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TCM1000182 - How to add an additional child to a post award claim

Version 1.0

Changes to previous version - new guidance

Step 1

On the ‘Function Menu’

  • select ‘Application’ on the toolbar
  • select ‘Change of Circumstances’ from the options available. You will be taken to the ‘Key Entry Data’ screen
  • enter the customer’s NINO
  • select the relevant checkbox
  • select ‘OK’.

If you are taken to the ‘Select Household’ screen

  • select the relevant claim
  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken to the ‘Applicant Details’ screen
  • go to Step 2.

If you are taken to the ‘Select Application’ screen

  • select the relevant claim
  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken to the ‘Applicant Details’ screen
  • go to Step 2.

If you are taken straight to the ‘Applicant Details’ screen, go to Step 2.

Top of page

Step 2

On the ‘Applicant Details’ screen

Note: If the ‘Signals’ screen displays, select ‘OK’.

  • select ‘Ch’ on the toolbar. You will be taken to the ‘Child Details’ screen
  • select ‘New’. You will be taken to the ‘New Child Details’ screen
  • enter the child’s surname in the ‘Surname’ field
  • enter the child’s first names in the ‘First Names’ field
  • enter the child’s date of birth in the ‘Date of Birth’ field

Note: If the customer has not been responsible for the child since the child was born, you will need to enter the date the child entered the household in the ‘Responsibility Start Date’ field.

  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken back to the ‘Child Details’ screen
  • select ‘OK’. You will be taken to the ‘Amend Finish’ screen
  • do not complete the ‘Amend Finish’ screen at this point, just return to the guidance you were previously following.