp

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Step 44

SED F004 and F005 are used in the following situations

  • as a request / reply for clarification
  • when there is a need for clarification, verification or more information
  • when a member state is not sure if it agrees with the decision on competence which it has received from the other member state for example F001 or F002
  • F004 and F005 can also be used after notification of a disagreement of a provisional decision, for communication after negotiation with F002

Note: When F004 is used for getting further information about the grounds for the provisional decision, the communication has to take place within a two months time limit.

Note: With SED F005 the member state that had made a decision concerning competence with SED F002 will give clarification of the points that the requesting member state indicated in point 2 of the SED F004.

  • complete Number of attachments and Date sent information

Note: Information of the competent institutions is registered in the Master Directory which is accessible on the Internet and is aimed to be downloaded at each access point when the electronic exchange of information is available.

Note: When a claim is submitted after the birth of a first child, the requesting institution may not know the address of the competent institution. In that case the SED is sent to the liaison body of the member state and transferred by the latter to the competent institution. Otherwise it is sent directly to the previously or simultaneously competent institution. If you are unsure which institution to send the SED to contact International Support Team.

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Step 45

Point 1. Case numbers

  • input sending institution case number (NINO) at 1.1
  • input receiving institution case number at 1.2 if known
  • go to Step 46 

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Step 46

Point 2. Reply to requested clarification on the grounds for our decision concerning

  • insert the date of decision clarification is needed for in format DD/MM/YYYY at 2.1
  • tick the relevant box at 2.2
  • complete the box for information or clarification needed and person(s) concerned at 2.3 to 2.7
  • complete Additional request/information for clarification at 2.8 where required
  • go to Step 47 

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Step 47

Point 3. Claimant

Note: Coverage by social security schemes simply means entitled to family benefits in the member state.

  • tick the relevant box at 3.1
  • input the dates employment started and ended at 3.2.1 and 3.2.2
  • complete 3.3 where Other reason has been selected explain the reason for no entitlement
  • input Family name(s) at 3.4.1
  • input Forenames at 3.4.2
  • input Birth date at 3.4.3
  • select relevant box for Sex details at 3.4.4
  • input Family name(s) at birth at 3.4.5 if known
  • input Forename(s) at birth at 3.4.6 if known
  • complete and if you have the Personal identification number of the person
  • complete to 3.6.5 if you do not have the Personal identification number of the person

Note: Do not complete 3.7.

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Step 48

Points 4, 5 and 7 Information on spouse / partner, other person, child / children

Note: The above datasets are identical to Point 3 and should be filled in the same way where the information is relevant and available.

  • complete the necessary information of the spouse / partner, other person, child / children for the counterparty
  • go to Step 49

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Step 49

Point 6. Claiming authority

Note: This point is to be completed only if the child / children is in the care of an authority, organisation or department which is entitled to family benefit.

  • input Reason for authority claim at 6.1

Note: This point can be expanded to include additional information.

  • complete 6.2 to 6.4.5 where applicable

Note: Do not complete at 6.5.

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Step 50

Point 8. Connection to other SED(s)

  • complete at 8.1 where applicable
  • complete Signature of the sending institution details


  • Date
  • Signature
  • Stamp

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Step 51

SED F006 is a combination of E001 and E411.

SED F006 is used in the following situations

  • where a member state decides that it’s legislation is applicable but not by priority right in accordance with Article 68(1) and (2) of EC Regulation 883/04
  • as a notification of a provisional decision on the priority rules to be applied (claim form to be forwarded to the other Member State)
  • to inform where there is a difference of views between the institutions about which legislation is applicable and Article 6(2) to (5) of EC Regulation 987/09 applies


  • complete Number of attachments if necessary and Date sent information

Note: Information of the competent institutions is registered in the Master Directory which is accessible on the Internet and is aimed to be downloaded at each access point when the electronic exchange of information is available.

Note: When a claim is submitted after the birth of a first child, the requesting institution may not know the address of the competent institution. In that case the SED is sent to the liaison body of the member state and transferred by the latter to the competent institution. Otherwise it is sent directly to the previously or simultaneously competent institution. If you are unsure which institution to send the SED to contact International Support Team.

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Step 52

Point 1. Case numbers

  • input sending institution case number (NINO) at 1.1
  • input receiving institution case number at 1.2 if known
  • go to Step 53 

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Step 53

Point 2. Inform the reason for provisional decision

  • input the Reason for the provisional decision at 2.1
  • Note Free Text up to 500 characters
  • go to Step 54 

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Step 54

Points 3, 4, 5 and 7. Information on claimant / spouse or partner / other person / child / children 

  • fill in the necessary information of the claimant / spouse or partner / other person / child / children for the counterparty
  • fill in the PINs if known.

Note: The place of birth is necessary for several member states to identify the person without PIN. During electronic exchange of information place of birth is mandatory field, if the person is not identified with PIN of the counterparty. Where place of birth is not known write unknown in that point. If the person’s family name at birth is different from the father’s or mother’s family name then mention the father’s or mother’s family name at person’s birth. If the entire family is living together and it has been confirmed there is no need to repeat the address of the person.

Points 3.12, 4.12, 5.12 and 7.6. Personal situations element

Note: Where there is a difference of views between the institutions of two or more Member States about the residence of the person to whom the basis Regulations apply, explain the personal situation stating all the facts.

Note: Do not complete at 3.13.

Top of page

Step 55

Point 6. Claiming authority

Note: This point is to be completed only if the child / children is in the care of an authority, organisation or department which is entitled to family benefit.

Note Complete this part if an authority such as a Local Authority has claimed Child Benefit for the child/ren

  • input Reason for authority claim at 6.1

Note: This point can be expanded to include additional information.

  • complete 6.2 to 6.4.5 where applicable

Note: Do not complete 6.5.

Top of page

Step 56

Point 8 and 9. Amount, name and currency for family benefits per child and Total amount of family benefit(s) for the entire family

  • complete 8.1 to 8.7 and 9.1 to 9.6 where applicable

Note: Indicate the amount of benefits either per child or entire family.

Note: Fields are repeatable for more than one child or different kinds of family benefits.

Top of page

Step 57

Point 10 and 11. Request for overpayment reimbursement per child / for the entire family

Note: Indicate the amount of benefits to be requested to be reimbursed either per child or the entire family.

Note: Fields are repeatable for more than one child or different kinds of family benefits.

  • complete 10.1 to 10.7 and 11.1 to 11.8 where applicable
  • go to Step 58

Top of page

Step 58

Point 12. Attachments

  • complete at 12.1 mentioning the number of the relevant SED where applicable
  • complete Signature of the sending institution details


  • Date
  • Signature
  • Stamp

Top of page

Step 59

SED F007 replaces E001.

SED F007 is used in the following situations

  • to inform the other Member State that it disagrees with the decision received
  • to inform the other Member State that it disagrees with their provisional decision according to Article 60(3) of EC Regulation 987/09 made on either SED F003 or F006
  • can be sent missing out F004 and F005

Note: The Member States should try to resolve the disagreement before F007 is sent.

  • complete Number of attachments if necessary and Date sent information

Note: Information of the competent institutions is registered in the Master Directory which is accessible on the Internet and is aimed to be downloaded at each access point when the electronic exchange of information is available.

Note: When a claim is submitted after the birth of a first child, the requesting institution may not know the address of the competent institution. In that case the SED is sent to the liaison body of the member state and transferred by the latter to the competent institution. Otherwise it is sent directly to the previously or simultaneously competent institution. If you are unsure which institution to send the SED to contact International Support Team.

Top of page

Step 60

Point 1. Case numbers

  • input sending institution case number (NINO) at 1.1
  • input receiving institution case number at 1.2 if known
  • go to Step 61 

Top of page

Step 61

Point 2. We disagree with provisional decision

  • input Date of your decision at 2.1
  • complete at 2.2 to 2.7 where applicable
  • complete Additional grounds for disagreement at 2.8
  • Note 2.8 Free text up to 500 characters
  • go to Step 62 

Top of page

Step 62

Points 4, 5, 6 and 7. Information on claimant / spouse or partner / other person / child / children 

  • fill in the necessary information of the claimant / spouse or partner / other person / child / children for the counterparty

Note: The mandatory fields to be filled in by the replying institution in case the information on F001 is otherwise correct are fields of identification items, family names(s), date of birth, sex.

  • fill in the PINs if known.

Note: The place of birth is necessary for several member states to identify the person without PIN. During electronic exchange of information place of birth is mandatory field, if the person is not identified with PIN of the counterparty. Where place of birth is not known write unknown in that point. If the person’s family name at birth is different from the father’s or mother’s family name then mention the father’s or mother’s family name at person’s birth. If the entire family is living together and it has been confirmed there is no need to repeat the address of the person.

Points 4.12, 5.12, 6.12 and 7.2. Personal situations element

Note: Where there is a difference of views between the institutions of two or more Member States about the residence of the person to whom the basis Regulations apply, explain the personal situation stating all the facts.

Top of page

Step 63

Point 12. Attachments

  • complete at 8.1 mentioning the number of the relevant SED where applicable
  • complete Signature of the sending institution details


  • Date
  • Signature
  • Stamp

Top of page

Step 64

SED F008 replaces E001.

SED F008 is used in the following situations

  • to provide information on agreement / disagreement and the reasons for the decision
  • should follow F007


  • complete Number of attachments if necessary and Date sent information

Note: Information of the competent institutions is registered in the Master Directory which is accessible on the Internet and is aimed to be downloaded at each access point when the electronic exchange of information is available.

Note: When a claim is submitted after the birth of a first child, the requesting institution may not know the address of the competent institution. In that case the SED is sent to the liaison body of the member state and transferred by the latter to the competent institution. Otherwise it is sent directly to the previously or simultaneously competent institution. If you are unsure which institution to send the SED to contact International Support Team.

Top of page

Step 65

Point 1. Case numbers

  • input sending institution case number (NINO) at 1.1
  • input receiving institution case number at 1.2 if known
  • go to Step 66 

Top of page

Step 66

Point 2. Information on agreement / disagreement

  • input the date of the decision you agree with at 2.1
  • input the date of the decision you disagree with at 2.2
  • complete Additional information at 2.3
  • go to Step 67 

Top of page

Step 67

Points 3. Claimant

  • select relevant Coverage by social security scheme box at 3.1
  • complete the start and end date of entitlement to family benefit at 3.2 to 3.2.2 where Covered by security scheme in sending Member State selected at 3.1
  • complete at 3.3 where Other reason selected at 3.1
  • complete at 3.5 to 3.6.5 where appropriate
  • go to Step 68 

Top of page

Step 68

Point 4. Attachments

  • complete at 4.1 mentioning the number of the relevant SED where applicable
  • complete Signature of the sending institution details


  • Date
  • Signature
  • Stamp

Top of page

Step 69

SED F012 is a combination of E001 and E411.

SED F012 is used in the following situations

  • to request reimbursement for family benefits
  • to request reimbursement if this action is appropriate at a late date
  • to request reimbursement where there has been a provisional payment of benefits by either Member State according to Article 6(2) of EC Regulation 987/09

Note: Most reimbursement requests will have already been on F001, F002, F003 and F006.

  • complete Number of attachments and Date sent information

Note: Information of the competent institutions is registered in the Master Directory which is accessible on the Internet and is aimed to be downloaded at each access point when the electronic exchange of information is available.

Note: When a claim is submitted after the birth of a first child, the requesting institution may not know the address of the competent institution. In that case the SED is sent to the liaison body of the member state and transferred by the latter to the competent institution. Otherwise it is sent directly to the previously or simultaneously competent institution. If you are unsure which institution to send the SED to contact International Support Team.

Top of page

Step 70

Point 1. Case numbers

  • input sending institution case number (NINO) at 1.1
  • input receiving institution case number at 1.2 if known
  • go to Step 71 

Top of page

Step 71

Point 2. We request the reimbursement of

  • input Date of the overpayment decision at 2.1.1
  • select relevant Grounds for request of overpayment reimbursement 2.2
  • go to Step 72 

Top of page

Step 72

Point 3. Additional information

  • complete Additional information at 3.1

Note: Free text up to 500 characters

Top of page

Step 73

Point 4. Beneficiary (person)

  • select relevant Coverage by social security scheme box at 4.1
  • complete start and end dates of entitlement to family benefit at 4.2 to 4.2.2 where Covered by security scheme in sending Member State selected at 4.1
  • complete at 4.3 where Other reason selected at 4.1
  • complete at 4.4 to 4.6.5 where appropriate
  • go to Step 74 

Top of page

Step 74

Point 5. Beneficiary (authority)

  • complete at 5.1 to 5.3.5 where appropriate
  • Note complete only if an authority such as a Local Authority has made a claim to Child Benefit for the child/ren
  • go to Step 75 

Top of page

Step 75

Point 6. Information of child / children

  • complete at 6.1 to 6.4 where appropriate
  • go to Step 76

Top of page

Step 76

Point 7 and 8. Amount, name and currency for family benefits per child and Total amount of family benefit(s) for the entire family

  • complete 7.1 to 7.7 and 8.1 to 8.6 where applicable

Note: Indicate the amount of benefits either per child or entire family.

Note: Fields are repeatable for more than one child or different kinds of family benefits.

Top of page

Step 77

Point 9 and 10. Request for overpayment reimbursement per child / for the entire family

Note: Indicate the amount of benefits to be requested to be reimbursed either per child or the entire family.

Note: Fields are repeatable for more than one child or different kinds of family benefits.

  • complete 9.1 to 9.7 and 10.1 to 10.7.2 where applicable
  • go to Step 78

Top of page

Step 78

Point 11. Attachments

  • complete at 11.1 mentioning the number of the relevant SED where applicable
  • complete Signature of the sending institution details


  • Date
  • Signature
  • Stamp

Top of page

Step 79

SED F013 is used in the following situations

  • to reply to a reimbursement request
  • to reply to a request reimbursement where there has been a provisional payment of benefits by either Member State according to Article 6(2) of EC Regulation 987/09

Note: Most reimbursement requests replies will have already been on F001, F002, F003 and F006.

  • complete Number of attachments if necessary and Date sent information

Note: Information of the competent institutions is registered in the Master Directory which is accessible on the Internet and is aimed to be downloaded at each access point when the electronic exchange of information is available.

Note: When a claim is submitted after the birth of a first child, the requesting institution may not know the address of the competent institution. In that case the SED is sent to the liaison body of the member state and transferred by the latter to the competent institution. Otherwise it is sent directly to the previously or simultaneously competent institution. If you are unsure which institution to send the SED to contact International Support Team.

Top of page

Step 80

Point 1. Case numbers

  • input sending institution case number (NINO) at 1.1
  • input receiving institution case number at 1.2 if known
  • go to Step 81 

Top of page

Step 81

Point 2. Reply to request for reimbursement

  • input Date of the decision at 2.1.1
  • select relevant box at Grounds for request of overpayment reimbursement at 2.2
  • go to Step 82 

Top of page

Step 82

Point 3. Additional information

  • complete Additional information at 3.1
  • Free text up to 500 characters
  • go to Step 83 

Top of page

Step 83

Point 4. Beneficiary (person)

  • select relevant Coverage by social security scheme box at 4.1
  • complete start and end dates of entitlement to family benefit at 4.2 to 4.2.2 where Covered by security scheme in replying Member State selected at 4.1
  • complete at 4.3 where Other reason selected at 4.1
  • complete at 4.4 to 4.6.5 where appropriate
  • go to Step 84 

Top of page

Step 84

Point 5. Beneficiary (authority)

  • complete at 5.1 to 5.3.5 where appropriate
  • Note only complete if an authority such as a Local Authority has claimed Child Benefit for the child/ren
  • go to Step 85 

Top of page

Step 85

Point 6. Information of child / children

  • complete at 6.1 to 6.4 where appropriate
  • go to Step 86

Top of page

Step 86

Point 7 and 8. Amount, name and currency for family benefits per child and Total amount of family benefit(s) for the entire family

  • complete 7.1 to 7.7 and 8.1 to 8.6 where applicable

Note: Indicate the amount of benefits either per child or entire family.

Note: Fields are repeatable for more than one child or different kinds of family benefits.

Top of page

Step 87

Point 9 and 10. Reply to request of overpayment reimbursement per child / for the entire family

Note: Indicate the amount of benefits to be requested to be reimbursed either per child or the entire family.

Note: Fields are repeatable for more than one child or different kinds of family benefits.

  • complete 9.1 to 9.7 and 10.1 to 10.7.2 where applicable
  • go to Step 88

Top of page

Step 88

Point 11. Attachments

  • complete at 11.1 mentioning the number of the relevant SED where applicable
  • complete Signature of the sending institution details


  • Date
  • Signature
  • Stamp

Top of page

Step 89

Note: The UK carries out it’s annual reviews with the customer, however, other member states may send us F014 to ask about changes in circumstance.

SED F014 is used in the following situations

  • for the competent member state to check at least annually with the other competent member state for any possible changes in circumstance

Note: It is up to each member states legislation or procedures whether it makes this check and / or how often this check is made.

  • where the competent member state is paying benefits for family members residing in another member state and needs to check for any possible changes in circumstance for example changes in the employment status of a family member

Note: In the basic situations where either of the member states receives information that may affect the competence or amount of benefits paid, it will be notified with SED F001 instead of F014.

  • complete Number of attachments if necessary and Date sent information

Note: Information of the competent institutions is registered in the Master Directory which is accessible on the Internet and is aimed to be downloaded at each access point when the electronic exchange of information is available.

Note: When a claim is submitted after the birth of a first child, the requesting institution may not know the address of the competent institution. In that case the SED is sent to the liaison body of the member state and transferred by the latter to the competent institution. Otherwise it is sent directly to the previously or simultaneously competent institution.

Top of page

Step 90

Point 1. Case numbers

  • input sending institution case number (NINO) at 1.1
  • input receiving institution case number at 1.2 if known
  • go to Step 91 

Top of page

Step 91

Point 2. Receipt of application for family benefits

  • input Date of receipt of the application at 2.1

Note: This same information is also contained by the replying member state if it has received an application either directly by the claimant or by transmission from the requesting institution. These dates can be important in a conflict situation where a decision about provisional payment of benefits has to be made according to article 6(2) in Regulation (EC) No 987/2009 and the conflict concerns the residence of the child. In this situation the provisional payment should be made by the member state who first received an application.

  • select relevant box Information on application at 2.2
  • complete Points for which more information is needed at 2.3 where Provide us with information in points has been selected at 2.2

Note: 2.3 Free text up to 500 characters

Top of page

Step 92

Point 3. Information about change in circumstances

  • select the relevant box if a change in circumstance has occurred

Note: Where there has been a change previous to the annual check, consider whether to use F001 instead of F014. It is advisable to use F001 in these circumstances.

Top of page

Step 93

Point 4. Additional request for information

Note: Indicate here all the relevant information regarding the change in circumstances or if there has been no change at all in circumstances indicate it here. This ensures you avoid the need to complete more than the mandatory fields of the identification items of persons in points claimant, spouse/ or partner, other person and child / children.

Note: Free text up to 500 characters

Top of page

Step 94

Points 5, 6, 7 and 9. Information on claimant / spouse or partner / other person / child / children 

  • where there has been no change in circumstances fill in the necessary information of the claimant / spouse or partner / other person / child / children for the counterparty

Note: The mandatory fields to be filled in are fields of identification items, family names(s), forename(s), date of birth, sex.

  • fill in the PINs if known.

Note: The place of birth is necessary for several member states to identify the person without PIN. During electronic exchange of information place of birth is mandatory field, if the person is not identified with PIN of the counterparty. Where place of birth is not known write unknown in that point. If the person’s family name at birth is different from the father’s or mother’s family name then mention the father’s or mother’s family name at person’s birth. If the entire family is living together and it has been confirmed there is no need to repeat the address of the person.

Points 5.12, 6.12, 7.12 and 9.6. Personal situations element

Note: Where there is a difference of views between the institutions of two or more Member States about the residence of the person to whom the basis Regulations apply, explain the personal situation stating all the facts.

Top of page

Step 95

Point 8. Claiming authority

Note: This point is to be completed only if the child / children is in the care of an authority, organisation or department which is claiming and entitled to family benefit.

  • input Reason for authority claim at 8.1

Note: This point can be expanded to include additional information.

  • complete 8.2 to 8.5.2 where applicable
  • go to Step 96 

Top of page

Step 96

Point 10 and 11. Amount, name and currency for family benefits per child and Total amount of family benefit(s) for the entire family

  • complete 10.1 to 10.7 and 11.1 to 11.6 where applicable

Note: Indicate the amount of benefits either per child or entire family.

Note: Fields are repeatable for more than one child or different kinds of family benefits.

Top of page

Step 97

Point 12 and 13. Request for overpayment reimbursement per child / for the entire family

Note: Indicate the amount of benefits to be requested to be reimbursed either per child or the entire family.

Note: Fields are repeatable for more than one child or different kinds of family benefits.

  • complete 12.1 to 12.7 and 13.1 to 13.8 where applicable

Note:12.1 to 12.7 should only be selected as a variable if reimbursement is being requested by child

Note:13.1 to 13.8 should only be selected as a variable if reimbursement is being requested for the entire family

Top of page

Step 98

Point 14. Connection to other SED(s)

Note: If you are sending another SED with this one for example F026 for further information state this at 14.1

  • complete at 14.1 where applicable
  • complete Signature of the sending institution details


  • Date
  • Signature
  • Stamp

Top of page

Step 99

SED F015 is used in the following situations

  • where the competent member state replies to the annual request from the other competent member state of any possible change in circumstances
  • to reply to F014


  • complete Number of attachments if necessary and Date sent information

Note: Information of the competent institutions is registered in the Master Directory which is accessible on the Internet and is aimed to be downloaded at each access point when the electronic exchange of information is available.

Note: When a claim is submitted after the birth of a first child, the requesting institution may not know the address of the competent institution. In that case the SED is sent to the liaison body of the member state and transferred by the latter to the competent institution. Otherwise it is sent directly to the previously or simultaneously competent institution.

Top of page

Step 100

Point 1. Case numbers

  • input sending institution case number (NINO) at 1.1
  • input receiving institution case number at 1.2 if known
  • go to Step 101 

Top of page

Step 101

Point 2. Receipt of application for family benefits

  • input Date of receipt of the application at 2.1

Note: This same information is also contained by the replying member state if it has received an application either directly by the claimant or by transmission from the requesting institution. These dates can be important in a conflict situation where a decision about provisional payment of benefits has to be made according to article 6(2) in Regulation (EC) No 987/2009 and the conflict concerns the residence of the child. In this situation the provisional payment should be made by the member state who first received an application.

  • select relevant box Information on application at 2.2
  • complete Points for which more information is needed at 2.3 where Provide us with information in points has been selected at 2.2
  • Note 2.3 Free text up to 500 characters
  • go to Step 102 

Top of page

Step 102

Point 3. Information about change in circumstances

  • select the relevant box if a change in circumstance has occurred

Note: Where there has been a change previous to the annual check, consider whether to use F001 instead of F014. It is advisable to use F001 IN these circumstances.

Top of page

Step 103

Point 4. Additional request for information

Note: Indicate here all the relevant information regarding the change in circumstances or if there has been no change at all in circumstances indicate it here. This ensures you avoid the need to complete more than the mandatory fields of the identification items of persons in points claimant, spouse/ or partner, other person and child / children.

Note: Free text up to 500 characters

Top of page

Step 104

Points 5, 6, 7 and 9. Information on claimant / spouse or partner / other person / child / children 

  • fill in the necessary information of the claimant / spouse or partner / other person / child / children for the counterparty

Note: The mandatory fields to be filled in by the replying institution are fields of identification items, family names(s), date of birth, sex and the items listed by the requesting institution in point 2.3 if available.

  • fill in the PINs if known.

Note: The place of birth is necessary for several member states to identify the person without PIN. During electronic exchange of information place of birth is mandatory field, if the person is not identified with PIN of the counterparty. Where place of birth is not known write unknown in that point. If the person’s family name at birth is different from the father’s or mother’s family name then mention the father’s or mother’s family name at person’s birth. If the entire family is living together and it has been confirmed there is no need to repeat the address of the person.

Points 5.12, 6.12, 7.12 and 9.6. Personal situations element

Top of page

Step 105

Point 8. Claiming authority

Note: This point is to be completed only if the child / children is in the care of an authority, organisation or department which is claiming and entitled to family benefit.

  • input Reason for authority claim at 8.1

Note: This point can be expanded to include additional information.

  • complete 8.2 to 8.4.5 where applicable
  • do not complete 8.5
  • go to Step 106 

Top of page

Step 106

Point 10 and 11. Amount, name and currency for family benefits per child and Total amount of family benefit(s) for the entire family

  • complete 10.1 to 10.7 and 11.1 to 11.6 where applicable

Note: Indicate the amount of benefits either per child or entire family.

Note: Fields are repeatable for more than one child or different kinds of family benefits.

Top of page

Step 107

Point 12 and 13. Request for overpayment reimbursement per child / for the entire family

Note: Indicate the amount of benefits to be requested to be reimbursed either per child or the entire family.

Note: Fields are repeatable for more than one child or different kinds of family benefits.

  • complete 12.1 to 12.7 and 13.1 to 13.8 where applicable

Note:12.1 to 12.7 should only be selected as a variable if reimbursement is being requested by child

Note:13.1 to 13.7.2 should only be selected as a variable if reimbursement is being requested for the entire family

  • input the reasons for requesting overpayment reimbursement at 13.8
  • go to Step 108 

Top of page

Step 108

Point 14. Connection to other SED(s)

Note: If you are sending another SED with this one for example F026 for further information state this at 14.1

  • complete at 14.1 where applicable
  • complete Signature of the sending institution details


  • Date
  • Signature
  • Stamp

Top of page

Step 109

SED F026 replaces E001.

SED F026 is used in the following situations

  • to request any further information

Note: It must always be used if for circumstances which are not covered in other family benefit SEDs.

  • where in some member states family benefit can continue beyond specified age limits if the child continues to attend school or college or is registered as being unemployed. In this case the member state sends F026 to ask information about the child. This SED could also be connected to SED F001 for determining competency.
  • where a member state needs information about income.
  • Note only relevant in some member states
  • That member state sends F026 to the other member state if there are some special income related benefits.
  • when a child is adopted in one member state and parent or person treated as such and the child has moved to another member state whish is competent to grant family benefits. The member state of present residence asks the member state of adoption about relevant information and documents.

Note: F026 should be used if there are special requirements according to national legislation.

  • complete Number of attachments if necessary and Date sent information

Note: Information of the competent institutions is registered in the Master Directory which is accessible on the Internet and is aimed to be downloaded at each access point when the electronic exchange of information is available.

Note: When a claim is submitted after the birth of a first child, the requesting institution may not know the address of the competent institution. In that case the SED is sent to the liaison body of the member state and transferred by the latter to the competent institution. Otherwise it is sent directly to the previously or simultaneously competent institution. If you are unsure which institution to send the SED to contact International Support Team.

Top of page

Step 110

Point 1. Case numbers

  • input sending institution case number (NINO) at 1.1
  • input receiving institution case number at 1.2 if known
  • go to Step 111 

Top of page

Step 111

Point 2. Requested information

Note: In this point if the requested information concerns the child / children , mention the forename, family name and date of birth of the child or person and the point number for requested information.

Note: You are able to request information of more than one child / person.

  • complete at 2.1 if appropriate

Note: Free text up to 500 characters

Top of page

Step 112

Point 3. Person

  • complete necessary information

Note: Coverage by social security schemes simply means entitled to family benefits in the member state.

Note: The place of birth is necessary for several member states to identify the person without PIN. During electronic exchange of information place of birth is mandatory field, if the person is not identified with PIN of the counterparty. Where place of birth is not known write unknown in that point. If the person’s family name at birth is different from the father’s or mother’s family name then mention the father’s or mother’s family name at person’s birth.

Top of page

Step 113

Points 4 to 10. Request of different kind of information

  • select the relevant box information is requested

Note: Some points are not relevant to all member states.

Note: In case some other information or request is needed, use additional request / information field.

Top of page

Step 114

Point 11. Additional request

  • complete for any additional request at 11.1 to include additional information up to 500 spaces
  • go to Step 115 

Top of page

Step 115

Point 12. Connection to other SED(s)

Note: If you are sending another SED with this one state this at 12.1.

  • complete at 12.1 where applicable
  • complete Signature of the sending institution details


  • Date
  • Signature
  • Stamp

Top of page

Step 116

SED F027 replaces E001.

SED F027 is used in the following situation

  • the replying Member State provides the additional information it has been asked for on F026


  • complete Number of attachments if necessary and Date sent information

Note: Information of the competent institutions is registered in the Master Directory which is accessible on the Internet and is aimed to be downloaded at each access point when the electronic exchange of information is available. If you are unsure which institution to send the SED to contact International Support Team.

Top of page

Step 117

Point 1. Case numbers

  • input sending institution case number (NINO) at 1.1
  • input receiving institution case number at 1.2 if known
  • go to Step 118 

Top of page

Step 118

Point 2. Reply to requested information

Note: This point is for the reply.

Note: These points can be expanded to include additional information up to 500 spaces.

  • complete Reply at 2.1
  • go to Step 119 

Top of page

Step 119

Point 3. Person

  • complete necessary information

Note: If the PIN is not known provide as much detail to identify the person as possible.

Top of page

Step 120

Points 4 to 10.

  • complete points 4 to 10 where necessary
  • go to Step 121 

Top of page

Step 121

Point 11. Reply to additional request

Note: This field is meant for any additional information and can be expanded to include additional information up to 500 spaces

  • complete 11.1 where necessary
  • go to Step 122

Top of page

Step 122

Point 12. Attachments

Note: If some other SED is attached to this one mention the number of that SED at 12.1

  • complete at 12.1 where applicable
  • complete Signature of the sending institution details


  • Date
  • Signature
  • Stamp