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TCM1000172 - How to amend or delete Appointee details

Version 1.0

Changes to previous version - new guidance.

Step 1

On the ‘Function Menu’

  • select ‘Application’ on the toolbar

If you’re amending the appointee details, go to Step 2

If you’re deleting the appointee details, go to Step 3

If you’re capturing appointee details, go to Step 4

Step 2

Select the ‘Correction’ option

  • go to ‘Applicant Details’
  • select ‘ApT’ on the toolbar menu. You will be taken to the ‘Appointee’ screen
  • enter the appointee details
  • enter the reason for the appointee change in the ‘Reason’ field
  • go to Step 5

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Step 3

If the claim is pre-award

  • use function ‘Capture Application’
  • go to the Summary Information screen
  • select the ‘No’ checkbox in the ‘All Signatures Present’ field

Note: If appointee details have already been captured, delete them

  • select the ‘Change of Circumstances’ option
  • go to Step 5

If the claim is post award

  • use function ‘Amend Application’
  • go to ‘Applicant Details’
  • select ‘ApT’ on the toolbar menu. You will be taken to the ‘Appointee’ screen
  • delete the appointee details
  • go to Step 5 

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Step 4

If the claim is pre-award

  • use function ‘Capture Application’
  • select ‘ApT’ on the toolbar menu. You will be taken to the ‘Appointee’ screen
  • capture the appointee details

Note: When entering the details the only characters that are valid are alpha characters (A-Z), hyphen (-), apostrophe (‘) and space. If any other characters are entered the claim will remain at status ‘Awaiting Award’ until the invalid characters are removed.

If the claim is post award

  • use function ‘Amend Application’
  • go to ‘Applicant Details’
  • select ‘ApT’ on the toolbar menu. You will be taken to the ‘Appointee’ screen
  • capture the appointee details
  • go to Step 5

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Step 5

If the payment details need amending

  • use function ‘Amend Application’
  • select ‘Pm1’ on the toolbar menu
  • amend payment details
  • go to Step 6

If the payment details don’t need amending, go to Step 6

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Step 6

Select the ‘OK’ button. You will be taken to the ‘Amend Finish’ screen

  • enter the date the notification of the change was received
  • enter the source of the change for example telephone or paper
  • enter the reason for the change
  • select ‘OK’. The computer will automatically accept the amendments made

Note: If the message ‘The year(s) you are changing has been finalised EOY do you wish to proceed?’ displays, the changes you are making will re-finalise the claim. Follow the guidance in TCM0042260 before making the change.

Note: The changes made will not be applied until you complete the ‘Amend Finish’ screen.

Replace this message with the main body of the text, please remember to use the correct WIT styles