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TCM1000125 - How to update notes on CMA in a rejected claim

Step 1

If you are accessing CMA for the first time, go to Step 2.

If you are not accessing CMA for the first time, go to Step 3.

Step 2

On the desktop

  • select start
  • select ‘all programs’
  • select ‘contact centres’
  • select ‘NTC CMA’
  • go to Step 4.

Step 3

On the desktop

  • select start
  • select ‘NTC CMA’
  • go to Step 4.

Step 4

  • select ‘continue’
  • select ‘take a call’
  • select ‘caller type’ ‘CAB’
  • enter the customer’s NINO in the reference number box
  • select ‘proceed’
  • select ‘pass’ on ‘name’, ‘D.O.B’ and ‘current address’
  • select ‘proceed’
  • select ‘pass’ on ‘name’ and ‘Date of birth’ of child
  • select ‘proceed’
  • select ‘wrap up’ in the top right hand corner
  • select ‘general enquiry’ in the subject
  • select ‘advice given’ in the second subject
  • select reason ‘caller requesting info’
  • select action ‘NTC update’
  • select ‘add’
  • add the relevant note in the ‘notes’ box
  • select ‘call complete’.