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TCM1000137 - How to identify if new PY income has an impact on PY entitlement

Step 1

On the ‘Function Menu’

  • select ‘Award on the toolbar
  • select ‘View ’ from the options available. You will be taken to the ‘Key Entry Data - Applicant’ screen
  • enter the customer’s NINO
  • select the ‘All’ checkbox
  • select ‘OK’
    Note: A message may display stating you are denied access to that customer’s details. If this happens, follow the guidance in TCM0068160.
  • You will be taken to the ‘Select Award’ screen
  • select the latest award version for the previous year
  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken to the ‘Award Summary’ screen
  • go to Step 2

Note: The signals box may appear when you select ‘OK’. Select ‘cancel’ to close the signals box.

{#}Step 2

In the award summary screen

  • select ‘Applicant Details’ from the available options at the bottom of the award summary screen. You will be taken to the ‘Applicant and Household Income Details’ screen

Note: If you identify that both income figures are not shown in the ‘Changes in Income box’ you must return to the guidance that you were directed from, at Step 26.

Note: If only one figure is shown in the ‘Changes in Income box’ go to Step 3 of this guidance

  • Check the new previous year income against the figures shown in the ‘Changes in income’ box at the bottom of the ‘Applicant and Household Income Details’ screen, and make a note of the outcome for the scenario that applies:
    • If the new previous year income figure falls on or within the lower or upper figures shown, it will have no impact on the PY entitlement for the customer
    • If the new previous year income figure does not fall on or within the lower or upper figures shown, it will have an impact on the PY Entitlement

{#}Step 3

Note: This step must be used where you have identified that the ‘Changes in income’ box only shows one income figure, and the other figure is blank or states ‘Not required’.

  • Check the new previous year income against the figure shown in the ‘Changes in income’ box at the bottom of the ‘Applicant and Household Income Details’ screen, and make a note of the outcome for the scenario that applies:
    • If you have identified that only a lower income figure is shown in the ‘Changes in income’ box, and the new previous year income figure is higher than or the same as this figure, it will have no impact on the PY entitlement for the customer
    • If you have identified that the new previous year income figure is not higher than or is the same as the lower figure shown, it may have an impact on the PY Entitlement, and you must return to the guidance you were directed from at Step 26
    • If you have identified that only a upper figure is shown in the ‘Changes in income’ box, and the new previous year income figure is lower than or the same as this figure, it will have no impact on the PY entitlement for the customer
    • If you have identified that the new previous year income figure is not lower than, or is the same as the upper figure shown, it may have an impact on the PY entitlement, and you must return to the guidance you were directed from at Step 26