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TCM1000198 - How to check if the customer receives IS, JSA, ESA or PC

Step 1

On the ‘Function Menu’

  • select ‘Application’ on the toolbar
  • select ‘View’ from the options available. You’ll be taken to the ‘Key Entry Data’ screen
  • enter the customer’s NINO
  • select ‘OK’.
  • select the relevant claim
  • select ‘OK’. You’ll be taken to the ‘Applicant Summary’ screen
  • go to Step 2.

If you’re taken to the ‘Select Household’ screen

If you’re taken to the ‘Select Application’ screen

  • select the relevant claim
  • select ‘OK’. You’ll be taken to the ‘Applicant Summary’ screen
  • go to Step 2.
  • select ‘Continue’ until you reach the ‘Income’ screen
  • check for details of benefits received shown in the ‘CTC qualifying benefits’ box as

If you’re taken straight to the ‘Applicant Summary’ screen, go to Step 2.

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Step 2

On the ‘Applicant Summary’ screen

  • Income Support (IS)
  • Jobseekers Allowance (JSA) and Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) will both display as ‘JSA’
  • Pension Credit (PC)
    Note: If the claim is for a two person household, check both income 1 and income 2 screens for a marker.

If there are any qualifying benefits shown, the customer (or customers) is in receipt of that benefit.

If there aren’t any qualifying benefits shown, the customer (or customers) isn’t in receipt of those benefits.