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TCM1000160 - How to delete a work list item

Version 1.0

Changes to previous version - new guidance

Step 1

Note: A work list item will remain on a work list until either you take action to clear it or circumstances change and the item no longer needs to be reviewed. When this happens the tax credits computer will automatically delete the work list item

  • instantly so that the cases you clear disappear from the work list once you complete your work on them
  • periodically during the day so that these cases may not disappear from a particular work list instantly
  • overnight, therefore the cases you clear on one day will stay on the work list until the following day.

Note: Some entries cannot be manually deleted from the work list. They will require a particular action to be carried out. If this is the case the ‘Delete’ button will not be available.

Note: You must take care when manually deleting a work list item. Once you have deleted a work item it is permanently deleted and you will not be able to see the work item again.

If you decide after reviewing or working a work list item that no further action is necessary and the item can be deleted

  • on the ‘Function Menu’
  • select ‘Worklists’ on the toolbar
  • select ‘Maintain’ from the options available. You will be taken to the ‘Maintain Worklist’ screen
  • select the relevant work list item form the ‘Worklist Type’ field
  • select the relevant MU number from the ‘Management Unit’ field. The work list will display the work items that are currently on it
  • select the relevant work list item
  • select ‘Delete’. You have deleted the work list item.